安卓APP | ios版本
安卓APP | ios版本


  • 卖家[上传人]:枫**
  • 文档编号:495686368
  • 上传时间:2023-09-27
  • 文档格式:DOCX
  • 文档大小:16.67KB
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    • 1、Hotfix 116129 - 11/07/2014116129Bug Fixes Fixed bug where some actions would stop responding to mouse clicks Fixed rare crash with Deerclops Reduce CPU overhead with ping requestsHotfix 116842 - 11/17/2014116842Changes Feeding is now fully supported on clients Feeding on PVP-disabled servers is restricted to non-harmful foods (health and sanity) Optimized network serialization and deserialization Reduced number of network packets being sent as well as overhead per packet Add meteor spawners (bur

      2、nt mark icon: density in the world of meteor showers) and meteor showers (meteor icon: frequency of actual showers) to the world gen customization options Meteors of different sizes now do different amounts of work to entities near impact point Clients can now interrupt their emote animations by moving or performing another action Disabled Steam Cloud because it caused the game not to save properly. This may cause your saved worlds to become invisible(*).Bug Fixes Correct actions are now shown o

      3、n mouseovers for clients Fixed bug where spawn point may change when a server is resumed (requires generating a new world) Fixed item dupe bug when disconnecting with an item on your cursor Fixed bug where sometimes not all items in your inventory drop upon death Fixed McTusk and hunting party duplication issue Fixed assert with members of hunting party going to sleep at unanticipated moments. Fixed a number of stale component references that would ultimately lead to asserts. Fixed some badge av

      4、atars for ghosts not adhering to naming conventions. Fixed a case that causes clients to sometimes get stuck in desync Fixed bug where lightning can hit WX-78 even when lightning rods are around(*) If you lost your world progress as a result of disabling the Steam cloud, the following might help you restore it.Please be aware that youll lose anything you started after the update if you use this recovery method.Also note that this method may fail - you might want to back-up the save directory (Do

      5、cuments/Klei/DoNotStarveTogether) beforehand.The progress data can be restored by copying the cloud files to the local save directory.- The cloud save should be stored (assuming you installed it in the default location) here:C:Program Files (x86)Steamuserdata- In there is (hopefully one) directory with a long number (your steam ID)- In there again will be a directory 322330.- and finally in that location should be a remote folder.If you copy all the files inside the remote folder (including subd

      6、irectories) to your local save folder (DocumentsKleiDoNotStarveTogethersave) you should hopefully be at the point you were at before the update.Hotfix 117414 &117660 - 11/21/2014117660Changes Renamed “Ban List” to “Manage Bans”Bug Fixes Fixed physics bug when jumping out of wormholes Fixed slow camera shake from distant meteor showers Fixed various traps to not assert on dedicated servers and to act on the correct player on non dedicated servers.117414Changes Client movement prediction for playe

      7、r ghosts Clients now have support for camera shakes Improve meteor shower tuning (less stuff will accrue over time, which will reduce performance issues) Add support for mod chars in playerbadge and targetindicator Optimized network packet size Player bans are now persistent rather than being cleared on shutdown. They can be managed through a new screen accessible from the server hosting screen, or by editing blocklist.txt (in the save folder) directly.Bug Fixes Fix bug where players will not stop sliding if they were revived while moving Fix bug where clients may rubberband if the pause menu, map, or chat bar is opened while the player is moving Fix missing name on some boulders spawned by meteors Fix server listing refresh button not greying out properly Fix assert when trying to spawn pengulls after a player left


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