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  • 常见问题
    • 1、104.Please retell the story of The Emperors New Clothes.请复述一下“皇帝的新装”的故事。105.Whats the weather like today?今天的天气怎么样?106.Its fine.今天天气很好。107.Nice weather,isnt it?今天天气真好,是吗?108.No,its windy.不,今天有风。109.What should you say in this situation?在这种场合下你们应该怎么说?110.How do you explain this word?你怎么解释这个词?111.In English or in our own language?用英语还是用自己的语言解释?112.You have to explain it in English.你必须用英语解释。113.What is an emperor?皇帝是什么?114.An Emperor is like the king of a country.皇帝就象国王。115.Who can translate this se

      2、ntence into Chinese?谁能把这句话译成汉语?116.What do you think about Gao Fengs translation?你觉得高峰的翻译怎么样?117.Whats wrong with Gao Fengs translation?高峰的翻译有什么错误?118.Please take out a piece of paper. Lets have a dictation.请拿出一张纸,我们听写。119.I am reading it for the last time now.我现在读最后一遍。120.Check your dictation.检查一下你的听写。121.We have studied the word market.Now,Lets discuss how to use it in a sentence.我们已经学过“market这个单词,现在我们讨论一下如何在句子中使用它。122.Does your mother often go to the market?你母亲经常去市场吗?123.Yes,she goes there ev

      3、ery day.是的,她每天都去。124.When does she go there?她什么时候去?125.She goes there in the morning.她早晨去126.What does she buy?她买些什么?127.She buys some vegetables.她买蔬菜128.Do you live mear a market?你住在市场附近吗? Yes, we do.是的,住在市场附近。129.What do they sell there?那儿卖些什么?130.They sell vegetables,bread,meat,bananas and oranges.那儿卖蔬菜、面包、肉、香蕉和橘子。三、Presentation介绍131.We are going to have a new lesson today.今天我们学习新课。132.First well study five new words and then look at the dialogue.我们先学习5个生词,然后学习对话133.Stop talking,please.不要讲话了。

      4、134.Dont be noisy!安静下来。135.What do you think it is ?你认为它是什么?136.It may be a panda.它可能是只熊猫。137.Lets play this game.我们玩这个游戏。138.Let me teach you an English song.我教你们一首英文歌曲。139.Can you guess what it is?你能猜出它是什吗?140.Open your books to page 10.把书翻到第10页。141.Lets start from where we left off yesterday.让我们接着昨天的讲。142.Lets begin at the 12th line.我们从第12行开始。143.Close your books.把书合上。144.Think it over想想看。.145.Think for a while.想一会儿。146.Try again.再试试看。147.I shall tell you something about the authors life.我将讲一

      5、点作者的生平。148.Now you are going to read the text one by one.现在你们轮流读课文。149.Its your turn now,Li Jun.李军,该你了。150.Lets go on to the next sentence.现在让我们看下一句。151.What am I holding?我拿的是什么?152.Say after me,apple.跟我说“apple。153.Whats the date today.今天是几号154.Its the eleventh of October.今天是10月11号。155.What day is today?今天星期几?156.Its Monday.今天星期一。157.Its very kind of you to help me.您帮助我真是太好了。158.Thank you very much indeed.真是太感谢您了。159.You are welcome.没关系。161.Once more,tape recorder.再说一遍,“磁带录音机”。162.Lets listen to

      6、 the portrait of a Teacher.我们听一下“老师的画像”。163.What did you hear?你听到什么了?164.What important news did the father read in the evening paper?那个父亲从晚报中读到了什么消息?165.What did the father and his son do that Saturday afternoon?那个星期六下午他们父子做了什么?166.On their way back home,what did the father tell his son?在回家的路上,那个父亲告诉儿子什么了?167.What do you thinkofthereaderspronunciation?你觉得朗读者的发音怎么样?168.Her pronunciation is very clear and correct.她的发音既清晰又正确169.Any other opinions?还有别的意见?170.This morning we are going to have a slid

      7、e show class.今天早上我们要上幻灯课。171.I am going to show you some slides.我给你们看一些幻的灯片。172.Now look at the first slide, please.现在请看第一张幻灯片。173.Who do you see in the slide?你们在幻灯片里看见了什么?174.Ill begin by asking you some questions on yesterdays lesson.我先问你们几个昨天课文中的问题。175.Its at the bottom of the page.在这一页的最后。176.The second line from the top (bottom).正(倒)数第二行。177.Is there going to be a sports meet next Sunday?下星期天开运动会吗?178.Are you going to take part in any of the events,Liu Fang?刘芳,你打算参加什么项目?179.What event are y

      8、ou good at?你擅长什么项目?180.I am good at the high jump.我擅长跳高。181.We like sports.我们喜欢体育活动。182.Can you understand what I am saying?你们能听懂我的话吗?183.Do you know what I mean?你们懂我的意思吗?184.Do you understand what I said?你们明白我所说的吗?185.Does that make sense?明白了吗?186.Is everything clear to you?都清楚了吗?187.What does the word focus here mean?“focus”一词在这里的意思是什么?188.Raise your hand if you dont understand.不懂,请举手。189.Ill explain again.我再解释一遍。190.Look at the text on page 5, please.请看第5页的课文191.Ask each other questions about

      9、 the picture.根据图画内容互相提问。192.Whats this in English?用英语怎么说?193.It is a tiger.它是只虎。194.Do you have a dictionary?你有词典吗?195.Can you use the English-Chinese dictionary?你会英汉词典吗?196.Look up the word in the dictionary.在词典上查一查这个词。197.Have you got a pen?你有钢笔吗?198.Dont forget to bring your pen next time.下次别忘记带钢笔来。199.Be careful with your ink.当心墨水。200.Who knows how to operate the computer?谁知道怎样操作计算机?201.Who can tell us a story in English?谁能用英语给我们讲个故事?202.Today we will read and explain the newwords in Lesson 9 first, then well work on the text.今天我们先朗读和解释第九课生词,然后学课文。203.Let us do some listening prctice.让我们来做听力练习。204.Lets start our vocabulary work.我们开始词汇学习。205.This word has the same form in the singular as in the plural.这个词单位单复数形式相同。206.This word c


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