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    • 1、语法综合:易错题冠词Choose the best answer.() 1. The old woman in black is _ university teacher.A) aB) anC) theD) /() 2. Do you know what _ letter “a” means in “PISA”?A) anB) aC) theD) /() 3. I have never seen such _ one-eyed animal.A) aB) anC) theD. /() 4. My friend Kitty told me her brother is _ 11-year-old clever boy.A) aB) anC) theD) /() 5. There is _ “s” in the word, “study” and _ “s” is the first letter.A) a, theB) an, theC) the, theD) an, /【答案】1.A 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.B 名词Complete the sentences.1. The sto

      2、ry is about how a dog saved its _ when he was in danger. (own)2. Could you tell me the _ of the Yangtze River? (long)3. Do you know the _ of the the idiom “Hes all ears?”(mean)4. There are a lot of people near the _ to the cinema. (enter)5. The precious Chinese _ are from the Song and Yuan dynasties. (paint)6. Do you know the _ between LED and LCD about TV?(different)7. Do you know the present _ of the Great Pyramid? (high)【答案】1.owner 2.length 3.meaning 4.entrance 5.paintings 6.difference 7.heig

      3、ht 代词Choose the best answer.() 1. Would you please ask _ to carry this bag for me please?A) anybodyB) nobodyC) somebodyD. everybody() 2. Is there _ in todays newspaper?A) anything importantB) something importantC) important somethingD) important anything() 3. -Which do you prefer, orange juice or Coke? -_, thanks. Id like just a cup of tea.A) EitherB) NeitherC) BothD) None() 4. Could you please tell me _ in todays newspaper?A) something specialB) anything specialC) special somethingD) special an

      4、ything() 5. There are many tall tress on _ side of the wide road.A) allB) eitherC) anyD) both【答案】1.C 2.A 3.B 4.A 5.B形容词副词Choose the best answer.() 1. David Beckham left the pitch (足球场),but he is among the _ of all time.A) famous football playerB) most famous football playerC) famous football playerD) most famous football players() 2. As winter comes, we see more foggy and hazy days in North China. The air is _ our health on these days.A) bad forB) good forC) bad atD) good at() 3. The price of th

      5、is kind of vegetable can run _ 20 yuan a kg.A) as cheap asB) as expensive asC) as much asD) as high as() 4. The teacher said that we should learn as _ as we could.A) much knowledgeB) many knowledgeC) more knowledgeD) most knowledge() 5. Charles Dickens is one of _ in the English language. 2021 is the 200th year of his birth.A) more popular storytellerB) more popular storytellerC) the most popular storytellerD) the most popular storytellers() 6. Mr. Smith will come to visit Shanghai _ next week.A

      6、) sometimesB) some timesC) sometimeD) some time() 7. The news that he would go to Britain for further study made him very _.A) happierB) happilyC) happyD) happiest【答案】1.D 2.A 3.D 4.A 5.D 6.C 7.C Complete the sentences.1. What a fine day it is! I think we can have a _ trip. (pleased)2. George was doing his homework _ in his study last night. (attentive)3. A: How can I lose weight? B: Youd better eat _ and get more exercise. (little)4. The fish isnt swimming. Is it _ or dead?(life)5. English idiom

      7、s can help us to express more _.(vivid)6. The weather in the south of China is quite _ from that in the north. (difference)7. The movie Let The Bullets Fly is so _ that I want to see it again. (wonder)8. She is an _ girl and can do everything by herself. (independence)9. They had a _ talk yesterday and agreed on the date of negotiations.(friend)10. How have you got your _ legs and arms? (power)11. Could you introduce us three _ events in the Tang Dynasty? (history)12. Students should listen _ in

      8、 class when the teacher is giving a lesson. (attentive)13. My little son gave all of us an _ performance. (amaze)14. None of us is rich enough to buy this _ painting.(price)15. Our neighborhood police are very _ and always ready to help us. (friend)【答案】1.pleasant 2.attentively 3.less 4.alive 5.vividly 6.different 7.wonderful 8.independent 9.friendly 10.powerful 11.historical 12.attentively 13.amazing 14.priceless 15.friendly介词Choose the best answer.() 1. China launched its Chang e-3 lunar probe (月球探测器) _ December, 2021.A) inB) ofC) onD) with() 2. The grandpa planed to celebrate the 60th anniverysary of the nation began _ 10:00 on October 1st, 2022.A) inB) atC) onD) with() 3. _ the help of the local police, they finally found the missing boy.


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