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    • 1、河北省邢台市2024届高三质量检测一模英语试卷学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、阅读理解As the second largest city of the Republic of Korea, Busan draws global attention. Here are some routes for visitors to have fun.The First RouteStart off at the Haeundae Beach, where you can take a walk, sip a coffee, or try local fishcakes before heading up to BUSAN X the SKY. This observatory occupies the top floors of the citys highest structure, where youl1 be attracted by the wonderful urban views. You can also visit the old Haedong Yonggunsa Tem

      2、ple along the route.The Second RouteWith its popular Songdo Cable Car moving quickly over the water to a park, this route offers amazing views of the citys traditional core. Its just a quick taxi to the Yeongdo Island, home to some of Busans oldest neighborhoods, including the Huinnyeoul Culture Village. Overlooking the water, the whole picture that you can see is arguably the most romantic scene.The Third RouteAs a port city, you should head to the old harbor district of Nampo-dong to find its

      3、real charm. This is where youll find the Jagalchi Market, the open-air seafood market thats not only a strong wave to the senses but also the citys living and beating heart. Walk along its gathering as you see fresh seafood from the sea, along with the vendors (摊贩) who sell it all.The Fourth RouteShinsegae Centum City is not far from the Gwangalli Beach, a crowded area of sand,cafes, and eateries looking out across the water to the Gwangan Bridge. There will be a cool drone (无人机) show on Saturda

      4、y in the evening of a hot summer and a fireworks festival in November. For a unique experience, book a sunset stand up paddle boarding (SUP) trip to the bridge back with professional surfers.1What do the first two routes have in common?A. They both have cool drone shows.B. They both have thrilling water parks.C. They both have historical attractions.D. They both have popular coffee stores.2What makes the third route special?A. Its SUP trip above the water.B. Its open and wide view.C. Its scenic

      5、walking hotspot.D. Its impressive market.3Which route provides the flying object show?A. The Fourth Route.B. The Second Route.C. The Third Route.D. The First Route.Yu Zeling, an award-winning master of paper cutting, fills her studio with cutouts of animals, people, and scenes that are so vivid that they seem to leap from the walls. Her art covers village life in Ansai, a rural district in Shaanxi Province.Ms. Yu came to paper cutting in the late 1970s as naturally as she breathed the earthy air

      6、.“We were very poor, and when it was time to celebrate the New Year, we all put paper-cuts on the windows to decorate our houses,” she says, recalling the holiday at her childhood home. Ms. Yu and others are working to keep the folk art alive, even as it evolves away from its roots as adornment for farmhouses.The art originated in China in the centuries after paper was invented in A. D. 105. Full of auspicious (吉利的) symbols from daily life, the decorations represented good weather, many offsprin

      7、g, long life, wealth, and happiness.Using newspaper, Ms. Yu first practiced cutting the image of a Chinese national flag that she saw in a school textbook. She cut it 100 times before she was satisfied. Then her aunt took over, introducing her to increasingly complicated traditional themes.Ms. Yu was later invited to train in the Ansais Cultural Center. After years of training,Ms.Yu became a master in her own right, winning one award after another. Her works are on display in museums. But shes h

      8、umble about her achievements. “I was, and still am, a farmer,” she says with a smile.Hoping to carry on and grow the folk art, Ms. Yu volunteers to teach at free community training sessions. Paper cutting is also taught in Ansais public schools. Ms. Yu is aware of the need to go beyond protecting traditions and embrace new paper-cut experiments.4What does the underlined word “adornment” in paragraph 2 mean?A. Celebration.B. Symbol.C. Invention.D. Decoration.5What can be learned about paper cutti

      9、ng from the text?A. It has cultural value.B. It features animals.C. It attracts the young.D. It remains in fashion.6Which word best describes Ms. Yu?A. Authoritative.B. Vain.C. Devoted.D. Competitive.7What is the text likely to be?A. A brief history of paper cutting.B. A new approach to paper cutting.C. An introduction to a paper cutting master.D. The direction of a traditional paper cutting.A recent study conducted by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has discovered that river erosion (侵蚀) can lead to increased biodiversity in areas with minimal tectonic (地壳构造的) activity. The researchers focused their attention on the Tennessee River Basin and examined how the erosion of various rock types by the river had led to the separation and diversification of a type of fish called the greenfin darter. As time passed, these separat


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