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开题报告The Oral English Learning Problems and Strategies of English Majors in Higher Vocational Colleges

  • 卖家[上传人]:枫**
  • 文档编号:491921999
  • 上传时间:2023-11-02
  • 文档格式:DOC
  • 文档大小:51KB
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    • 1、开 题 报 告毕业设计(论文)题目The Oral English Learning Problems and Strategies of English Majors in Higher Vocational Colleges题目类型工程设计(项目)论文类R作品设计类其他一、选题简介、意义Although more emphasis has been laid on oral English learning in China, there are still many problems in English majors learning strategies. How to improve their oral English effectively has become a severe test for higher vocational students.This paper discusses the present situation and existing problems of oral English learning of vocational college

      2、 students, and puts forward effective learning strategies to improve oral English competence, so as to provide methods for better oral English.二、 课题综述(课题研究,主要研究的内容,要解决的问题,预期目标,研究步骤、方法及措施等)The paper first introduces the current situation and problems of English majors in oral English learning in higher vocational colleges. It analyzes the causes of students failures concerning oral English learning. In the end, the author discusses the oral English learning strategies of English majors so as to h

      3、elp them become competent in oral English learning.Research approach: 1. Choose an appropriate topic.2. Collect relative data on the Internet, in the library and from the books I have studied.3. Keep in touch with the instructor during the writing process and polish the drafts.Research steps1. Thesis report Deadline: 23th, Feb.2. Data collection and the first draft Deadline: 14th, Mar.3. First draft modification Deadline: 27th, Mar.4. Second draft modification and the final version Deadline: 15t

      4、h, Apr.Bibliography: 1 李姝,贾熠辰.高职商务英语专业学生口语学习策略研究.N辽宁广播电视大学学报2015(1)2 张玉红.高职生院校非英语专业学生口语学习策略.J读与写2014(9)3 李锡岚.浅谈高职生英语口语学习策略.J课程教育研究2018(36)4 崔月,何亚芸.高职非英语专业学生英语口语学习策略与外语焦虑的关系研究.昆明冶金高等专科学校学报.2017(4)5 周晶.浅析对高职学生英语口语自主学习的策略研究.N湖北函授大学学报2017(17)6 陈珂冰.高职学生英语口语学习中元认知策略的应用.N延边教育学院学报2015(3)7 李敏.高职学生英语口语学习动机分析与策略研究.J海外英语2016(15)三、设计(论文)体系、结构(大纲)1 Introduction2 English Majors Problems in Oral English Learning2.1 Weak English Foundation2.2 Failure in Making Full Use of the Learning Resources2.3 Influence of P

      5、revious Learning Experience 3 Causes of the Problems in the Current Oral English Learning 3.1 Psychological Factors3.2 Poor Learning Strategies4 Proper Learning Strategies4.1 Cultivating the Sense of Language4.2 Using Various Resources4.3 Practicing more5 Conclusion指导教师意见:签字: 2019年 月 日 分院审批意见:签章: 2019年 月 日 毕业设计(论文)任务书2019 年 月 日毕业设计(论文)题 目The Oral English Learning Problems and Strategies of English Majors in Higher Vocational Colleges题目来源其他指导教师1李骥云职称讲师所在部门外语与旅游学院指导教师2吴鑫职称主管所在部门无锡微盛网络科技有限公司学生姓名吴雨亭学号6030163135班级商务英语61631所属院系专业外旅学院商务英语外语翻译要求课题需要完成的任务(1) 课题任务、方向:本文探讨高职英语专业学生英语口语学习的现状与存在的问题,并提出有效提高英语口语能力的学习策略,为提高英语口语学习提供方法。(2)研究范围及目标:研究高职英语专业学生英语口语学习中存在问题、产生问题的原因及应采取的学习策略(3)文献评论:需查阅高职英语专业学生英语口语学习现状与学习策略研究相关中英文文献近10余篇。(4)将论文按规定格式打印定稿,提交指导教师。按系统一要求进行答辩准备。课题计划 安排序号内 容时 间 安 排1开题报告2月25日3月1日2收集资料,撰写初稿3月2日3月20日3初稿修改3月21日3月28日4二稿修改3月29日4月6日5三稿修改,定稿4月7日4月12日计划答辩时间4月19日答辩提交资料毕业论文任务书、毕业论文开题报告、毕业论文终稿、文本检测报告单教研室主任审核意见签名:

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