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    • 1、Unit 4 Law and order Period One Welcome to the unit , Reading同步练习时间:50分钟I .介、副词填空1. We are facing criminals who realize that they can make money little risk of beingcaught.2. They fear that doing so , they will lose customers.3. now , no one knows what exactly is happening.4. Cybercrime is so new that many governments have not yet passed laws it.5. This crime is common in Europe , visas are not required to travel to many countries.6. Governments and private businesses must work to provide the ti

      2、ght security tostop it.7. We often go there several times a week, sometimes lunchtime.8. Most countries do not have arrangements for dealing suspects from other countries.9. At present, piracy poses a challenge the music and software industries.10. In 2005, film companies in Hollywood lost around $3 to $4 billion because of illegal copying and downloading from the Internet.n .单词拼写1. Cybercrime refers to any c offence related to the Internet.2. D other peoples files without permission is a kind o

      3、f crime.3. Some bad websites encourage hatred and v.4. Committing crime online is no longer a t possibility.5. C how bad the situation is , we must work together to fight against cybercrime.6. (传统的)crimes are much easier to fight than cybercrimes.7. Because of the increased risk of cybercrime , its necessary for us to take (措施)to protect our computers.8. We must report the case (立即)to the head of our department.9. The (方便)of online shopping is universally acknowledged.10. The police have the res

      4、ponsibility of (搜集)evidence.出.翻译与仿写1. Cybercrime refers to any criminal offence related to the Internet.翻译:仿写:书呆子(bookworm)这个词语指喜欢读书的人。2. A survey conducted in 2010 by the Computer Security Institute showed that 45.6percent of the 351 biggest companies and government agencies had had their security systems broken into in the previous year.翻译:仿写:昨天晚上他的家遭到了盗贼的入侵。3. The only answer to this problem is international cooperation.翻译:仿写:提高英语的唯一方法就是多读多听。4. Would you be so kind as to shut the door, please

      5、?翻译:仿写:请您帮我把钢琴抬到楼上好吗?5. At present, pirated music and software pose a serious challenge to the music and software industries.翻译:仿写:全球变暖给人类的生存带来了严重的挑战。IV .语篇填词I am writing to apologize for my recent behavior. I realize now what I did was very foolish.I like_1_computer games. Yesterday I _2_out of my money. But I could not ask my parents_3_money_4_I did not want them to know I had been_5_to computer games.Therefore , when I_6_the tin on the class monitors desk , I lifted the lid , took some money

      6、and_7_it in my pocket.Thank you for talking to me and offering me a_8_chance.I know now that I was getting into a bad habit, _9_me to do something wrong. I will repay the money as soon as_10_and I will stop going to the Internet cafe.V .单项填空1. Try to spend your time just on the things you find.A . worthing doing themB . worth being doneC. worthy to being doneD. worthy of being done2. Although the used car seems in good, it cannot run too fast.A . stateB . situationC. conditionD . occasion3. The

      7、volcano erupted violently , yet the village at the foot of it should.A . come throughB. go throughC. get throughD. pass through4. Dont worry too much about making mistakes.They are naturalpart of learning.A. /; aB. the; /C. /; theD. the; the5. Jack went to college last year and left his parents , to return home until he achieved his goal.A . determining notB. not determinedC. not determiningD. determined not6. The voyages of travellers before the 17th century show that they were not the sea even

      8、 though they didnt have modern navigational aids.A . at the expense ofB . at the risk ofC. in the way ofD. at the mercy of7. Youll the department until the end of the year. Next year you will berearranged.A. be attached toB . be belonged toC. owe toD. be addicted to8. The man as well as his horse crossed the river from Tokyo.A . which ; comeB. that; comesC. who; cameD . who ; come9. You could have walked here.Yes. A taxinecessary.C. isntD. wasnt10. He stood there dumfounded without daring.his he

      9、ad as a consequence ofhis wrong action.A. liftB. to liftC.turnD. to rise11. They returned home after a long journey ,A . hungry and tiredlyB. hungrily and tiredlyC. tired and hungryD . tired and hungrilyA. What ifC. So what13. It was in the factoryhis friend workedhe picked up a lot ofexperience.A. where; whereB. that; whereC. that; thatD. where; that14. One of the collectors collected some seeds from a tree that hadhim.A.interest inB. appealed toC.been attractedD . drew attention of15.Whencomes to codes of ethics,I think everyone should strictly obey12. 一 They say Toms brother is a billionaire.? He wouldnt accept any help from his brother , even though it was offered.B. What forD. Forge


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