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    • 1、Unit4 A 强化练习题一、根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。1.Can you go to the movies with us tonight?-Sorry, my parents dont_(允许) me to go out at night.2.-Whats _(毛病) with Ben? He doesntlook well.- He lost his new mobile phone.3.I put my hands over her eyes to let her_(猜)who I am.4.-I didnt pass the math test yesterday.Takeit easy.It is not a big _(事件).5. I am really tired because I studied_(直到)midnight last night.二、.单项选择。( )6.What are you doing, Peter?Oh, Im_some Information aboutthe mascot for the 2022 Olympic WinterGames

      2、, Bing Dwen Dwen, on the Internet.A setting upB. looking throughC cheering upD. working out( ). - You can choose some books on theInternet.Sounds good. But my mother doesnt allowme_the Internet.A.surfB. to surfC surfingD. to surfing( )8.I dont think we can find a new way to_the problem.But wed better not give it up.A. take outB. cut outC work outD. run out三、完成句子。根据下列句子的汉语意思及句末括号内的英语单词提示,用相关动词短语的适当形式完成句子。9.我的爸爸习惯了一到办公室就浏览电子邮件。(look)My father is used to_the e-mailsas soon as he gets to his office.

      3、10.丽萨,你不应该和你的弟弟打架。(get)Lisa, you shouldn t_with yourbrother.11.我只是要去购物中心和一些朋友困逛而已。(hang)Im just going to the mall to_some friend.12.他们正在电话中谈论英语学习。(talk)They are_English study on thephone.13.如果你尽最大的努力,最终事情的结果对于你来说将会很好。(work)Things will_for you in the end,ifyou try your best.第二课时一.根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。1. It is_(清楚的) that nobody cleaned theroom. It is in a mess.2. In order to protect the river, we need to take_(适当的) action.3. I always feel_(紧张的) beforeIhave anexam.4.There are lots of black_(云朵) in the sky

      4、.Ithink its going to rain.5. The_(关系) between my parents aregetting worse and worse. What should I do?二.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。6. I like going to school by bike. Firstly, it isconvenient,_(second ), it is good for myhealth.7. Everyone hopes to have more free time_(relax).8. When I arrived home, I found my mother_(fold) the clothes.9. Would you please come to school a little_(early) next time?10.-Mom, I broke my sisters new cup. What shouldI do?Why dont you_(buy) her a new one?三.单项选择。()11.Its useful for

      5、 the deaf people to learn sign language.-Yes, its a major way of_ forthem.A.suggestionB.vacationC.productionD.communication( )12.David will do_his mother askshim to do.What a good boy he is!A. whateverB. whereverC. howeverD.whenever()13.Did Peter offer_you to the trainstation?Yes. But we would like to walk there.A. drivingB. to driveC. to catchD catchin()14.-Did you have a trip this holiday?No, I didnt._ I stayed at homeand studied for a test.A. InsteadB LuckilyC. AnywayD. Perhaps四.完成句子。根据下列句子的汉

      6、语意思及句末括号内的英语单词提示,用相关动词短语的适当形式完成句子。(提示:每空不超过四个单词)15.你能向我解释如何解决这个问题吗?( explain)Could you_how to work out theproblem?16.尽管别人不同意你的观点,你也不该和别人争吵。(argue)You shouldn t_although they disagree with you.17.我爱我的弟弟。我不介意他玩我的玩具。(mind)I love my little brother. I dont _ with my toys.18.今天你回家后应该和你的父母交流一下。(communicate)Today you should_ your parents after you go home.19.这本书主要是关于如何和周围的人和睦相处的。(get)This book is mainly a bout how to_people around you.第三课时一、根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。1._ (抄袭) other studentshomework isnot right.2. I

      7、borrowed a book from Larry last week. And I _ (归还) it to him just now.3. Its almost dark now but the farmers are_ (仍然) working on the farn.4. Dont talk about the past _ (不再).5. Firstly, you could do the housework._(第二)why not have a good talk with her?二.用if, because, until, although或so that填空。6. Tom was late for school _ his bike was broken on the way to school.7. They left early _ they could catch the first train.8. _ the girl is very young, she can speak several foreign languages.9. The kids w

      8、ill have a picnic _ it is fine tomorrow.10. I will wait _ Miss Hunt comes back from work.单项选择。)11.Its too cold today.Yes.!_put on your coat?A. What aboutB Why dontC. Why notD. Lets( )12.- How about having a picnic with me thisweekend?_ .Let s go then.A Good ideaB. Thats rightC. Not at allD. Well done()13.-Could you go swimming with me thisafternoon, Jane?_,but I have to do the chores first.A. Id love toB. Of course notC. I dont mindD. It is nothing()14.Excuse me, may I come in?一Not yet. Please wait on your chair _ your name is called.A andB. untilC. sinceD. after( )15. I looked through my test paper again and again _ wouldnt make any mistake.A. soB becauseC. althoughD. so that


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