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Unit 3Reading Lost civilizations

  • 卖家[上传人]:cn****1
  • 文档编号:495248919
  • 上传时间:2023-07-11
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  • 文档大小:67.11KB
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    • 1、 课程分析:(本课的作用和学习本课的意义)This is the reading passage of Module 3 Unit 3, which focuses on “lost civilizations”. This passage, written by a Canadian student in the form of a travel diary, talks about his travel experiences and feelings in Pompeii and Loulan. Students will learn how to use specific information extracted from the passage, how to develop their own cooperative skills in a group, and how to achieve effective communication.问题设计1. What are some of the lost civilizations in history?2. Where

      2、are Pompeii and Loulan? 3. What happened to Pompeii? 4. What happened to Loulan?5. What is the result of the Pompeii dig in 1860? 教学构想After learning English for 3 years, students attending the class have a vocabulary of about 1600 words, which makes it possible for them to break the obstacles of understanding the passage. Besides, they can share opinions about the topics they are familiar with. However, their comprehensive ability and reading skills need to be enhanced. So, seven questions are r

      3、aised to develop students cooperative skills.Teachers will give them some advice at the right time.教学目标Language Objectives 1. To learn how to read travel diaries2. To develop students fluency in talking about lost civilizations3. To train students ability of identifying the main idea of the passageSkill Objectives 1. To build students ability of expressing personal opinions and interacting with others2. To develop students reading skills, such as information-gathering, skimming, scanning, summar

      4、izing and guessing the new words from the contextMoral Objectives1. To enable students to cooperate with others and know the importance of team spirit2. To get them aware of the importance of protecting ancient relics教学重点1. Learn to read diary entries2. Know something about ancient civilizations.3. Realize the importance of protecting cultural heritages.教学难点1. How to use specific information extracted from the passage2. How to develop students cooperative skills in a group, complete the oral rep

      5、ort.教学方法Communicative Approach Task-Based Teaching Methodology Brainstorm Role Play Whole Language Teaching所需设备A tape recorder A multimedia projector 教学过程:(包括教师活动、学生活动、设计意图)Pre-reading(Teachers activity) Design five questions and ask students to search the Internet for information about them before class.(Students activity)Surf the Internet and learn by themselves. If necessary, discuss with group members.(Intention)Encourage students to learn by themselves and develop their cooperative skills.

      6、Step I: Lead-in(Teachers activity) Show some pictures representing ancient civilizations to hold a competition to see who knows the most:1. Do these pictures have something in common? 2. Have you ever heard of Pompeii in Italy and Loulan in ancient China? 3. Are you curious about what the two cities looked like in the past? (Students activity)Answer questions by presenting their opinions freely and sharing their knowledge about lost civilizations.(Intention)Generate various answers and get them

      7、fully involved in it.Step II: Fast-reading(Teachers activity)1. SkimmingLet students have a quick look at the text and ask what their first impression is about the article.2. ScanningInstruct students to identify related information quickly and find the answers to the four questions:1. What country is the author from? 2. What is one main similarity between Pompeii and Loulan? 3. Who was made director of the Pompeii dig in 1860? 4. Who is professor Zhang? (Students activity)Bear in mind the quest

      8、ions and look for the answers, using skimming and scanning skills.(Intention)Help students to get the key information in a short time with the help of key words.Step III: Detailed reading1. Fill in the form(Teachers activity)Ask students to watch a video clip about Pompeii and find the historical information about Pompeii.citytimeeventPompeii _(where)in the 8th centuryin 89 BCon 24th Aug. AD 79(Show a video)in 1860 Play the recorder for students to listen to and grasp specific words.citytimeeven

      9、tLoulan _(where)2000 years agofrom AD 200 to AD 500100 years ago(Students activity)Go through relevant paragraphs and find the answers to fill in the two forms.(Intention)Develop students ability of gathering information and help students to get the key information in a short time and understand this part better.2. Make judgement(Teachers activity)Ask students to go through the eight sentences and identify the authors personal feelings and actions.1. I feel lucky to have won a place on this trip.(line 2)2. This morning we went to a lecture about Pompeii. ( line 7)3. Unfortunately, all the people were buried alive, and so was the city!(lines 11-12)4. How amazing! ( lines 14-15)5. People

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