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    • 1、专升本英语复习题300题辅导班内部资料I. Vocabulary and Structure1. Tom was disappointed that most of the guestswhen heat the party.A. had left, arrivedB. left, had arrivedC. had left, had arrivedD. left, arrived2. Sir Denis, who is 78, has made it known that much of his collectionto the nation.A. has leftB. is to leaveC. leavesD. is to be left3. The workby the time you get here.A. will have been doneB. is doneC. had been doneD. would have done4. Itfor a week and the streets were flooded.A. has rainedB. was rained

      2、C. had been rainingD. should have rained5. Sorry, but we cannot go to San Diego. Our cousinsto see us next Sunday.A. comeB. are coming C. have comeD. came6. The bus is late and Julie is cold. Shefor the bus for 10 minutes.A. waits B. waitedC. has been waitingD. has waited7. All of us think it difficult tothe difference between the two things.A. talkB. speakC. lectureD. tell8. George is soin debt that he is afraid to show up in the pub in case he meets his six creditors.A. involvedB. concentrated

      3、C. devoted D. concerned9. A new situation is likely towhen the school leaving age is raised to 16.A. riseB. ariseC. happenD. raise10. Be quiet! Its rude topeople when they are speaking.A. interfere B. introduceC. interrupt D. prevent11. The music adviser taught her how toa song to find its mood and meaning.A. compose B. preserveC. includeD. analyze12. Rapid reading means reading something fast just tothe general idea.A. master B. seizeC. graspD. imagine13. Finding it difficult toto the climate i

      4、n the city, he decided to move to the North.A. adoptB. adaptC. fitD. suit14. They built strong walls round the town as aagainst the enemy.A. depend B. defendC. defeatD. defense15. The students were notto leave the classroom without an adequate reason.A. permitted B. remittedC. admittedD. emitted16. I don think it is easy toyour weight if keep on eating that way.A. decrease B. reduceC. declineD. shorten17. The guide isa line of tourists through the narrow passage with the help of his torch.A.conc

      5、ludingB.containingC.conductingD.conquering18. Itthe village where we spent our holidays last summer.A. reminds me ofB. reminds me to C. remembers me of D. remembers me to19. It s too expensive for me. I canit.精品资料A. spendB. costC. payD. afford20. I didn know what to do but then an idea suddenlyto me.A. happened B. enteredC. occurredD. hit21. Mr. Wilson said that he did not want toany further responsibilities.A take on B. bring onC. get on D. carry out22. Dear, do send the children to bed. I cant

      6、their noise any longer.A. put off B. put up C. stand upD. put up with23. Will you pleasemy parcel at the post-office as you pass?A. pick out B. pick up C. take out D. take up24. In making such models, skills as well as thorough knowledge of plant structure are.A. called on B. called up C. called for D. called in25. The little boyhis hiding place when he coughed.A gave away B. gave upC. got awayD. got in26. None of us expected the chairman toat the party. We thought he was still in hospital.A. tu

      7、rn in B. turn upC. turn overD. turn down27. When he heard the bad news, hecompletely.A. broke awayB. broke upC. broke downD. broke out28.If I had more time, I wouldgolf as a hobby.A.take inB.take onC.take up29.Would you like methe radio a bit?A. turning downB. turned downC. turn down30.Since the road is wet this morning,last night.D.take overD. to turn downA. it must have rained B. it must rain C. it must be raining D. it must have been rained31. As teachers we should concern ourselves with what

      8、 is said, not what we think.A. ought to be saidB. must say C. have to be said D. need to say32. Youall those calculations. We have a computer to do that sort of thing.A. must not have done B. should not have C. can not have doneD. needn have done33. With all this work on hand, heto the cinema last night.A. mustn goB. wouldn go C. oughtngo D. shouldnhave gone34. “saw Mary in the library yesterday.” Youher, she is still in hospital.”A. mustn have seen B. could not seeC. can have seenD. must not se

      9、e35. He regrettedthe decision so hastily.A. makeB. makingC. to makeD. have made36. The speech which he madethe project has bothered me greatly.A. being concerned B. concerningC. be concerned D. concerned37. -“Joe doesn seem like the same person. ”-“so much in the war has made him more thoughtful.”A. To have seenB. Having seen C. His seeingD. For him to see38. He had no choice butto see him.A. to goB. went C. going D. go39. Although young, Fred could resistwhat to do and what not to do.A. to be toldB. having been told C. to have been toldD. being toldA. performing B. performedC. to be performedD. being performed41. The music was sothat th


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