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    • 1、2022年高一人教版英语必修三课时作业:Unit2Healthyeating(4)含答案一、单项选择( )1. Whats the _? I calls fall asleep at night. A. wrong B. matter. C. ill D. thing( )2. You look pale. I Suggest you have a good rest. _ A. Thank you B. Never mind C. Surely D. It doesnt matter( )3. Ive got a pain here. Just here,doctor. Lie down _ A. and have a good rest B. and you will be well soon C. all you will feel better D. and let me examine you( )4. Ive got a little pain here. I dont know why. Youd better _ A. go to the shop B. go to t

      2、he cinema C. go all visits the hospital D. go and see the doctor( )5. Why not join us in the discussion now? _ A. Ok,ing B. Sure,please do C. No,you do the same D. 0h,thats it( )6. Do you think its a good idea? 一一Ill go to my aunts instead. A. Yes,I think so B. Im sorry to agree with you C. Im afraid I dont think so D. Im glad I agree( )7. How much did you want forchat7 _ A. I did it for three B. I did nothing for it C. I spent 5 Yuan D. I paid 5 Yuan( )8. We will make a tour Of the Great Wall n

      3、ext Sunday. Isnt t11is arrangement satisfactory? . No one can think of a better plan. A. Yes,it is B. No. it isnt C. Not so good,I think D. Im afraid it is just so-so.( )9. I guess you are going to do some shopping. But Id also like to do some shopping. A. Not at all B. Not exactly C. Not so good D. Just so so( )10. I didnt know this was a one-way street,officer. _ A. Thats a11 right. B. I dont believe. you. C. HOW dare you say that? D. Sorry,but thats no excuse. ( )11. I wonder if I should stay

      4、 until the whole thing is over. . _ A. Its all right B. Its kind 0f you C. Its nothing D. Its up to you( )l2. Do you think our basketball players played very well yesterday?_ A. They were not tense at all B. They were still young C. They played naturally D. They couldnt have done better( )13. The water has been running all night long. No one would go and turn it off. _ A. Youd better not do it again. B. Why cant you do something about it? C. Dont you remember to turn it off? D. Really,I cant agr

      5、ee with you more. ( )14. Whats the matter? You really look down. 、 _ Well. better 1uck next time. A. Why,I always look up to you B. I failed an important test C. I have a bad c01d D. Me? I never look down upon anybody( )l5. Not all present would believe what the reporter said,Im afraid. _ A. So do I B. Nor am I C. I agree D. Im afraid,too二、完形填空 Who invented music? Who sang the first Song? No one knows exactly the answers _1_ these questions. But we know that music plays an important in almost ev

      6、eryones_2_ Babies all young children lore to hear people _3_ to them. When they are _4_ older,they like to sing the songs they have heard. When children go to school,their _5_ of music grows. In the middle grades,students _6_ music lessons. When they _7_ high school,they bee _8_ in 1istening to popular music. Music has _9_ for everyone. It can make people happy or it can make them sad. Music is 110w heard everywhere,in shops and buses all in the homes. We shall be trying to find out more abort _

      7、10_ music works. The following is a radio broadcast: Good evening. Tonights broadcast _11_ together music from different ers of the _12_. The_13_we have chosen for you are from American country music,Indian music, pop music and so on. In this broadcast we shall study the_14_ of music. We shall try to_15_ how music says _16_ people feel. I shall explain_17_they are a11 good music. The word“music” _18_the Greek word“music”. . The Muses are goddesses(女神)of the arts Music is only one of the _19_ . I

      8、t is like the spoken Language,but it uses _20_ differently. ( )1. A. of B. to C. on D. in ( )2. A. study B. work C. 1ifle D. rest ( )3. A. talking B. reading C. speaking D. singing ( )4. A. a little B. much C. much too D. a lot ( )5. A. place B. house C. school D. world ( )6. A. find、 B. take C. teach D. listen ( )7. A. arrive B. 1eave C. reach D. finish ( )8. A. interested B. surprised C. good D. stronger ( )9. A. meaning B. 1isteners C. lessons D. opinion ( )l0. A. when B. why C. what D. how ( )11. A. brings B. takes C. carries D. w


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