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    • 1、课后作业(三).单句语法填空1Five years_(have) passed since they moved to Canada.2It is announced that every girl_(be) going to take part in the test.3His family_ a big one.And his family_ all music lovers.(be)4Look,those cattle_(be) eating grass on the hill now.5Catherine and Jack_(be) both interested in playing tennis.6The news_(be) of great importance.7To reach the top of the mountain_(be) a very difficult task.8The poet and singer_(have) come here.答案1.has2.is3.is;are4.are5.are6.is7.is8.has.完成句子1A large qu

      2、antity of storybooks_for the children.(学校)为孩子们买了大量的故事书。2Believe it or not,everyone here_.信不信由你,这里的每个人都有音乐天赋。3Neither the students nor the teacher_.学生和老师都不知道她没到场的原因。4All the furniture_another room.所有家具都已经被搬到了另一个房间里。5My neighbour and colleague_.我的邻居,也是我的同事,正在浇花。答案1.has been bought2.has a gift for music3knows the reason why she didnt turn up4has been moved to5is watering the flowers.阅读理解AIn 1967,Kathrine Switzer became the first woman to enter the Boston Marathon.At the time,women werent officially

      3、 allowed to enter the race.To be accepted,Switzer signed her name as “K. V. Switzer”On the race day,people noticed that there was a woman.Switzer was at mile two when the race manager,Jock Semple,ran up and tried to get her out of the race,shouting,“Get the hell out of my race!” But with her boyfriend knocking Semple back,she finished in four hours and twenty minutes.To mark the 50th anniversary of her first run,Switzer,now 70,plans to repeat the 26.2mile journey this month.In the race,Switzer w

      4、ill wear the number 261,the same one she wore in her run 50 years ago.In her honor,the Boston Marathon will leave the number out in future races.Switzer has run 39 marathons,including coming first in New York in 1974 and running in the Olympics in 1984.Her personal best performance for marathon was in Boston in 1975,three years after women were officially allowed to enter it.Her number might not show up in the Boston Marathon again,but Switzers movement goes beyond letting women enter that race.

      5、Founding a nonprofit international womens running club,Switzer chose the name “261 Fearless”“My goal is to reach women in places right now where theyre not allowed to leave the house alone,drive a car or get an education,” Switzer said.“If running can make them feel they are no longer weak,thats what I hope it can do.”语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了马拉松界的女英雄Kathrine Switzer 于1967年用自己的行为改变了马拉松禁止女性参加的旧条例,并创建了非营利性的国际女性跑步俱乐部,为所有的女性争取自身权益。1How did Switzer enter the Boston Marathon in 1967?ABy dressing up as a male.

      6、BBy hiding her given name.CBy shouting at the race manager.DBy getting another runner out of the race.解析细节理解题。根据第一段中的“To be accepted,Switzer signed her name as K. V. Switzer”可知,她签署的名字是K. V. Switzer,而她的实际名字是Kathrine Switzer。所以她隐藏了自己的given name,才得以参加比赛。答案B2What was Semples attitude towards Switzer running the Marathon?AHe stood by her.BHe persuaded her to give up.CHe tried to get her out of the race.DHe thought she should get official permission first.解析细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Switzer was at mile two when t

      7、he race manager,Jock Semple,ran up and tried to get her out of the race,shouting,Get the hell out of my race!”可知,当Switzer跑了2英里时,组织这次比赛的经理Semple试图阻止她,让她离开比赛。答案C3Which of the following is right about the number 261?AA running club was named after it.BIt will be a number of honor in future races.CThe number will only be used for the Boston Marathon.DSwitzer wore the number in all her marathon races.解析细节理解题。根据最后一段的第一句“Founding a nonprofit international womens running club,Switzer chose the name 261

      8、Fearless”可知,她把自己创建的俱乐部取名为“261 Fearless”。答案A4Whats Switzers goal in founding the running club?ATo make a lot of money.BTo honor her first marathon.CTo train more women for marathon.DTo encourage women to win equal rights.解析推理判断题。根据最后一段的内容可以推知,Switzer创建跑步俱乐部的目的是为女性争取平等的权益。答案DBNot many women have won the Nobel Peace Prize.Until 2004,no African women ever had.That was when Dr. Wangari Maathai won itfor planting trees.You might ask,what do trees have to do with peace?“Many wars are fought over resour

      9、ces(资源),” Dr. Maathai said as she accepted the prize.“If we conserve(保护) resources better,the fighting will stop.”Dr. Maathai was born in Kenya in 1940.Unlike most African women,she went to school.High school woke up a hunger in her for more knowledge.She went to college in Kansas and earned a masters degree in science from the University of Pittsburgh.She became the first Kenyan woman ever earning a PhD.Later,Dr. Maathai taught animal science at Kenyas University of Nairobi.As an educated woman,Dr. Maathai felt responsible for leading others.She started her work in 1977 by planting nine


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