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    • 1、必修 Ut 3 Th MilloPun Bnk Note李仕才一、阅读理解ril mrks e 400th anniverar of Wlia Sakespers eah. Organizos in Bitain hve lnnednueou events t hoor him.InStratfo-upon-Av,hisbithplce, h torism ogization asa grauber fee evnts, ncludg erfomnces ofhkespeae lys,and adazl frewoksdispla. And the BBC isbrodcang a live show fro Strtoeon-Aon,ceerating hakespar widesreadiflnc onhe word.I ngands caal, th ondon Saspee Centr ad KingsCollgeLondnare hldig a sriesofpubli prfomances, hibtion and ates. Itisnt jstEnglanda onot

      2、he aniveraryof the death o ts extrordinarywrtr. n Washngn,D C.,the Folger hakspeare Lirary, whichouseshe wrl largest collction ofdoument relatin t Wiliamkespeare, is dispayig a series f ehibitsShakeseareiprbbl the mo famou author wh ve ived nd s considered a genis b ost. He wrotearund play and14 sonets(十四行诗), andhiworas been transledinto oer onended lnguags! penned beutifulmtpors(暗喻), srusamas and amsing taeshaespeealo iend may ew tems ad ases I smeos behvior suggested they e not beng honestand

      3、shodnot etud, Shakespeare called teir ctionssicious. If someoe ws beg sily and prhap ling ike a o, Shakepeod their cions laughabe. An hakpare alppl who offered teropinionson thqualiy omethng cts. oda, for istn, fodcriticsd filcris giv adices their opiniosof oo anfl. T familiar hrabreak the icecom from Skspares play TTigof the hrew. Ticeis boke whna ifficult cnvration o meeiniscalmedy some aic intducton, sc as a sipegame. Mo common words idSkespeae nlude road, gossip, oely,bpa hury.For udrears af

      4、er his dath,haespea surelylivs on, n evyda sch, sth most famousritr of allime!1. h ai ida of te text s_.A. e 40th anniverar ofSakepeareseath. th iluenc Shaespeare hs on EgishC.hechieemnts f Wilia SakespeareD Shakesperes cloful rutful le2. Sakseareshonore i the olwing aysexcep_.A. ageat number f fre enti Strfor-ponAvon sie of activtis inthe Londn hkspae CetreC. a sisof xibitions i FogerShakespere LbrarD.a live show of Shaesare frStratfor-po-Avon3. crdng th next, a siplygame to mea diffut nesati e

      5、ay s calld _ . a ice-brakeB. a suspicio manC criticD. a agab an【文章大意】4月23日是威廉莎士比亚去世第四百周年龄念日。英国的多种组织筹划活动来纪念她。1.A【解析】主旨大意题。根据文章第一段的句子Ail 2 mas the 40h nniersary o Willam haespeasdeth.可知,文章重要简介4月3日是威廉莎士比亚去世第四百周年龄念日。故选。.A【解析】细节理解题。根据文章倒数第二段的句子Th c is boken wen adificu convrsatio ometg icalmed someasic introdction, such s asimplgame.可知,使得困难的对话变得容易的叫作a ie-beke。故选A。二、完形填空One dy,whie eeitingmy paet on farm i latesmmr,ad ntion hed always wanted aCrimson ing Maple Tree o teyard.Momagd ththe teswre _1_.Lik

      6、 any other parent,minewee hard to _2or, I iguethi ws a great opportunitto ettem setinge_.I alsohougt ould e evenbtter.I checkedth_4_at wrandecied itwas a itmre than I could _5_but all ofmysiblngs(兄弟姊妹)agretogv some moy to buytree.Inrhern Oo,youont plat mape trees at Chitas,so we diedto _6_ Mm nd Dad wth spcal hrstms n Octor before the gound _7_.W asked my auntifshed hpus wit te“_”,ad ecalled myrents 9_ tsayh ws comngfr aSunday vit.Tnmssters andsistersinla entinto _10_,plning a big holidaytrky di

      7、nnr.the_1_Sunday,w all t at y oue nd _12_ e tree into ruck _13_ sSata Claus.Whe e rrvet my parts hous,ad was 14_ soeng aswrog irsHe nd Mom wr mazd whe wtold the_1_ e werehrWhenCritmas _16_,ofcorse,we couldnt go to ou prents oueemptyhaded,so Mom adad go _1_ presents thatyar.Almst hal cn tr, _18_ rivby h ol arm an smile hn I see those bg,haome _19 ndemember gingaspecal _20_ to spci peoleat hrismas in tober.1A.dstncve BfratCexensie .ey2.A.ho BrerentC.anwe .car3.Aesev .pcaeCdverise D.mage4.resul B.numrCprce D.expres5.A.fford xpct.ncy D.hande6Afrighten B.ssistsurprise


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