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    • 1、题 目 上市公司的盈利质量分析 以华天酒店为例 上市公司的盈利质量分析 以华天酒店为例摘 要:由于国民经济的飞速发展,现代人们不仅追求物质上的富足,更向往精神世界的满足。国家加快旅游供给侧结构性改革,发展“全域旅游”新路,酒店业同时达到了前所未有的“白热化”,近几年酒店业发展达到成熟阶段。据国家统计局数据,近几年酒店数量不断攀升,在2013到2017年间,酒店业住宿餐饮收入不断提高,在2017年住宿餐饮达到了1403.32亿元,其中上市公司占我国销售额的一半。大量资本进入酒店业,本土企业的竞争,纳入星级酒店管理系统的上市企业,面临着入住率降低的巨大风险。因此酒店业的盈利质量受到企业内部管理者,债权人和其他外部利益相关者越来越多的关注。研究酒店盈利质量以及其影响因素,选用恰当的经营战略,才能维护股东权益的最大化。在这样的背景下,本文借鉴了国内国外有关于盈利质量的研究思路和方法,同时更倾向赵越的理论。盈利质量是对上市公司当期盈利的持续性指标、成长性指标、收现性指标、社会性指标和真实性指标这几种指标的一种评价结果,盈利质量是上市公司盈利决策的有用性的保证。对上市酒店的盈利质量在这几个方面进行

      2、了分析梳理。其次从上市企业的内外部相关的影响因素出发,从外部环境的政治环境,行业竞争力到内部自我的控制,技术创新,资产结构等方面。研究结果表明:要提高上市公司的盈利质量,提高稳定性指标和成长性指标尚需提高,酒店业也应该积极响应政府号召,适应经济全球化,提高酒店的入住率和利润率,加强内部控制,合理安排业务;提高技术创新能力和服务质量,满足客户需求;提高偿债能力的同时,优化企业资本结构。关键词:盈利质量;酒店业;持续性;成长性;社会性Analysis of profit quality for listed companies -take the Hua Tian Hotel as an exampleAbstract: Due to the rapid development of the national economy, modern people not only pursue material prosperity, but also yearn for the satisfaction of the spiritual world. The country has accele

      3、rated the supply-side structural reform of tourism and developed a new way of all-around tourism. The hotel industry has also reached an unprecedented white-hot stage. In recent years, the hotel industry has reached a mature stage.According to the national bureau of statistics, the number of hotels has been rising in recent years. From 2013 to 2017, the hotel industrys income from accommodation and catering has been increasing, reaching 140.332 billion Yuan in 2017, among which listed companies

      4、account for half of Chinas sales. A large amount of capital enters the hotel industry, local enterprises competition, and listed enterprises incorporated into the star hotel management system are faced with great risks of occupancy reduction. Therefore, the profit quality of hotel industry is paid more and more attention by internal managers, creditors and other external stakeholders. Study the hotel profit quality and its influencing factors, choose the appropriate business strategy, in order t

      5、o maintain the maximization of shareholders equity.In this context, this paper draws on the research ideas and methods of domestic and foreign scholars and more inclines to the theory which is proposed by Yue Zhao. Index of the current profit of the listed company Profit quality is an evaluation result of the sustainability index, growth index, income index, social index and authenticity index of the current profit of the listed company Profit quality is an evaluation result of the sustainabilit

      6、y index growth index, income index, social index and authenticity index of the current profit of the listed compang The profit quality of listed hotels is analyzed in several aspects. Secondly, it starts from the internal and external influencing factors of listed enterprises, from the external political environment, industry competitiveness, internal self-control, technological innovation, asset structure and other aspectsThe results show that: to improve the profitability of listed companies,

      7、the stability index and growth index still need to be improved, the hotel industry should also actively respond to the call of the government, adapt to economic globalization, improve the hotel occupancy and profit rate, strengthen internal control, reasonable business arrangement; Improve the ability of technological innovation and service quality to meet customer needs; We will improve our ability to repay debt and optimize our capital structureKey words: profit quality; the hotel industry; pe

      8、rsistent; growth; social目录上市公司的盈利质量分析III以华天酒店为例III摘 要IIIAbstractIV一、 绪论7(一)研究背景及意义71研究背景72研究意义8(二)国内外研究综述81国外研究现状82国内研究现状9(三)研究内容和方法91本文的研究内容92本文的研究方法103本文创新点10二、 酒店业上市公司盈利质量分析的理论与方法10(一)盈利质量的内涵及其概念10(二)盈利质量的相关概念的辨析111盈利质量和盈利能力112盈利信息和会计信息11(三)酒店业上市公司的盈利质量性指标111真实性112持续性123稳定性124收现性125成长性126社会性12四、 华酒店集团股份有限公司基本情况13(一)华天酒店集团简介13(二)盈利能力指标13(三)盈利质量获现性指标15(四)盈利质量持续性指标15五、 酒店业(华天酒店)盈利质量的影响因素16(一)外部因素161政治环境对酒店业的影响162经济环境对酒店业的影响163社会文化环境的影响174竞争者的影响17(二)内部因素171资金的状况172主营业务的状况173酒店管理的质量184酒店的经营战略和发展方向

      9、18六、 酒店业(华天酒店)盈利质量存在的问题及建议181国内相关法律法规不完善182酒店业上市公司内部约束机制不完善183外部监督不够健全184酒店业缺乏竞争力19七、 提高上市公司酒店业的盈利质量的建议19(一)完善相关法律法规191不断完善会计准则192加强监督机构19(二)完善上市公司的公司治理结构19(三)加强投资者的理性投资意识和甄别能力19(四)提升企业核心竞争力201公司具有的技术、产品和管理服务要领先于竞争公司202酒店文化的塑造20 6 / 22一、 绪论(一)研究背景及意义1研究背景近年来,我国政府越来越注重生态环境的改善及与其息息相关的旅游业的发展。 “美丽中国”与“美丽乡村”的概念分别于2012年党的十八大报告与2013年中央一号文件中被提及,我国生态环境的改善得到极大的重视;2018年,国务院办公厅印发关于促进全域旅游发展的指导意见,强调了旅游供给侧结构性改革的重要性,大力推动了我国旅游业的转型与升级,我国旅游业开始迈向“全域旅游发展”道路,快速发展。图1所示为我国出入境人口统计柱状图,可以看出,国内旅游市场增长趋势明显,且入出境市场发展趋于平稳,该统计结果表明我国旅游业供给侧结构性改革取得了初步的成效。随着我国旅游业的兴盛发展,酒店业也得到前所未有的发展。我国纳入星级酒店统计管理系统的企业共计11685家,上市公司酒


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