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    • 1、高考英语情景作文写作指导情景作文是高考英语作文中的一种常见类型,要求考生根据特定情景或任务进行写作。通常,这类作文需要考生扮演某个角色,完成与情景相关的任务。一、常用句型【开头部分】1.I am writing to.- Example: I am writing to express my interest in joining the school volunteer program.- 翻译:我写信是为了表达我对加入学校志愿者计划的兴趣。2.I would like to.- Example: I would like to invite you to my birthday party this Saturday.- 翻译:我想邀请您参加我本周六的生日聚会。3.I am pleased to.- Example: I am pleased to inform you that you have been selected for the internship.- 翻译:我很高兴通知您,您已被选中参加实习。4.I am writing to apologize for.- Exa

      2、mple: I am writing to apologize for the inconvenience caused by the late delivery.- 翻译:我写信是为了为延迟交付带来的不便道歉。5.This is to notify you that.- Example: This is to notify you that the meeting has been rescheduled to Friday.- 翻译:特此通知您,会议已改期至星期五。【过渡句型】1.In addition,.- Example: In addition, I would like to know if you are available for a meeting next week.- 翻译:此外,我想知道您下周是否有时间参加会议。2.Furthermore,.- Example: Furthermore, I would appreciate it if you could send me the documents by Friday.- 翻译:此外,如果您能在星期五之前把文件

      3、发给我,我将不胜感激。3.Moreover,.- Example: Moreover, I need to confirm the schedule with you before finalizing the arrangements.- 翻译:此外,在确定安排之前,我需要与您确认时间表。4.However,.- Example: However, if you are unable to attend, please let me know as soon as possible.- 翻译:然而,如果您无法参加,请尽快告诉我。5.On the other hand,.- Example: On the other hand, if you need more time, I can extend the deadline.- 翻译:另一方面,如果您需要更多时间,我可以延长截止日期。【结束部分】1.Thank you for your understanding.- 翻译:感谢您的理解。2.I look forward to hearing from you soon.- 翻译:我期

      4、待很快收到您的回复。3.Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.- 翻译:如果您有任何问题,请随时联系我。4.Sincerely,- 翻译:真诚的,5.Best regards,- 翻译:最诚挚的问候,二、写作模版Introduction:- Introduce yourself and explain why you are writing.- Mention any relevant context or information to set the scene.Body:- Provide details related to the task or situation.- Use specific examples or information to support your message.- Employ transitions to maintain a smooth flow.- Address any concerns or questions the reader might have.Con

      5、clusion:- Summarize the main points and restate any important information.- Offer additional assistance or express a desire to stay in touch.- End with a polite closing and a signature.引言:- 介绍自己并解释你为什么写信。- 提供相关的背景或信息以建立情景。主体:- 提供与任务或情况相关的详细信息。- 使用具体的实例或信息支持你的信息。- 使用过渡语句以保持流畅。- 解决读者可能有的任何疑虑或问题。结尾:- 总结主要观点并重申任何重要信息。- 提供额外帮助或表达希望保持联系的意愿。- 以礼貌的结束语和签名结束。三、写作实例1.申请加入学校俱乐部Introduction:My name is John Doe, and I am a senior at XYZ High School.I am writing to apply for membership in the schools Science C

      6、lub.I have a strong passion for science and would like to contribute to the clubs activities.Body:I have taken several advanced science courses at school and have participated in various science competitions.I believe my experience and skills can be valuable to the club.In addition, I enjoy working with others and am eager to collaborate on science projects.Furthermore, I would like to participate in the clubs upcoming science fair.I have some innovative ideas that I believe would be a great add

      7、ition to the event.I am also interested in attending the clubs weekly meetings to discuss new scientific topics and engage with other club members.Conclusion:Thank you for considering my application.I look forward to hearing from you soon.If you have any questions or need additional information, please feel free to contact me at contact information.Sincerely,John Doe引言:我叫约翰多,我是XYZ高中的一名高年级学生。我写信申请加入学校的科学俱乐部。我对科学充满热情,并希望为俱乐部的活动做出贡献。主体:我在学校参加了几门高级科学课程,并参加了各种科学竞赛。我相信我的经验和技能可以对俱乐部有所帮助。此外,我喜欢与他人合作,并渴望

      8、在科学项目上合作。此外,我想参加俱乐部即将举行的科学展览。我有一些创新的想法,我认为这将是这个活动的一个很好的补充。我还对参加俱乐部的每周例会感兴趣,以讨论新的科学话题,并与其他俱乐部成员交流。结论:感谢您考虑我的申请。我期待很快收到您的回复。如果您有任何问题或需要更多信息,请随时联系我,联系方式。真诚的,约翰多【英语语法和短语分析】I am writing to apply for.:句型,表示“我写信申请”。I have a strong passion for.:短语,表示“我对充满热情”。I believe my experience and skills.:短语,表示“我相信我的经验和技能”。Furthermore, I would like to.:句型,表示“此外,我想”。Innovative ideas:短语,表示“创新想法”。2.邀请参加生日聚会Introduction:I am writing to invite you to my birthday party this Saturday at my house.It will be a great opportu

      9、nity to catch up and have some fun with friends and family.The party will start at 6 PM, and we will have food, drinks, and games.Body:The theme of the party is Superheroes, so feel free to come dressed as your favorite superhero.We will have a costume contest with prizes for the best costumes.In addition, there will be a karaoke session, so be ready to sing your favorite songs.We will also have a barbecue in the backyard, and my father will be in charge of grilling.If you have any dietary restrictions, please let me know in advance, and we will make sure to accommodate you.I would appreciate it if you could RSVP by Thursday to confirm your attendance.Conclusion:I hope you can make it to the party.It would mean a lot to me to celebrat


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