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    • 1、高考英语应用文写作高级词汇unusuallyAs an unusually experienced interviewer, could you be so kind to give mesome tips on how to impress interviewers?amazingWish you an amazing journey in China.amazinglyYouve always encouraged me to speak English, which has amazingly broughtme so many friends from various cultures.startlinglyIts indeed startlingly surprising for me to rank first in a recent English speech contest.remarkableShe has made remarkable progress.remarkablyShe plays the violin remarkably well.incredib

      2、leI hope youll take the challenge and find incredible joy in the process.incrediblyI am incredibly passionate about my interests.profoundWhat you learn and do now will have a profound impact on the rest of your life.profoundlyIll be profoundly grateful to my parents.unreservedI really appreciate your unreserved instructions.earnestId like to take this opportunity to express my earnest gratitude for your help.earnestnessYour earnestness and warmth will win you respect and affection.heartfeltI wan

      3、t to express our heartfelt congratulations to you on your seventeenth birthday.extraordinaryIt was an extraordinary opportunity to make a speech here.extraordinarilyI feel extraordinarily honored to make a speech on behalf of my class.tremendousEconomic globalization has brought about tremendous impact on the political life in China.tremendouslyYour enthusiastic and inclusive attitude tremendously inspired andlighten me in study and life.considerableApologies again for the considerable inconveni

      4、ence I caused you.considerablyIt was a considerably enjoyable experience.resourcefulIt is amazingly inventive and resourceful of you to help me tackle variousresourcefulnessIt was your wisdom and resourcefulness that helped me approach theproblem in an ingenious way.inspirationUnder your inspiration, I have made tremendous progress.inspirationalYour stay here has made me a time so joyful and inspirational.inspiringIt has been an enlightening and inspiring experience to stay with you.encouragingY

      5、our encouraging and inspiriting words strengthened my confidence.thoughtfulYour thoughtful consideration would be greatly appreciated.thoughtfulnessYour kindness, friendliness and thoughtfulness impressed me a lot.Your spontaneous thoughtfulness really touched my heart.joyfulI feel joyful and inspired after having been with you.joyfulnessIts hard to describe the joyfulness I felt, seeing each other again after so many years.cheerfulI sincerely wish you happiness, cheerfulness and success.fruitfu

      6、lWhat a joyful and fruitful time weve spent and at your departure I want toexpress gratitude and good wishes to you.fruitfulnessWithout your professional instruction, I wouldnt have experiencedfulfillment, satisfaction, and fruitfulness.indispensableIm writing to extend my earnest appreciation for your indispensable assistance.reassuringWhat impressed me most was your reassuring fortingYour encouraging and constructive words turned out pleasantly comforting.surprisinglyYour instructions were sur

      7、prisingly effective.unusualIt was such an unusual and amazing experience during my stay at your home.inordinateMany projects I encounter spend an inordinate amount of time researchingand investigating.inordinatelyArabs are inordinately proud of their linguistic heritage.excessiveIt can prevent excessive damage to normal cells in the bodyexcessivelyI grew up in an excessively poor family.relativelyThe system is relatively easy to use.fairlyShe speaks English fairly parativelyComparatively speakin

      8、g, he is a good student at college.Everyoneadmires his cleverness and diligence.reasonablyWe can be reasonably sure that this is not the end of these strange occurrences.extremelyIm extremely sorry to have troubled you.uncommonlyI was uncommonly grateful for your encouragement and efficient instruction.enormouslyHe helped me enormously with advice on what to read and how to study.I feel enormously honored to host you during your stay in China.unexpectedlyI have unexpectedly got an opportunity to

      9、 travel for free.dramaticalUnder your professional guidance, I have made such dramatical progress in EnglishdramaticallyMy English improved dramatically with your encouragement and instruction.memorableIt was a great trip and one of my most memorable experiences.terrificIt was a terrific party.terrificallyI was terrifically ashamed of what I did to you.fabulousI really appreciate the fabulous meal at your home.fabulouslyIt was such a fabulously successful part last pletelyIt was all this simplistic and completely enjoyable for all of us at one time.totallyI totally immerse myself in this playabsolutelyI was absolutely sure that you will make it.overwhelmingI felt such an overwhelming sense of


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