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    • 1、2022年考博英语-湖北省联考考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 写作题In this part, you are required to write an essay of no less than 200 words on Information Explosion. The essay should be based on the outline below:1.Current situation of information explosion;2.Advantages of information explosion;3.Disadvantages of information explosion;4.Your suggestions.【答案】Information ExplosionIt is known to all that ours is an information era,in which information is available through many channels,such as books, newspapers,magazines,radi

      2、o and TV stations and the Internet . The rapid increase in the amount of published information and the effects of this abundance of data are known as information explosion. Too much information has inevitably become a heavy burden to some peoples spiritual life because they do not know what information to turn to.There is no doubt that information explosion has its advantages. As mentioned earlier, we can get information through many channels. For example, if we want to collect information conce

      3、rning a well-known product, we can do so by reading newspapers, magazines, watching TV or surfing the Internet. The greatest advantage of information explosion lies in the convenience it has offered us.However, information explosion has its disadvantages. For instance,newspapers, magazines,radio and TV stations, and the Internet are able to provide us with a sea of information, faced with which we have great difficulty in selecting information suitable for us.On the basis of the above analysis,

      4、it can be concluded that information explosion is a mixed blessing. As far as we are concerned, we must not be nervous in the face of information explosion. What really counts is to learn to filter the information we have got. In other words, we must learn to distinguish true information from false information, differentiate useful information from harmful information.2. 翻译题I shall mention two or three matters in which the need for cooperation between philosophy and science is especially intimat

      5、e.Since scientific method depends upon first-hand experimental controlled experiences, any philosophic application of the scientific point of view will emphasize the need of such experiences in the school, as over against mere acquisition of ready-made information that is supplied in isolation from the students own experience. So far, it will be in line with what is called the “progressive” movement in education. But it will be an influence in counteracting any tendencies that may exist in progr

      6、essive education to slight the importance of continuity in the experiences that are had and the importance of organization. Unless the science of education on its own ground and behalf emphasizes subject-matters which contain within themselves the promise and power of continuous growth in the direction of organization, it is false to its own position as scientific. In cooperation with a philosophy of education, it can lend invaluable aid in seeing to it that the chosen subject-matters are also s

      7、uch that they progressively develop toward formation of attitudes of understanding the world in which students and teachers live and toward forming the attitudes of purpose, desire and action which will make pupils effective in dealing with social conditions.Another point of common interest concerns the place in the schools of the sciences, especially the place of the habits which form scientific attitudes and methods. The sciences had to battle against powerful enemies to obtain recognition in

      8、the curriculum. In a formal sense, the battle has been won, but not yet in a substantial sense. For scientific subject- matter is still more or less isolated as a special body of facts and truths.The full victory will not be won until every subject and lesson is taught in connection with its bearing upon creation and growth of the kind of power of observation, inquiry, reflection and testing that are the heart of scientific intelligence. Experimental philosophy is at one with the genuine spirit

      9、of a scientific attitude in the endeavor to obtain for scientific method this central place in education.Finally, the science and philosophy of education can and should work together in overcoming the split between knowledge and action, between theory and practice, which now affects both education and society so seriously and harmfully. Indeed, it is not too much to say that institution of a happy marriage between theory and practice is in the end the chief meaning of a science and a philosophy of education that work together for common ends.【答案】由于科学方法来自经过实践检验的直接经验, 因此, 科学观点在哲学上的任何应用都特别需要学校教育中的这类经验, 而不是仅仅获取人们提供的、脱离学生自身体验的现成资料。教育科学与教育哲学相结合, 就能提供宝贵的支持, 确保所选的学科题材也能逐步地朝着形成师生世界观的方向发展, 朝着塑造学生实现目的、愿望和行动的态度的方向发展, 使他们有效地适应社会环境。要取得彻底胜利, 就必须使每一学科和课程的讲授与培养学生观察、探究、思考和检验等能力的相关之事联系起来, 而这些能力正是科学才智的核心。3. 翻译题在找工作的过程中,面试是一个关键时刻;面试的成功与否,除了面试官如何看你的条件及个人素质外,主要取决于他们如何评价你在面试中总的表现;因此,有必要把它当作一 场演出或比赛来看待,其目的是向面试官表示你是干这项工作的最佳人选;大多数人


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