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高考英语总复习必修二Unit 2高考拆组训练

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    • 1、必修二 Unit 2 高考拆组训练阅读理解组块专练练速度(限时:30分钟).阅读理解APeople around the world are hungry to learn.Instructor Barbara Oakley discovered this when her online course Learning How to Learn attracted over 1.5 million students.Part of the goal of her course is to present some of the facts that get in the way of learning; above all is the fact that we think were bad at something or too old to make a change.“People can often do more, change more and learn more than theyve ever dreamed.” Oakley writes.Oakley thinks

      2、 it important to keep learning.Throughout her early schooling, she flunked math and science classes and resisted family pressure to go after a science degree.Today? Shes a scientist at Oakland University, after many different jobs in between.Besides being fun, Oakley explains, continued learning can serve us well in our career.Many people are attending a program called “secondskilling”When we lose our job, having other skills can give us more choices.We can also choose to take on different respo

      3、nsibilities within the same organization.A Dutch university employee enriched her career thanks to her gaming skill.She became the community manager of the universitys online courses.We can never tell where our skill will lead us or where it will come in handy.Oakley offers many tips that make learning more efficient (高效的)In order to absorb information, our brains need periods of focus followed by periods of mindwandering.So learners will actually learn more if they have the time for rest and re

      4、laxation.We should also experiment with different levels of background sound to achieve best focus.Quiet leads to deeper focus, while mild background sound may encourage creative thinking.Research is now exploring what learning looks like in the brain and its bad news for those who loved to cram (突击准备考试)The brain can only build so many neurons (神经元) each night; regular practice is important.语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。人类是热爱学习的,只要坚持不懈,方法得当,终能学有所用。1What is the biggest barrier to our learning according to Barbar

      5、a Oakley?AOur low life goals.BOur passive beliefs.COur personal interest.DOur learning disability.解析:选B细节理解题。根据第二段的第一句可知,Oakley认为我们学习中的最大障碍就是自己的消极意识:认为自己不擅长或是年纪大了不适合作改变就不去学习了。2What does the underlined word “flunked” in Paragraph 3 most probably mean?AFailed.BRejected.CAttended.DEnjoyed.解析:选A词义猜测题。根据画线词所在语境可知,Oakley数学和科学学得不好,家人不同意她选择科学专业,但她还是顶住压力勇敢追求自己的梦想,最后成为知名大学的科学家。由此可推知,flunk意为“(考试、测验等)失败,不及格”。3What does the author mainly want to show in Paragraph 4? AThe surprises brought by secondskilling.B

      6、The wide choices coming with more skills.CThe necessity of learning professional skills.DThe benefits of keeping learning to our career.解析:选D推理判断题。根据第四段内容特别是第一句“Besides being fun, Oakley explains, continued learning can serve us well in our career.”可知,作者在这一段通过具体的事例表明不断的学习有助于我们事业的发展。4Which of the following tips would Oakley agree with?AStudy in a quiet environment.BKeep focused for being efficient.CStay up for an exam when needed.DInclude relaxation in the learning process.解析:选D推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“In

      7、order to absorb information .have the time for rest and relaxation.”可知,Oakley赞成学习一段时间后要放松一下。BMy daughter was in Grade 10 in high school.Her life had been followed by her dyslexia (阅读障碍)She battled with her schoolwork and her teachers in high school.Her math teacher, seemingly the only teacher who understood and empathized with her dyslexia, unexpectedly offered to read her the questions in a math exam.As a result, she got a previously unheardof B for math.The act of one thoughtful teacher had, p

      8、erhaps for the first time in my daughters public life, made her heart open to enjoy life to the full, and she could now start to believe in herself and her abilities.I could of course want to contact and thank the math teacher.I phoned the school and when I asked to speak to the math teacher, I received a very guarded “why” from the receptionist who had long been the gatekeeper, fending off (抵 挡) angry parents for teachers.The surprise in her voice was obvious when I replied “I want to thank him

      9、”“Oh .of course, just a moment,” she responded.The teacher came on the line with the same sense of caution, knowing only that a parent was on the line.I said, “I just want to thank you for reading the questions to my daughter for her math exam.Not only did she get a B but you have no idea the positive impact your action has had on my daughters selfbelief and hopes for her future.”My daughters struggles with dyslexia continue to this day.However, she is now an experienced fullyqualified worker who believes in herself and has helped many people in Family and Youth Care Organization.Doing something positive to help a person will make you feel good.Of far greater importance, however, it might change the life of the person you helped and, through his/her renewal, impact positively on the lives of hundreds of other people.语篇解读:本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。作者的女儿有阅读障碍,数学老师的一次善意举

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