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高三英语 寒假作业优秀学生寒假必做作业 Units5-6 大纲人教版

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  • 上传时间:2024-01-15
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  • 常见问题
    • 1、高三册 Units5-6.单词拼写1The government _(数字) published today show that unemployment is rising again.2I set myself a _(目标) of learning 20 new words every day to enlarge my vocabulary.3It is the _(政策) of the government to improve education across the country.4We aim to increase our _(利润) by at least 5% every year.5For many foreigners, they _(联系) China with the Great Wall.6As a student of English, I think you should know that the BBC _(广播) all over the world.7Im afraid the river is too _(浅的) for our smal

      2、l boat.8She _(认为重要性) great importance to regular exercise.9We should lend him a hand and share the _(负担) on his back.10You must take everything into _(考虑) before you have made a decision.11They greatly increased the sales of their new product after it was _(做广告) on TV.12When we were walking along the river bank, there came a _(绝望的) cry for help.答案1figures2.target3.policy4.profit(s)5associate6.broadcasts7.shallow8.attaches9burden10.consideration11.advertised12desperate.完成句子(湖北专用)1The news that ou

      3、r Chinese Women Volleyball Team got another victory _(使在场的所有人十分高兴)2The colourful picture books, _(为儿童设计的) children, have just come out.3Having been deserted for scores of years, the temple is _(状况良好)4The Zhaozhou bridge, _(始建于) 754A.D., stays strong.5The top student in our class is _(与其说聪明不如说勤奋)6The case _(涉及) a private secret was kept unexposed to the public.7The teacher told us the chemistry test would be simple, but it _(结果相当难)8_(信息灵通的经理) made an intelligent decision, avoiding a lot of loss o

      4、f the company.9The little boy went up _(理论) to the guy that his father did do it out of love.10The Senior Two students _(正在辩论) whether or not middle school students should go into the net house.答案1amused everyone present2.intended for3in good condition4.dating from5more diligent than clever6.relating to7turned out to be rather difficult8The informed manger9to reason10.are debating.单项填空1It is reported that the guy who is going to _ the lecture spent a year living in the rainforest.A. deliver B. r

      5、eceiveC. send D. distinguish2His jokes provided some comic _ in what was really a dull speech.A. remains B. religionC. relic D. relief3I quit _ the pills because they were making me gain weight.A. taking B. being takenC. to taken D. take4It is difficult for me to _ a talk with those who only response “OK” to me.A. pick up B. put upC. keep up D. set up5Sonya said she couldnt get there through all the snow. _, her car was in poor condition.A. However B. ThereforeC. Besides D. Otherwise6Is the Kore

      6、an Food served in that restaurant tasty?_. My friends go to eat there almost every weekend.A. Not a bit B. Not a littleC. Not at all D. Not really7He couldnt have done what he _; he is not that kind of person at all.A. accused B. is accusedC. accused of D. is being accused of8I think what _ me about his painting is the colours he uses.A. refers to B. contributes toC. appeals to D. adapts to9In Britain, packs of cigarettes come with a government health warning _ to them.A. attach B. attachedC. to

      7、 attach D. attaching10I left Jack _ the suitcases while I went to get the tickets.A. in favour of B. in the charge ofC. in care of D. in charge of11_ annoys me that Kim never returns the books she borrows.A. It B. ThisC. What D. That12Everything _ into consideration, they ought to have another chance.A. to take B. takenC. to be taken D. taking13I tried to _ in my speech how grateful we all were for his help.A. explain B. translateC. convey D. conclude14Scientists are so far at _ loss to explain

      8、_ reason for the species dying out.A. a; a B. a; theC. /; the D. /; a15(2010江苏南京期末)Hi, Johnson, any idea where Susan is?Its class time, so she _ in the classroom now.A. can be B. must have been C. might have been D. should be答案1A。句意:据报道将要演讲的那个人在雨林地带生活了一年。deliver a lecture“发表演说”。2D。本题考查名词的词义辨析。句意:他说的笑话给极沉闷的讲话增添了几分轻松的气氛。relief表示“缓和紧张、克服单词或带来可喜变化的事物”。3A。quit“放弃做”,后接动词ing形式,且主语和动词之间是主谓关系,故选A项。4C。句意:对我来说继续和那些只能回应我“好,好,好”的人交谈是很困难的。keep up“坚持,继续”。pick up“捡起,获得”;put up“举起;张贴”;set up“建立”。5C。however表示转折,意为“然而,可是”;therefore表示因果,意为“因此,所以”;besides表示递进,意为“而且”;otherwise用于虚拟语气,意思是“否则的话”。根据句意可知,两句之间含递进关系,故选C项。6B。根据回答“我的朋友们几乎每周末都去那里吃”,可知那家餐馆的韩国料理味道好,故选not a little“非常”。not a bit相当于not at all“一点也不”。7D。句意:他不可能做了被指控的那些事情,他不是那种人。accuse sb. of sth.“控告某人做某事”。句中what作accuse of的宾语。8C。appeal to“对有吸引力”,符合题

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