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    • 1、河源市农村劳动力非农就业现状及其影响因素分析摘 要解决河源市农村劳动力就业是建设社会主义新农村基本的要求,也是实现工业化和城市化的重要结果,同时也是解决“三农”问题和实现全面小康社会的前提。改革开放以来,河源市农村经济发生了翻天覆地的变化,农民收入不断提高,农民生活得到很大的改善,农村贫困人口大量减少,但是与实现全面小康和建设社会主义新农村的目标相比还有差距。就业是民生之本,通过加快非农产业的发展,创造出大量非农就业岗位和机会,促使农村劳动力就业向非农产业转移,不断降低农业就业的比重和数量,是解决“三农问题”、建设社会主义新农村和实现城乡统筹的重要举措。面对实现充分就业的目标,河源市政府和相关部门已经采取了多种有效措施促进农村劳动力的转移和非农就业,虽然取得一定的效果,但是仍需继续加大力度。在面临全球金融危机不断蔓延,我国的许多地区和企业也受到一定的负面影响,对确保农村劳动力的非农就业!农民收入继续增加的目标必将带来一定的挑战,因此,研究目前河源市农村劳动力的非农就业现状及影响因素,有针对性地提出政策策并制定具体计划来确保农村劳动力就业和稳定社会具有积极作用。本文通过讨论河源市农村劳动

      2、力非农就业现状及影响因素,分析新形势下农村劳动力非农就业面临的机遇和挑战,探讨促进农村劳动力向非农产业有序转移的政策。其研究的主要框架是:本文共分五部分, 第一部分为绪论。阐述研究背景与意义、文献综述和研究内容与方法。第二部分为农村劳动力非农就业理论基础。阐述农村劳动力基本内涵、分析农村劳动力非农就业理论基础。第三部分为河源市农村劳动力非农就业现状分析。阐述分析河源市农村劳动力非农就业结构的变化。第四部分为影响河源市农村劳动力非农就业的因素分析。分析河源市产业结构升级对农村非农就业的影响、农业经营方式变化对农村非农就业的影响、农机化程度对农村非农就业的影响、政府组织的转移培训、创业政策等对农村非农就业的影响。第五部分为促进河源市农村劳动力非农就业对策。提出促进河源农村劳动力非农就业对策。关键词:河源市;农村劳动力;非农就业AbstractSolution to heyuan city, rural labor force employment is a basic requirement, in order to build a new socialist countryside is

      3、 also the result of industrialization and urbanization, is also solve the SAN nong questions and realize the premise of a well-off society in an all-round way. Since Chinas reform and opening up, great changes have taken place in heyuan city, the rural economy, increasing farmers income, the great improvement of peasants living, a substantial reduction in rural poverty, but with the implementation and the construction socialism new countryside goal of the all-round well-off society and compared

      4、the gap. Employment is vital to peoples livelihood, by speeding up the development of non-agricultural industries, to create a large number of non-farm jobs and opportunities, encourage rural labor employment transfer to non-agricultural industries, the proportion of agricultural employment and decrease of the number, is to solve the three rural problems, in order to build a new socialist countryside, and realize the important measures for urban and rural areas as a whole.Face achieve the goal o

      5、f full employment, heyuan municipal government and relevant departments have taken various effective measures to promote the transfer of rural labor and employment, although has certain effect, but still need to continue to intensify efforts to. In the face of the global financial crisis is spreading, many parts of our country and the enterprise has also been a certain negative impact, to ensure that rural labor employment! Continue to increase in the farmers income goal will bring certain chall

      6、enges, therefore, research on the current employment status quo of rural labor force in heyuan city, guangdong and influence factors, puts forward policy strategy and the specific plan to ensure that rural labor employment and social stability has a positive role.Heyuan city, this paper discussed present situation and influence factors of rural labor force employment analysis of rural labor force employment under the new situation facing the opportunities and challenges, discussed to promote the

      7、 orderly transfer of rural labor to non-agricultural sectors of the policy. The main framework of this study is to explore: this article is divided into five parts, the first part is the introduction. Expounds the research background and significance, literature review and research contents and methods. The second part is the theory of rural labor employment base. Expounds the basic connotation, rural labor force of rural labor force employment theories. The third part to heyuan city, rural labo

      8、r employment situation analysis. Heyuan city, this paper analysis the changing structure of the rural labor employment. The fourth part is the influence factors analysis of rural labor employment in heyuan city, guangdong. Analysis of heyuan city, for the upgrading of the industrial structure of the rural non-agricultural employment, agriculture management way change on the influence of the effect of the rural non-agricultural employment, agricultural mechanization level of rural non-agricultura

      9、l employment, the transference and training of government organization, and the influence of entrepreneurship policy, etc. The impact on rural non-farm payrolls. Heyuan city, the fifth part in order to promote rural labor force employment countermeasures. Puts forward some countermeasures to promote the heyuan rural labor employment.Key words: heyuan city; Rural labor force; Non-farm payrolls目 录第1章 绪论11.1研究背景与意义11.1.1研究背景11.1.2研究意义11.2国内外研究综述21.2.1国外研究综述21.2.2国内研究综述41.2.3述评71.3研究内容与方法71.3.1研究内容71.3.2研究方法8第2章 农村劳动力非农就业理论基础92.1概念界定92.1.1劳动力92.1.2农业劳动力与农村劳动力92.1.3农村劳动力非农就业92.2相关理论102.2.1刘易斯理论102.2.2拉尼斯-费景汉模型102.2.3托达罗模型112.2.4人力资本理论112.2.5劳动组合理论122.2.6新劳动力迁移理论122.2.7农村城镇化理论13第3章 河源市农村劳动力非农就业现状及问题分析163.1河源市农村劳动力非农就业现状163.2.1农村劳动力非农就业的多样化163.2.1农村劳动力非农就业的地区差异显著163.1.3就业集中在传统型产业163.2河源市农村农村劳动力非农就业特征173.2.1就地与异地并举,转移的速度和规模又出现了新高峰173.2.2省内转移是主体,省外、境外转移的空间


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