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    • 1、组合练(十三)阅读理解完形填空语法填空.阅读理解AIf youre a regular travel or outdoor blogger, please consider sharing a National Park story on Walking The Parks.Here are our guest post guidelines.About Our ReadersOur readers are planning to visit one of the 61 US national parks and are looking for specific information that can help them plan their trip.As you well know, there are many things to do in the parks that can be squeezed into one vacation.Your article should help readers confidently make decisions about what

      2、 to do to create a memorable vacation.To do this, we like articles that focus on a single topic and take a deep dive.You may have dozens of stories about each national park.It will benefit our readers if each story is about a unique area or activity in the park.What to WriteYour article should be about a story that blends (融合) your personal experience with facts that help your readers decide if they want a similar adventure.GuidelinesGenerally it takes 1,2001,500 words to create a meaningful hik

      3、ing story.However, this isnt set in stone.Were more interested in a quality story than the word count.4 to 5 landscape photos that you or someone in your party took.Please link to relevant research to help our readers learn even more.Submit your idea for a guest post! If youre interested in sharing your story, please send us an email.Please include a link to your personal blog.We do respond to everyone as quickly as possible.However, if were traveling it might take a week or so.We look forward t

      4、o reading about your adventure.语篇解读本文是一篇应用文。文章是Walking The Parks网站征集游记博文的指南。1Who is the text probably intended for?AInexperienced tourists.BAmateur photographers.CProfessional tour guides.DExperienced travel bloggers.解析:推理判断题。根据第一段中的“If youre a regular travel or outdoor blogger,please consider.”可以推断,本文的目标读者是有经验的游记博主,因此正确答案为D。答案:D2What are the guest posts expected to help readers do?AMake their travel plans.BShare their adventure stories.CRecord their memorable vacation.DLearn more about research

      5、 on national parks.解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Our readers are planning to visit one of the 61 US national parks and are looking for specific information that can help them plan their trip.”可知,正确答案为A。答案:A3Which of the following is a requirement for the guest post?AIt must be limited within 1,500 words.BIt must include as many photos as possible.CIt should focus on more than one specific topic.DIt should include the writers personal experience.解析:细节理解题。根据What to Write介绍中的“Your article should be about a stor

      6、y that blends your personal experience with facts that help your readers decide if they want a similar adventure.”可知,正确答案为D。答案:DBWhen Bren Browns young daughter had her trust unexpectedly betrayed by friends, the mother had to figure out a way to discuss trust in a way that would make sense to a young mind.What she came up with was brilliant.It all began when Browns thirdgrade daughter, Ellen, came home from school and immediately broke down into tears.As a mom, Brown was frightened and asked El

      7、len repeatedly what had happened.“She pulled herself together enough to say, Something really hard happened to me today at school and I shared it with a couple of my friends during breaks.And by the time we got back into the classroom, everyone in my class knew what had happened.They were laughing at me and calling me names,” she says. The incident had been so annoying that Ellens teacher issued a consequence to the whole class: She removed marbles (玻璃弹球) out of the classroom “marble jar”When th

      8、e children make good choices together, marbles are added.When they make poor choices, marbles get removed.When the marble jar gets filled, the class gets a celebration.Though the consequence was issued, Ellen was no less hurt by the time she got home.“She said, It was one of the worst moments of my life,”Brown says.“She looked at me and said, I will never trust anyone again.” “I took a deep breath and said,Ellen, trust is like a marble jar.You share those hard stories and things that are happeni

      9、ng to you with friends.Over the time, you will have filled up their marble jar, and then they will keep all your secrets, for they believe in you too,” Brown says.In other words, like receiving a celebration from Ellens classroom marble jar, trust is a reward that must be earned, so just go on to trust them until one day they pay off.This explanation was exactly what Ellen needed to hear.Brown asked Ellen, “Does that make sense?” Ellen said, “Yes, that makes sense!”语篇解读本文是一篇记叙文。Brown用绝妙的方式给自己的女儿解释了什么是信任。4Why was Ellen angry with her friends?AThey were hard on her.BThey let out her secret.CThey didnt play with her.DThey used to make fun of her.解析:细节理解题。根据第二段的“And by the time we got back into the classroom,everyone in my class knew what had happened.”可知,Ellen生气的原因是朋友们泄露了她的秘密。答案:B5Whats the function of the classroom “marble jar”?


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