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    • 1、主语从句练习单项选择题1 .as much as one-fifth of all timber harvested is not used.A. The estimateB. The estimateC. They are estimated D. It is estimated that2 .was once regarded as impossible has now become a reality.A. That B. Which C. Who D. What3 .we have achieved is attributed to the guidance of our parents.A. Whoever B. Whatever C. However D. That4 .you say now cant make up for what youve done.A. No matter B. Whatever C. However D. That5. Although happened in this developed country sounds like science

      2、 fiction, itcould occur elsewhere in the world.A. which B. what C. how D. it6.she had forgotten to take her notebook.A. That occurred to herB. She occurred thatC. To her that occurredD. It occurred to her that7. I am sure that she said is wrong.A. which B. all C. this D. what8. We lost our way in the forest, and made matters worse was that it wasgetting dark.A. that B. which C. it D. what9.occurred to him that he had forgotten to lock the door when he left home.A. This B. It C. That D. These10.o

      3、r not is still uncertain.A. Hes coming B. If he is comingC. That coming D. Whether hes coming11. Its hell be able to come.A. doubt whether B. doubtful C. doubt it D. doubtful whether12. It is that the bridge has existed for more than three centuries .A. appeared B. risen C. said D. born13. he saw both surprised and frightened him.A. That B. When C. What D. Which14.is a spell of warm sunshine.A. What do we all need. B. What all we needC. What we needD. What we all need15.is a pity that he should

      4、feel so upset.A. What B. That C. He D. It16.a spoonful of soil can tell us so much about the structure andearly history of the moon.A. RemarkableB. Quite remarkablyC. It is remarkable that D. It is remarkable17 .you nominate will be elected.A. Who B. Which C. Whomever D. Thats18 .book you borrow must be returned within a week.A. What B. Which C. Whichever D. Thats19.is troubling me is that I dont have much experience in international commerce.A. It B. That C. Which D. What20.they wil go there to

      5、 try another experiment has not been decided yet.A. Whether B. If C. About whether D. Why根据提示,完成句子1 .hasnt been decided yet.(pick)谁将去接他还没有确定。2 .remains unknown.(finish)我们是否能按时完成工作还不知道3 .is none of my business.(like)你喜不喜欢他都与我无关。4 .is being discussed.(abroad)他将何时出国正在讨论之中。5.in learning English is enough practice.(matter)英语学习中最重要的是足够的练习。1.1 t worried her a bit.(turn)她的头发正在变白让她有些担忧。7 .After Yang Liwei succeeded in circling the earth, our astronauts walk in space. (desire)杨利伟成功地环绕地球后,我们希望的是宇航员在太空漫步。8

      6、.should be punished.(break)任何违法的人都应该被惩罚。9 .we can learn four foreign languages at the same time.(seem)我们能同时学四门外语似乎不可能。10 . was that more than 90% of the students had been admitted to the key universities.让这所学校感到自豪的是超过90%的学生被重点大学录取了。参考答案1 5DDBBB610DDDBD1115 DCCDD1620CACDA1. Who will pick him up2. Whether we can finish the work on time3. Whether you like him (or not)4. When he will go abroad5. What matters most6. that her hair was turning grey7. its desired that8. Whoever breaks the law9. It seems impossible that10. What made the school proud11. 12.


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