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    • 1、The Comparability of Valentines Day of the Western Culture and Double-Seventh Day of the Chinese Traditional Festival中国七夕节与西方情人节的对比姓名: . 专业:学号:指导老师:定稿日期:By. The department of English Supervision: May, 2011AcknowledgementI would like to get this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to my thesis tutor, Mr. Yu Huizhong for his patient guidance and attentive revision, especially in grammar, articles using, idiomatical using and so on. Its under his wide guidance that I finish this dissertatio

      2、n with deeper and broader thinking in content.At the same time, Id like to express my earnest gratitude to other teachers and professors who have ever taught and helped me a lot during my four-year university life.Last but not least, my grateful thanks to my parents for their love and support. Without their support, I couldnt have enjoyed my four-year campus life. Abstract Culture is a kind of social behavior. It is correlated with peoples daily life, and customs and habits. Love is a very impor

      3、tant part of culture. Each nations special culture gives love some special cultural connotation. This paper intends to make an analysis of the different origins of the Double seventh Festival and Valentines Day, the different celebrations and cultural backgrounds of the two festivals, as well as different peoples psychological identities of the two festivals. Then since we have the unique Double Seventh Festival, we should protect the culture of the Festival. And we should give foreign festivals

      4、 more tolerance and pay more respect for our national festivals. I believe the two festivals can enjoy peaceful co-existence. Key Words: Double Seventh Festival; Valentines Day; farming civilization; Christianity; different, peaceful co-existence. 摘要文化是一种社会行为,文化与人们的日常生活,习俗和习惯息息相关。爱的文化在整个文化中起着很重要的部分。每个民族的特别文化也给每个民族的爱的文化带来一些特别之处。本文试图对七夕节和情人节起源的不同,两个节日的庆祝方法不同,两个节日的文化底蕴不同及人们对这两个节日的不同心理认同进行分析。我们的七夕节是独一无二的,我们应该保护七夕文化。我们应该给国外节日多一些宽容,也给我国传统节日多一些尊敬.我相信七夕节和情人节这两节日可以“和平共存”的。关键词:七夕节,情人节,农耕文化,基督教,不同,和平共存Cont

      5、entsAcknowledgements.Abstract.摘要.Chapter One: Introduction.1Chapter Two: The different origin of the Double seventh Festival and the Valentines Day.2 2.1 The different origin of the Double seventh Festival2 2.2 The different origin of the Valentines Day3 Chapter Three: The different celebrations of two festivals.53.1 The celebration of the Double seventh Festival53.2 The celebration of the Valentines Day.5Chapter Four: The different cultural background of two festivals.8Chapter Five: The differe

      6、nt peoples psychological identities of the two festivals.10Chapter Six:Conclusion.11References.13Chapter One IntroductionThe festival is an essential part of cultural customs, which is also an important part to reflect the traditional ethnic culture. On the other hand, the festival, as a mirror of culture, is strongly influenced by culture. Culture is a kind of social behavior. It is correlated with peoples daily life, and customs and habits. Each nations special culture gives love some special

      7、cultural meaning. Different countries have different folk festivals owing to different natural conditions and humane factors. For most western countries, traditional festivals originate from religion, while our traditional festivals come from a farming civilization. The different origins lead to different celebrations. Over the many years in past, different regions have celebrated their own festivals. In modern times, with development of globalization, many ethnic festivals are celebrated by all

      8、 over the world. For example, the Western Valentines Day is widely celebrated by our young people. And Chinas Double Seventh Festival is called Oriental Valentines Day. But we should know what the differences are between the two festivals. What can we learn from the two festivals? In this paper, we will discuss the Double Seventh Festival and the Valentines Day, which reflect the differences between Chinese and Western cultures about love of various levels. Many young people ignore the glorious national heritage of thousands of years. What should we and the government do for the two festivals? Chapter Two The Different Origins of the Two Festivals 2.1 The Origin of the Double Seventh FestivalThe legend about a cowhand and a weaver maid originated from the astronomical picture composed of Altair and Vega. Earlier, the deification


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