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    • 1、 C2C快递代取系统之订单模块的设计与实现内容摘要 内容摘要: 如今网络购物已成为一种大众化购物新形势,快递服务行业也随之兴起,快递站和快递配送服务是目前较为常见的服务形式,然而目前的快递站仍然存在着很多不足,平台功能依旧不够完善,不够人性化,无法高效解决快递员与收件人的在配送时间或地点的冲突,因此,开发一款基于Android平台的快递代取系统变得极具现实意义和应用价值,顺应行业发展的需要。本文所开发的快递代取平台,利用MySQL实现数据之间的转换,实时信息的交互和更新,这对快递员和收件人都是至关重要的;采用JSP编程语言进行系统开发,主要实现了用户发布或接取订单,查询或删除订单信息等一系列功能。同时采用B/S结构对用户和数据进行集中管理,提高系统运行效率。利用CSS语言进行页面设计,遵循简洁明了且易操作的原则,以便广大用户更大限度的使用本系统。系统的成功开发是快递行业的一项重大突破,为其未来的发展提供充分的实践基础。关键词: 快递;系统;信息;数据;管理;效率I 山西大学本科生毕业设计(论文)Abstract Abstracts Nowadays, online shopping h

      2、as become a new situation of popular shopping, and the express service industry is also rising. Express station and express delivery service are the more common forms of service at present. However, there are still many deficiencies in the current express station. The function of the platform is still not perfect, humanized, and the conflict between the delivery time or place between the courier and the recipient cannot be solved efficiently, Therefore, it is of great practical significance and

      3、application value to develop an express delivery system based on Android platform to meet the needs of industry development.The express delivery platform developed in this paper uses Mysql to realize data conversion, real-time information exchange and update, which is very important for both the courier and the receiver. JSP programming language is used to develop the system, which mainly realizes a series of functions, such as user issuing or receiving orders, querying or deleting order informa

      4、tion. At the same time, B / S structure is used to manage users and data in a centralized way to improve the system operation efficiency. Using CSS language for page design, follow the simple and easy to operate principle, so that the majority of users can use the system to a greater extent. The successful development of the system is a major breakthrough in the express industry, providing a full practical basis for its future development.Keywords Express delivery; system; information; data; management; efficiencyII 目 录 内容摘要IABSTRACTII目 录III第1章 绪论11.1 选题的背景、目的和意义11.1.1 选题背景11.1.2 选题目的和意义11.2 国内外研究现状1 1.2.1 国内研究现状.1 1.2.2 国外研究现状.21.3 本文开发内容21.4 本章小结3第2章 系统需求分析4 2.1 功能性需求分析.4 2.2 可行性需求分析.4 2.2.1 技术可行性分析.4 2.2.2 经济可行性分析.4 2.2.3 操作可行性分析.4 2.3 运行环境需求分析.4 2.4 本章小结.4第3章 系统设计.6 3.1 设计思想.6 3.2 设计原则.6 3.3 系统体系结构设计.6 3.4 系统技术架构.7 3.5 本章小结.8第4章 系统详细设计.9 4.1 系统功能详细设计.9 4.1.1 用户功能模块.


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