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    • 1、2020年精编人教版英语资料Unit 3 Could you please clean your room第4课时 Section B 3a-Self Check教学目标一、知识与技能1. 巩固本单元的重点词汇,短语和句型。2. 培养口语和写作能力。3. 完成相关练习。二、过程与方法采用目标教学法,鼓励学生多说,多练,引导学生积极参与课堂。三、情感态度与价值观明确自己的家庭义务和责任,充分体会父母的艰辛,坚持在家做力所能及的家务。教学重点培养写作能力。教学难点培养写作能力。教法导航课上引导学生积极参与课堂活动,老师少讲,鼓励学生多说,多练。学法导航引导学生多说,多练。教学准备图片,多媒体。教学过程Step 1 GreetingsGreet the students as usual.Step 2 RevisionAsk some students to report their dialogues.Step 3 Pair work3a Do you think children should do some chores at home? Why or why not? Discuss

      2、 this with a partner and take notes. Then ask some students to report their answers. Then ask them to talk about what they could do at home. Encourage them to think of as many chores as possible. Finally remind them to do chores that they can do to help their parents at home as often as possible.Step 4 Writing3b Write a letter to the Sunday Mail and express your opinion about whether young people should do chores at home. Remind the students to complete the sentences first and then try to comple

      3、te the whole letter. Ask some students to read their letter to the class.Step 5 Self CheckGive the students a few minutes to complete the exercises in Self Check and then ask some students to report their answers. Correct the mistakes if any.Step 6 ExercisesI. 阅读短文回答问题。AHunter and Sally went down the street with their mother. They would buy a pet today.“I cannot wait to see the pets!” Sally said. She wanted a cat. Hunter wanted a frog or a snake.They went into the pet shop.“Look! That rabbit mad

      4、e a hole to hide in,” Sally said.”“Look at those two cats,” said Hunter .Their cage was on the floor. The small and brown cats were asleep on each other.Sally leaned over the cage. She wanted a better look. The gold necklace(项链)she had around her neck came loose. It fell into the cage .It work up the cats.“Oh no!” Sally cried.“I lost my necklace! It is in the cage!” Then the shopkeeper came. He opened the cage, and took out the necklace. At last,they bought two cats and took them home.1.Where wo

      5、uld Sally and Hunter go? 2.Who went there with them? 3.What did Sally want to buy? 4.Who lost her necklace? 5.Who took the necklace out of the cage? B Hello,everyone. Here is something important for everyone going to London next month. As you know,you are going to stay with a family for two weeks. Now,the most important thing is money. You should take about $530 with you. I think it will be enough for everyone. Then,when you arrive,your new family will meet you. You must remember to wear a red s

      6、hirt,so the family will find you easily. Theyve been told you all wear red shirts. Youll also need to take with you 4 photos of yourself and,of course,its very important that you take the school letter. While youre there,if you have any problems,you can call Leech School Office. Ill give you the office phone number now:its 580-4436 and the person to ask for is Mrs. BelcherShes in the office from nine oclock in the morning until five in the afternoon every day. OK. Thats everything. Have a good j

      7、ourney!6. Where are they going to ?7. How long are they going to stay there for ?8. Why must they wear red shirts? Because the family_ them_.9. Whats the school office telephone number? 10. What could Mrs. Belchers job be according to the reading? She could be a(an)_II. 书面表达本周日是你的生日,请你运用本单元所学句型,写一则留言,让母亲为你做一些准备。留言条的开头已给出。参考词汇:cook some food,buy some snacks and drinks ,prepare CDs,birthday cake,candles.Mom,Tomorrow will be my birthday. I invited my friends to come to my birthday party. 参考答案:I. A

      8、1.The pet shops. 2. Their mother. 3. To buy a cat. 4. Sally. 5. The shopkeeper. 6. To London. 7. For two weeks. 8. Because the family will find them easily. 9. 580-4436 10. She could be a teacher/ an officer. II. 答案略。Step 7 HomeworkGo over the whole unit and do more exercises after class.课堂作业这个周末你与父母去海滨度假, 你的宠物小狗需要好友Ted帮忙照顾。请用下面的提示词给Ted写份留言: take care of,take for a walk,feed and give some water,play with him,clean 参考答案:Ted, Thanks for taking care of my dog. Could you please do these things every day? Take him for a walk, give him water and feed him. Then wash his bowl. Play with him. Dont forget to clean his bed. Have fun! Ill see you next week. Thanks, Lin Lin教学反思本节课的重点是培养写作能力,除了完成课本上的写作任务,又让学生练习了更多的写作练习,虽然时间有些紧张,但学生们基本能够按照老师的要求完成这些练习。鼓励学生课下进一步练习相关写作。


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