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    • 1、人教版初中英语七年级下册 Unit8SectionA教材全解Unit 8 Is there a post office near here?Unit 8 Section A教材全角单l.post offic郦同police station# 察局 pay phone付费电话【重点注释】police名词,意为“警察”,police是警察的总称,是个集体名词, 它在句中作主语时,谓语动词用复数;若表示单个警察用policeman或 policewoman,复数形式分另为 policemen 或 policewomen。2.Is there a hospital near here?附近有医院吗?【重点注释】Is there?有吗?这是there be句型的一般疑问句形式,要把be动词放在句首,句末用问号,读时句末用升调。其肯定回答是“Yes,there is., 否定回答是 “ No,there isn t.- 。例如:Is there a book in your backpack孙的背包里有一本书吗?Yes,there is是的,有。/No,there isn t.不,没有。Will

      2、there be a party tonight?Yes,there will.是的,有。/No,there won t.不,没有。My school has twenty classes尸There are twenty classes in our scho砒们学校 有20个班级。【辨析记忆】there be与have/hasthere be表示“某处有某物/某人”,指客观存在。句型为 “There be+某物/某人+某地”。后两个或多个并 列主语时,be动词的形式与最靠近的土语在数 上保持一致,即“就近原则”。There are two pencils and a pen in my pencil-bos.在我的 文具盒里,启两支铅笔和一支 钢笔。have/has表示“某人/某物有”,指从属关系。句型为“某人/某物+have/has+某物/某人。用have或 has取决于句子的主语。I have a pen and two pencils. 我有一支钢笔和两支铅笔。【试题链接David, therea dictionary and some books on your desk.

      3、Pleaseput them away.A.is B.are C.have D.has(本句为there be句型,故先排除C、D项;又因there be句型结构遵循“就近 原则”,a dictionary为单数形式,be动词应为is,答案:A)【试题链接Excuse me.Is there a bank near here?No, .But you can find one in Yang Fang Road.A.there isn t B.it isn t C.they aren t D.there is(此题考查对there be此型的回答。对“Is there?”句型的回答是 Yes,there is. 或 No,there isnt.答案:A)near在此处是介词,意思是“在附近” 。near可作介词,当表示空间上的 “接近”时,用near与near to都行。near还可以作形容词,意为“附近的,其反义词是far。near here在这附近。例如:She is sitting near (to)me她坐在我的附 近。The cinema is near the superm

      4、arket电影院在超市附近。 A brother is a near relation.兄弟是近亲。Christmas is near.圣诞节就要来临。3.It s on Bridge Stree值在桥街上。【重点注释】 在街上”,美国人用介词on,即on the street;英国人用介词in, 即in the street;表示“在街道”常用on/in,如果后面接门牌号,则用介词 at。例如:Don t park the car ithe street不要把这辆车停在这条街上。They meet on the street他们在马路上相遇。 We are living at No.148 in May 4 th Street,现在我们 住在五四大街148on Bridge Street意为“在大桥街上”,其中Bridge Street为专有名词,首字母需 大写。类似的专有名词还有 Long Street长街,Center Street中心大街,New Street 新街,North Street 北街。例如:He lives in/on the Huixin Street,他住在惠

      5、新街。 He lives at 188 Huayuan Stree他住在花园街 188 号。4 .The pay phone across from the libraW 费电话在图书馆的对面。【重点注释】本句属于“主语+be+介词短语”的主系表结构,用来表明某地/ 某人的位置。可以和there be句型转换,说明位置。例如:The supermarket is on Zhongshan Street.=Thereis a supermarket on Zhongshan Street.中山大街上有一家 超市。The bank is between the park and the school.=There is a bank between the park and the school在公园和学校之间有一家银行。pay phone是固定词组,意为“付费电话”。例如:Where is the pay phone please? 请问,公用电话在哪儿? There is a pay phone in our school.(=The pay phone is in our schoo

      6、l.)我们学校有一个付费电话。【拓展记忆】1) pay可用作动词,意为“付款,支付”,常与for连用,意为“为 付款”。还可用作名词,意为“工资”。例如:I m afraid I can t pay,我恐怕付不 起钱。(用作动词),I cant pay for the books now.这些书我现在不能付款。(用作 动词,pay for) You must pay for this book.你必须要付这本书的钱。(用作动词, pay for) He paid $5 for the book他买这本书花了 5美元。(用作动词,payfor) You can pay 10 yuan for the bagf尔可以花10元买这个包。(用作动词,payfor) Our teachers get their pay at the end of month.们的老师在每月的月底领工资。(用 作名词)【注意】pay for sth, “付款买某物;pay for sb. “替某人付款。例如:He cant pay for the TV set at the momen他现在还不能给这台电视机付款

      7、。Shall I pay for you?我替你付款好吗? 2) phone用作名词时,意为“电话”,用于口语中,相 当于telephone 与 phone组成的常用词组还有: phone number电话号码;a phone card 电话卡;a phone box公用电话亭。例如: Does he know your phone number? 他知道你的电话号码吗?across from表示“在对面”,其后接表示地点的名词或代词,相当于on theother side of/opposite ?p?zit,prep.意为“(表示位置)在的对面”。例如: The bookstore is across from the bank.=The bookstore is on the other side of/opposite the bank书店在车艮行的对面。 Just across from our house therre s a school就在我们 房子的对面有所学校。 I m staying at a little hotel just across from the l

      8、ibrary.我 住在图书馆正对面的一所小旅馆里。【拓展记忆】across用作介词,意为“从 的一边到另一边,横过”。例如: Let s go across the bridged 我们过桥吧! I live across the river.我住在河的那边。 I can swim across the river in 10 minute就可以在10分钟之内游过河去。【试题链接The moonlight goes the window and makes the room bright. A.across B.through C.over D.in(across意为“(从物体表面)穿过;through意为“(从物体内部)穿过;over 表示“在正上方”;in表示“在内部”。句意为:月光穿过窗户使房间明 亮起来。答案:B)5 .The pay phone is next to the library1寸费电话在图书馆的旁边。【重点注释】nextto是介词短语,意为“紧靠的旁边;在近旁;贴近; 紧邻”,其后接表示地点的名词或代词,可用 close to来替换。例如:She sat nex

      9、t to her mother她坐在她妈妈身旁。Our house is next to the post ofic哦们家在由B局【拓展t己忆】beside, near与 next tobeside介词,表示“在旁边”,一般 指空间上,常与介词 by换用She stood beside/by the window.她站在窗边。Come and sit beside /by me. 过来,坐在我边上。near介词,表示“在的附近”,表 示的距离比beside/by稍远些,也 可换用;当表示空间上的“接近” 时,用 near与near to都行;还可 作形容词,表示的“近”是相对 的。反义词是far “远”。Suzhou is near Shanghai.苏州在上海附近。Dont play near the road.不要在马路附近玩。There is a theatre near his home.他家附近有一家剧院。next to介词短语,表示“紧靠的旁边;贴近;紧靠”,其后接表示地 点的名词或代词, 可用close to来 替换。Come and sit next to me.来,坐在我方边。The new building next to the bookstore is a cinema. 书店旁边的那幢新楼是一家电影院。6. The pay phone is between the post office and the library 费电话在由 B 局和图 书馆之间。【重点注释】between介词,意为“在之间/之中”,主要指两者之间,其宾 语往往是表示两者的名词或代词;betweenand意为“在和之间/之中”,连接两个并列成分,强调二者之间,可以指时间,也可以指地点;between只能表示“在两者之间”,既可以表示时间也可以表示位置,


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