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    • 1、2022年考博英语-华中科技大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 翻译题1.上周四,世界观察研究学会一年一度的“地球健康体检”报告出炉。2005年,地球的森林砍伐量创历史新高,这是该报告强调的众多环境问题征兆之一。该驻华盛顿智囊机构在一份题为地球生命征兆2007-2008的报告中指出,从肉类消费量的不断增长到亚洲经济发展等各种全球性态势与气候变化这一显著问题都有关系。“地球声明征兆2007-2008”项目的负责人说,“我认为气候变化是人类有史以来所面临的最严峻的挑战”。在报告公布前,阿萨多利安在接受记者的电话采访时说,2. “我们可以看到气候变化中出现的众多趋势,比如,粮食生产受到洪涝灾害的影响;以及肉类生产,据统计,家禽饲养过程中所产生的温室气体占温室气体总排放量的20%”。阿萨多利安说,3.这份报告的主题是,二氧化碳排放及其他生态灾难引起气候变化,“不可持续”的消费模式才是气候变化的罪魁祸首。【答案】1. More wood was removed from forests in 2005 than ever before, one of many troubling envi

      2、ronmental signs highlighted on Thursday in the World Watch Institutes annual check of the planets health.2. “You see many trends in climate change, whether we are talking about grain production which is affected by droughts and flooding, or meat production as livestock production makes up about 20 percent of greenhouse gas emissions.”3. The key message of the report was that unsustainable consumption patterns were responsible for climate change linked to carbon emissions and other ecological woe

      3、s.2. 单选题Medievalists usually distinguish medieval public law from private law: the former was concerned with government and military affairs and the latter with the family, social status, and land transactions. Examination on medieval womens lives shows this distinction to be overly simplistic. Although medieval women were legally excluded from roles that categorized as public, such as soldier, justice, jury member, or professional administrative official, womens control of landusually considere

      4、d a private or domestic phenomenonhad important political implications in the feudal system of thirteenth-century England. Since land equaled wealth and wealth equaled power, certain women exercised influence by controlling land. Unlike unmarried women who were legally subject to their guardians or married women who had no legal identity separate from their husbands, women who were widows had autonomy with respect to acquiring or disposing of certain property, suing in court, incurring liability

      5、 for their own debts, and making wills.Although feudal lands were normally transferred through primogeniture (the eldest son inheriting all), when no sons survived, the surviving daughters inherited equal shares under what was known as partible inheritance. In addition to controlling any such land inherited from her parents and any bridal dowryproperty a woman brought to the marriage from her own familya widow was entitled to use of one-third of her late husbands lands. Called “dower” in England

      6、, this grant had greater legal importance under common law than did the bridal dowry; no marriage was legal unless the groom endowed the bride with this property at the wedding ceremony. In 1215 Magna Carta (The charter of English political and civil liberties granted by King John at Runnymede in June 1215) guaranteed a widows right to claim her dower without paying a fine; this document also strengthened widows ability to control land by prohibiting forced remarriage. After 1272 women could als

      7、o benefit from jointure: the groom could agree to hold part or all of his lands jointly with the bride, so that if one spouse died, the other received these lands.Since many widows had inheritances as well as dowers, widows were frequently the financial heads of the family; even though legal theory assumed the maintenance of the principle of primogeniture, the amount of land the widow controlled could exceed that of her son or of other male heirs. Anyone who held feudal land exercised authority

      8、over the people attached to the landknights, rental tenants, and peasantsand had to hire estate administrators, oversee accounts, receive rents, protect tenants from outside encroachment, punish tenants for not paying rents, appoint priests to local parishes, and act as guardians of tenants, children and executors of their wills. Many married women fulfilled these duties as deputies for husbands away at court or at war, but widows could act on their own behalf. Widows legal independence is sugge

      9、sted by their frequent appearance in thirteenth-century English legal records. Moreover, the scope of their sway (a: a controlling influence b: sovereign power: DOMINION c: the ability to exercise influence or authority: DOMINANCE; synonyms see POWER. ) is indicated by the fact that some controlled not merely single estates, but multiple counties.26.Which one of the following best expresses the main idea of the passage?27.Which one of the following most accurately expresses the meaning of the world “sway” as it is used in Line 33 of the passage?28.Which one of the following most accurately describes the function of the second paragraph of the passage?29.According to information in the passage, a widow in early thirteenth-century England could control more land than did her eldest son if ( ).30.The primary purpose of the passage is to ( ).问题1选项A.The traditional view of medieval women as legally excluded


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