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    • 1、 Exploring How to Foster English Autonomous Learning in Junior Middle School By A thesis submitted toThe School of Foreign LanguagesIn partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Bachelor of Arts Under the supervision of April 2013ContentsAbstract .11. Introduction .22. Autonomous Learning.22.1 Definitions of Autonomous Learning .22.2 The Influencing Factors of autonomous Learning .,32.3 The Roles of Students in Autonomous Learning .32.4 The Roles of Teachers in Autonomous Learning

      2、.43. Analysis on Current Autonomous Learning .53.1 The Importance and Feasibility of Autonomous Learning in Junior Middle School .53.2 Current Situation and Problems in English Teaching among Present Junior Middle Schools .53.3 The Main Reasons for That Situation and Problems .64. How to Foster Autonomous Learning in Junior Middle School .64.1 The Autonomous Learning Ability Theory .74.2 Ways to Foster Autonomous Learning .74.2.1 Improving Learning Interest and Stimulating Learning Motivation .7

      3、4.2.2 Training Learners to Grasp English Learning Strategies .84.2.3 Innovating Teaching Method .94.2.4 Perfecting a Scientific Evaluation System .104.3.5 Applying Computer Assisted Instruction .115. Conclusion .12References .1312Exploring How to Foster English Autonomous Learning in Junior Middle School Abstract: With the rapid development of the world and the new curriculum standards of China, more and more people have realized the necessity of cultivating lifelong learning ability. The tradit

      4、ional teacher-centered teaching obviously cannot fit the demand for learners autonomy. Instead, the student-centered teaching has been drawing more and more attention. Teachers main targets are to cultivate learners autonomy ability and lifelong learning ability. Autonomous learning is a kind of ability to take charge of ones own learning. This paper gives a brief introduction of autonomous learning about its definition and influencing factors. It also puts out the roles of teachers and students

      5、 in English teaching to elaborate how to foster students learning ability. Then, it analyzes the realities of education and the needs of the times by exploring the necessity of cultivating junior middle school students independent learning ability. Finally, some means are given to improve autonomous learning in junior middle school.Key words: autonomous learning, junior middle school students, student-centered,cultivate.1. Introduction Autonomous learning now is one of the basic means of surviva

      6、l and development, as modern society becomes a learning society. It is also an important theme in todays educational research. Therefore fostering students autonomous learning ability is the urgent need for teaching reform. Autonomous learning is a modern method of learning which corresponds with the traditional method. It emphasizes that students are the subject of learning. With certain purposes, students achieve the learning objectives by their independent analysis, exploration, practice, and creation. And autonomous learning requires educators to make school a main front as well as pay attention to family education and social education, which will foster and promote students basic qualities such as self-study, communication, production, exi


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