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【最新】高中英语人教版必修1课时跟踪检测五 Word版含解析

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    • 1、最新教学资料人教版英语课时跟踪检测(五)Warming Up & Reading Language Points.单句语法填空1He graduated from the University of Hawaii.2At first she promised to attend my wedding, but later she changed her mind.3He cares about nothing but money, not even his parents and friends.4It is always the husband who/that gives in first when a quarrel breaks out between the young couple.5Ever since then, he comes out only at night.6I would prefer you to_wait (wait) for me at the bus stop.7The first part of the project was completed

      2、two months ahead of schedule.8He has a positive attitude towards/to life.完成句子1He has_made_up_his_mind (已下定决心) to overcome his shortcomings.2They are very kind and insist that I_(should)_stay_there_for_supper (我留下吃晚饭)3Once_you_begin_the_task (你一旦开始这项任务), you must continue.4I would prefer_to_stay_at_home (宁可待在家) rather than go out on such a rainy day.5I was able to persuade_her_to_take_the_job (说服她接受了这份工作) at last.6His_determined_look (他坚定的表情) showed that he had made up his mind.7It was my mother

      3、who/that_bought_the_dictionary (买的这本词典) for me last week.8She is_fond_of (喜欢) telling other people what to do.阅读理解ALast month, it was my first time to have a bus tour for sightseeing in Hong Kong. Its really pleasant and interesting. Sitting on the upper deck of the bus, I explored Hong Kong in a different way. When the bus passed along the street, all the buildings and attractions along the way seemed very close to me. I bought a oneday pass priced around US $6 to enjoy unlimited (不受限制的) rides

      4、on 2 important routes.I started the trip from Central Star Ferry, and took the H1 Heritage Route to travel around the Central and Western District. After leaving Star Ferry, the bus passed Western Market and Hollywood Road, where the famous antique (古董) shops are located, and then Man Mo Temple. Not only could I sightsee on the bus, I also got off at many stops. I got off in Man Mo Temple and walked along Lascar Row. Then, I got on the sightseeing bus to Dr Sun Yatsen Museum. And the famous Hong

      5、 Kong University left a good impression on me. After traveling back through the dried seafood shops without stopping, I went to the terminus (终点) at Star Ferry.After the heritage journey, I took the H2 Metropolis Route for my shopping tour. I left from Star Ferry and traveled through Wanchai to Causeway Bay and Times Square for shopping. Having bought a lot of things, I went back via St. Johns Cathedral and Statue Square in the heart of Central.Though tired, I did have lots of fun on my oneday b

      6、us tour!语篇解读:作者乘公交车用了一天的时间游览了香港全景,沿途经过了许多著名的景点,之后,又乘车去购物,度过了愉快的一天。1How did the writer have the tour around Hong Kong?AOn foot.BBy bus.CBy subway. DBy bike.解析:选B细节理解题。由文章首句“Last month, it was my first time to have a bus tour for sightseeing in Hong Kong.”可知,作者是乘坐公交车游览香港的。2Where are the antique shops?AAt Central Star Ferry.BOn Hollywood Road.CIn Western Market.DIn Lascar Row.解析:选B细节理解题。从第二段中的“. and Hollywood Road, where the famous antique shops are located”可知,古董店在好莱坞路上。3Which of the following did

      7、the writer NOT do while taking the H1 Heritage Route?AVisit Man Mo Temple.BWalk along Lascar Row.CBuy some dried seafood.DVisit Hong Kong University.解析:选C细节理解题。从第二段中的“. the dried seafood shops without stopping”可知,作者在经过海鲜店时并没有停下来,更没有购物。4Why did the writer take the H2 Metropolis Route?ABecause he wanted to visit the Dr Sun Yatsen Museum.BBecause he wanted to buy some things.CBecause he wanted to travel through Wanchai.DBecause he wanted to visit St. Johns Cathedral.解析:选B细节理解题。由第三段中的“I took the H2

      8、Metropolis Route for my shopping tour”可知,作者乘the H2 Metropolis Route是为了购物。BLong Beach, a 28mile area of beach, lies in southwestern Washington, and is generally called Long Beach Peninsula. Communities there take you back to old days of a simple lifestyle. Here, visitors can relax and enjoy the good of total rest.Bird WatchingThere are different kinds of birds on Long Beach. Its best if you observe from a distance and dont try to frighten them. The Southwest Loop Route Map can be got through the

      9、Long Beach Peninsula Visitors Bureau office by calling 18004512542.HorsesA popular activity on Long Beach is horseback riding. Two businesses in the city of Long Beach offer guided horseback tours along the beach: Black Country Wilderness Outfitters and Skippers Equestrian Center. You may also bring your own horse. Among the adventures offered with horses is a wagon (四轮马车) ride along the beach, a carriage ride through Seaview or Long Beach, a back country pack trip, or a sunset ride by horseback on the beach.CampingRV (活动房屋式旅游车) and tent camping arent allowed on the beach. There are private campgrounds and RV parks in the area, as well as Cape Disappointment State Park. Camp fires are allowed within 100 feet off the beach, but must be away from the dry grass.Swimming and Other ActivitiesSw

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