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    • 1、中考英语复习专项词汇练习题初中英语词汇训练(一)一、根据英语释义和所给首字母,写出相应的单词(10分)1i_ mako ecomegreatr in sie,number, ec.c_ givin comfrt t te o3.s_of a cetainsr r not como4. c_ apparatus fortainphtograh5 m_a open pacewere ople ee to bu ansell goos6. s_ bns or smalless7.c_ prod o 100yers8. h_ alos . l_ ithut ompanons10._tink that someing will happen一、1. ira 2. cortable 3.secial 4. a 5.market 6. size . enty 8.ardy 9.onely 1expec二、将下列短语译成英语或汉语(1分)1. 下决心 _. 不久后来_3 起码 _4. 此后 _5. 没有关系 _6.下降;放慢 _. 过一遍,复习 _8.故宫 _ 夸奖 _0. 幸亏 _1spi ove_

      2、12. arryn _1. mid-felly _4.b angwith_15. be lase wi _1. fronow o _7. mbile phone _18.twotoy house _19. ometrue_20. kep of _二、1. ake up ns 2. before lg 3. at least 4. fromnown .neve d 6.slow own7. o ove 8 te Place Meum . spea hghly of 1. thanksto 1. 溢出 2. 坚持下去 . 中场队员 4.对发脾气15对满意 6从目前起 7. 移动电话 18 两层楼房 19. 实现 20. 避开;避免三、根据句意和所给首字母,写出相应的单词(20分)1. ina i litte w _ inhinese, ut sh s god gish2 eoplehikw lo th same, bu I an se at w have few mal d_.3 a12h is henteratonal N _ Dy. Lt s “Tanks” t te or their

      3、worinthe fght gist SARS4 Te _ over the river was mde manea ago5Teoredrtywtrte factoy pusnto th ivr, thew_ thenviomet naryilbe. Look! h dog is d _ Its ill moing.7.tor s a b _ o andh learns ikly.8 Th b _ year of thetwenty-first enury is 9. lese c_ ths excis dw ro he blackoard soayou can o tm aftershool.hinrmuc l _ when y re on he mon.11 Watsthe b _ hours of at upret? 8:3 a.m:00 p.m.12 Septeber is h n_mnth the year.13Mu,iHayis n wel enough to do thewrk, et me it i _. Theun andohertars are inh u _.1

      4、 Fater got pltetis morig and m_ he 6:00 tin.1. With th _ of opuer ciee, morenwrk will b dnb omp17 blievd is daugher a ad aood d _. eol builingas benherforma, man yea, prhap or _.9. yonge bother i love bya andh doe tel _ work in y family.20W_ u g, oushoudolo ourParty.三、1. weak . diferne 3 rs 4.brige . worse6. ded 7. rght . binnin 9.copy 10 lighr 11. ues 12. inth 3 nstad 4.uivers 15. mie 16.deemnt 17.decison 18. entries 1. leat . Whrevr四、根据句意和汉语提示,写出相应的单词(20分)1.Heshwe us al th _(照片)he took i Atral

      5、ia2. Shedidntfl li _(饲养)s mydogs.3. hesperat also sels diferent kns of_(蔬菜).4 Theyplydfootball _(粗心),sotey deseve to ste ach.5. hings in Iraq seeed toe goingfo bad o_(更糟).6. he nume the stdenin ou ls has_(增长)from40to 0.7 Wh n go or a walk suchood _(天气)?8 He hasjut come backaftrling_(在国外)for almost en yer9. It wa urprising that he bosta w _(打败)y th irl.10. Mstbsesetr are_(写) nlh1 Thre is a big, _(现代的)hospial ndsfne shos ere12. hereare mny _(旅行者)atthi tme o year.13Cia s a gaounry _(有)a long hitory

      6、.1. Ts year _(仅仅),Ivlearned ove onhdred wods.15.I have two fries, o lisdancin, heth lks _(唱歌)16. hat hveyu done witthose nsy _(机器)?17.As soon a te _(到)Nanjing, tey calledus.18. They wee great _(惊奇)to hear h news.19 he tnslokt ae, soften _(弄错)one fromtheother.20. We_(匆忙)out toee hat wa happning in te street.四、1 photo/pctures . keeing3. vegetabes 4. caessly 5 worse 6. increaed.wher 8. brod .aten 10rtn 1 oder 2 tve 3. with 14 lne 5.sign . mahins 7. eaced 1.suprisd 9. mistake2. huried五、用括号内所给单词的对的形式填空(30分). By te end o the _ (twenty)cenury, the worls populatio w over fvebilin.2. At the _(egin) of ts term, wehadan impotant meetn.he pulaionof Chi s


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