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    • 1、2022年考博英语-浙江大学考试内容及全真模拟冲刺卷(附带答案与详解)1. 单选题We are( )to the idea, but we doubt whether the time is ripe to put it into force.问题1选项A.equalB.adequateC.considerateD.sympathetic【答案】D【解析】形容词词义辨析。be equal to等于,相当于;be adequate to胜任,适合 ;be considerate to对体贴;be sympathetic to赞成。句意:我们赞同这一想法,但我们怀疑实施这一想法的时机是否成熟。选项D符合句意。2. 单选题Woodrow Wilson ( )to preserve world peace by supporting the establishment of an organization to settle international disputes.问题1选项A.endeavouredB.incitedC.grantedD.offered【答案】A【解析】endeavou

      2、r竭力,尽力,企图;incite促使,激励;grant授予,同意;offer提供。句意:Woodrow Wilson通过支持成立一个解决国际争端的组织,努力维护世界和平。选项A符合句意。3. 单选题The defence lawyer was questioning the old man who was one of the ( )of the murder committed last month.问题1选项A.witnessesB.audiencesC.viewersD.observers【答案】A【解析】句意:辩护律师正在询问上个月谋杀案的目击者之一的老人。witnesses表示目击者,符合句意。4. 单选题The( ) choice for a consumer, therefore, is the choice among the available ones that will enable him or her to maximize utility.问题1选项A.optimalB.optionalC.opticalD.optimistic【答案】A【解析】optima

      3、l最佳的,最理想的;optional可选择的,随意的;optical光学的,视觉的;optimistic乐观的。句意:因此,对于消费者来说,最佳选择是在可用的选择中做出选择,从而使他或她能够最大化效用。选项A符合句意。5. 单选题The objective of this popular consultation is to determine( ), the final political status of the region, whether to remain of the country as a special district, or to part from it.问题1选项A.once upon a timeB.once and againC.all at onceD.once and for all【答案】D【解析】once upon a time从前;once and again一而再,再三;all at once突然;once and for all彻底的,最后一次。句意:这次群众协商的目的是一劳永逸地确定该区域的最终政治地位,是继续作为一个特别地区保留该国,

      4、还是脱离它。选项D符合句意。6. 单选题Any country has good reason to want its citizens to be as healthy as possible, since one of its greatest resources is an active population. No country wants its people to suffer unnecessarily from ill health.This was the kind of thinking which led to the introduction of a health service in many countries. In Britain this has developed into a “Welfare State” in which all citizens, rich and poor alike can get most health treatment free. The money for this is partially raised by

      5、 contributions from employers andemployees.As three decades have shown, such automatic arrangements are not always ideal and there are arguments for and against the Health Service. The number of patients treated every year and the cost of treatment are much greater than was estimated. This means that the people who work for the HealthService-doctors, nurses and other hospital staff have much more routine work to do and as a result they have little time for preventive medicine. The Health Service

      6、 does need more staff a need that can only be met if more money is made available to it.However, a powerful argument for the Health Service is that many people are able to receive expensive treatment which they could never afford themselves. Sometimes this free treatment is abused and people visit their doctors when they dont really need to. Because they have so many patients,doctors cannot spend as long with each one as they would like, and some people prefer to pay for private treatment so tha

      7、t their doctors can give them more time. In fact, some wealthy people feel that they should pay, and so free more money for treatment to others.1.In the authors view, Britain is a Welfare State in that( ).2.We can infer from the passage that( ).3.The best title for the passage would be( ).4.The author mentions that some wealthy people prefer to pay for private treatment because ( ).5.The word “abused” (Para. 4) means( ).问题1选项A.all citizens are entitled to a free medical treatment in some senseB.

      8、poor, unlike the rich, could enjoy free medical treatmentC.health service is highly developed in BritainD.Britain doesnt allow its people to suffer unnecessarily from ill health问题2选项A.the Health Service is introduced to many other countries by BritainB.the Health Service has been introduced and developed for 30 years in BritainC.an active population is the greatest resource in BritainD.all citizens in Britain have a good opinion of the Health Service问题3选项A.A Welfare StateB.Importance of the Heal

      9、th ServiceC.Disadvantages of the Health ServiceD.The Health Service问题4选项A.their doctors can give them more time leave from workB.those doctors have better medical instrumentsC.they might save some money for the poorD.their doctors have a stronger sense of responsibility for the patients问题5选项A.destroyedB.used in wrong wayC.ignoredD.wasted【答案】第1题:A第2题:B第3题:D第4题:C第5题:B【解析】1.事实细节题。根据关键词“Welfare State”定位到第二段第二句“In Britain this has developed into a Welfare State in which all citizens, rich and poor alike can get most health treatment free.”所有公民,无论贫富,都可以免费获得大部分医疗服务。选项A符合原文。2.细节推断题。选


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