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    • 1、西南大学21春英国文学史及选读在线作业二满分答案1. He seemed to be looking for words_to convey his meaning as precisely as I had done.AHe seemed to be looking for words_to convey his meaning as precisely as I had done.AthatBwhereCwith whichDfrom which正确答案:C解析:句意:他似乎在寻找合适的词语来像我一样准确表达他的意思。with which指代“with words”,即“convey his meaning with words。”2. _ believe that nature is ennobling and that the individual is important.A.PuritansB.realistsC.Transcendentalists参考答案:C3. Today let&39;s learn _ AOne Lesson Bthe One Lesson CFi

      2、rst Lesson DLesson OneToday lets learn _ AOne LessonBthe One LessonCFirst Lesson DLesson OneD4. We had the case opened and the contents examined by a local insurance _ in the presence of theWe had the case opened and the contents examined by a local insurance _ in the presence of the shipping companys agents.AsurveyorBsurvivorCserverDservantA5. His remarks were _ annoy everybody at the meeting.A.so as toB.such as toC.such toD.as much as to参考答案:B6. We will place an order _ 1000 computers _ your c

      3、ompany if your price is competitive.We will place an order _ 1000 computers _ your company if your price is competitive.for, with7. In Shakespeare&39;s comedies the heroes and heroines attained their victory without much struggle.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A8. It may be necessary to stop _ in the learning process and go back to the difficult points in the lessons.A.at caseB.at lengthC.at intervalsD.at a distance参考答案:C9. Yor can hire a bicycle in many places. Usually youll have to pay a _.A.depositB.dealC.f

      4、areD.fond参考答案:A10. 浮士德中的角色( )公然宣称“我是否定的精神!”,“恶,这便是我的本质”。A.上帝B.玛格丽特C.海伦D.靡非斯托参考答案:B11. The publication of _ established Emerson as the spokesman of Transcendentalism.A.NatureB.Self-relianceC.The American Scholar参考答案:A12. Poverty is not _ in most cities although, perhaps because of the crowded conditions in certain areas, it is more visible there.A.rareB.temporaryC.prevalentD.segmental参考答案:C13. If the managers or organizations find their get just fine without the vacationing employee, the employee

      5、 will be ( ).A.paid moreB.promotedC.given more vacationD.insecure参考答案:D14. Asian-American full-time faculty members make up ( ) percent of the total.A.2.6B.5.5C.4.4D.4.9参考答案:B15. If you know what the trouble is, why dont you help them to _ the situation?A.simplifyB.modifyC.verifyD.rectify参考答案:D16. As a Jewish writer, Salinger concerns himself only with Jewish subject.( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:B17. Contrastive linguistics is the synchronic comparison of _ languages witContrastive linguistics is the synchro

      6、nic comparison of _ languages with a large number of linguistic structures in respect to similarities and differences.A. fiveB. fourC. threeD. two参考答案D18. 安娜卡列尼娜的题记“伸冤在我,我必报应。”语出圣经旧约“创世纪”。( )T.对F.错参考答案:F19. prudent ( )A.careful, circumspectB.surprising or astoundingC.of two races参考答案:A20. Mr.Bennets favorite daughter is Jane.( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:B21. 在艺术上,十日谈开了欧洲短篇小说的先河。( )T.对F.错参考答案:T22. grab ( )A.to have or takeB.to abandonC.hard working参考答案:A23. Wilder demanded his audience to accept the fact that

      7、 they were watching actors on the stage.( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:A24. 兹经买卖双方同意按照以下条款由买方购进,卖方售出以下商品。兹经买卖双方同意按照以下条款由买方购进,卖方售出以下商品。This contract is made by and between the Buyers and the Sellers; whereby the Buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the under- mentioned goods subject to the terms and conditions as stipulated hereinafter:25. Irving was regarded as _.A.father of American dramaB.father of American poetryC.father of American Literature参考答案:C26. The Pilgrim&39;s Progress by John Bunyan i

      8、s often said to be concerned with the search for _.A.universal truthB.spiritual salvationC.self-fulfillmentD.material wealth参考答案:B27. Neo-classicism saw its decline in Dryden.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A28. Mrs.Warren&39;s Profession is one of George Bernard Shaw&39;s plays. What is Mrs.Warren&39;s profession then?A.Real estateB.ProstitutionC.House-keepingD.Farming参考答案:B29. It is important that he (be) _ called back immediately.It is important that he (be) _ called back immediately.(should) be此题考查点在it is+adj. +主语十(should)动词原形+.句型中虚拟语气的应用,should可以省略。30. The firemen got _ to save the burning house. A) quickly enough there B) there quickly eThe firemen got _ to save the burning house.A) quickly enough thereB) there quickly enoughC) there enough quicklyD) enough quickly thereBthere应紧跟在动词go的后面,enough修饰副词时


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