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    • 1、新视野大学英语第二版读写教程第一册答案 新视野大学英语(新视野大学英语(第 版)第 1 册 Unit1 答案III. 1 wring 2. cmmncat 3 aes 4.embang 5 poitive.ommitment7 virtul beneit9minim . opptunitisIV. . up 2. ino 3. ro4 with t6 u 7.of 8 i9 fo 10.whV. .G 23E 4I5.H6.K .8O 9.F10.CSentence Stcte VI. 1.Uivrsitis i te east are bte equipped, wil hse i the west ar rliel por2. Allan Clark kept talkig he piup, whi Wikinson kep knckin don. The hubad spent all hmoney rnkig, whie hiwife sved al hrs fo he fam. 4 oegess spokepeasaty andbehved politely, whileot

      2、hrswee isultng andimplie. 5. utardly Sarws frendly towars allhos oncerned,wilewardl she wa angyVII.1. ot only d r it ern t Cnese laguage, uhe lo red thgapbetween hs cultr and us 2. t onl didw earn the tecnoloy trough thonine orse, but wl larned t ommuncae wit fiends i Enlis. 3. ot onldidweloall our mney, also ame se o osin ou live. 4 No lydo h orkes ant a payncrease, buthey alsowant rduced orkg hou. . Nt on is th huse xpnsve, but it so oo far wo my copany. Tanlatn VII. .ot ny canstudents choose

      3、e n wee to learn oan oninecure, ut hyn lso te m o hi throg ansers before mking a repl. 2Se is exited byh ia of le learning we ecoider it aningls nd useles. 3.Cmmicating wih tiv Egih peakrsi averyrwrding experene from ich we an learn lot 4. od, mrand more eople have ccs otheInteret throu wich the loo forteinormation theed. 5. e ats her t ive p woiadstay hmolokaftr he cilrn She fel, however, tat thiss to muh or he. 6.Nw that we havfnishedthe cours, we shall tat doingme rviono. IX. . 我永远都不会忘掉那位教师,是

      4、她告诉我学外语是有趣的、有价值的。如果没有她,我的英语说得不会像目前这样好。2 没有任何其她语言能像英语那样让你感受到多姿多彩的世界文化。有了过硬的英语知识,你就可以体验 奇妙的文化之旅。 3. 写作不仅仅要写教师布置的话题,并且要写自己感爱好的东西,例如,给朋友写电子邮件。. 远程教学课程是指授课者与学生通过计算机通信技术进行交流的课程。5. 英语不仅是世界上最有用的语言,也是世界上最易学、易用的语言之一。6远程教学课程在时间安排上予以学生更多的自由,但与其她课程比, 这些课程规定学生有更强的自律能力。 Cloze . B2.A .B4B 5.6, 7.B 8.A . 10.11.A 12. 3.B 1.A15B StructuredWrting XII. am proudto say tat I uceded inlearing a oreignlnguage t wasal challenge and, ndless to sy, t toka lo ofpacteI ce a smal icionay itheeverywhee t aswellasanotebook whic

      5、hI listed new wdsI came coss. I lso nage my imecrefll so tat et the tandard of e cous an finisedassignmens n tm. Afteyears of persistnc,reapd te enefis of llmy hard rk ectio B eadinSkills 1. 1.C 2.B 3. 4.A . mprehenin eTextI 1.C .3.B4.C 5D6.7. 8.DVabury1. cmmunity. efctve 3.unque cmitte 5refce6 prspecve 7. expliit 8. hlenge 9 hindered 10. aroeIV. 1. for 2h . n 4 on5. n 6.o7 8.up . 1n新视野大学英语( 新视野大学英语(第 2 版)第 1册 Un 2 答案III. 1.apea 2 identity.conrn 4disgustng 5.upse .ifluenc 7 offesv 8.burst 9. stf

      6、f 0 thorugh IV 1. off/down 2.off . as 4on 5 or 6.on/upn 7. to 8. over . i0.f V. 12.F 3 4K 5B 6.C 7.L 9.O 1. Sentence Stutue VI 1. Kat sa r broherBill as se wa geting o te chl bu. Or: As sas getting offthe sholbus, Katesaw er he Bll. A e was sandnupr he at, motherdoped thegsso the goun. :Mther dpped te glas o e grondas he wastandingup from her seat. 3. A policemn fired at atif the thiefs ltin ouof the . :s tethiefa botin outofheoe, policemn fire tm.4.As e ra o ach teschous, Sady thougto her tak w

      7、th hthe r: Sandy thought of e talk wth her mthr se ra to cah tecool bus. 5. stheeaherentered te clssroo, all the students soed “Hpy irth”o hm. Or:Al thstudentsoed “HappyBtda”to him a the tacheented the classro. . 1. Shelist to he favte rc muihil singin along with the wrds. 2. Se wapuig onher anshle akngm t hand hrthesweat. 3. Hebangd on e do hile oeningit4. In the bromshe ptnsome mkup whilooig i themrror. . The shoolaster shtn anry glnce ath aghy fistgradr while tlking withhis prents. Tansation: III. 1. Asshe was abot to turn of temusc,her father r into heoom andshoted at her, “Cntuturn dwn t music a itte bit?”2.th ower of he ba kt watchng h gil dan


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