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    • 1、Unit 5 Economic LawsPART I Company Law*第一部分 公司法*1.Company Law of the PRC(Peoples Republic of China) 中华人民共和国公司法2.legitimate rights and interests 合法权益2-1 legitimate ldtmt adj. 合法的,合理的;v. 使合法,相当于(legitimize)。3.limited liability company 有限责任公司3-1 joint stock company limited 股份有限公司4.enterprise juridical person 企业法人5.pay capital contributions 认缴出资额6.subscribe to share 认购股份7.be entitled to do sth. 有权去做某事8.capital proceeds 资本收益9.social morality 社会公德10.business morality 商业道德11.act in good faith诚信的行为12.be

      2、ar social responsibility 承担社会责任13.infringe v. 侵犯,侵害14.establishment of company 设立公司pany registration authority 公司登记机关16.approval formalities 批准手续pany business license 公司营业执照18.registered capital 注册资本19.actually paid capital 实收资本20.business scope 经营范围21.legal representative 法定代表人22.prescribe prskrab v. 规定23.succeed sksid v. 继承,接替e.g. The creditors rights and debts of the company prior to (在之前)the change shall be succeeded by the company after the change.24.articles of association公司章程e.g. The comp

      3、any established according to this law shall formulate its articles of association which are binding on the company, its shareholders, directors, supervisors and senior managers.【译】设立公司必须依法制定公司章程。公司章程对公司、股东、董事、监事、高级管理人员具有约束力。25.chairman of the Board of Directors 董事长26.executive director 执行董事27.branch brn(t) n. 分公司27-1 subsidiary sbsdr n. 子公司28.civil liability 民事责任29.capital contributor 出资人30.joint and several liabilities 连带责任31.Board of Directors 董事会31-1 Board of Supervisors 监事会31-2 meeting of sh

      4、areholders 股东会31-3 shareholders convention 股东大会31-4 general assembly of shareholders 股东大会32.affirmative voting 肯定性投票,赞成投票,同意投票33.voting right 表决权,投票权34.conclude employment contract签订劳动合同35.vocational education 职业教育36.in-service training 岗位培训37.the Labor Union Law of the PRC 中华人民共和国工会法38.collective contract 集体合同39.meeting of the representatives of the employees 职工代表大会40.abuse bjuz v. 滥用41.evade the payment of debt 逃债42.resolution rezlu()n n. 决议43.null nl adj. 无效的,无价值的;n.零;vt.使无效43-1 void vd adj.

      5、无效的; n.空虚,空间44.convoke knvk v. 召集45.revoke rvk v. 撤回,取消,废除46.initiate a lawsuit 提起诉讼47.quorum kwrm n. 法定人数48.statutory minimum amount of the registered capital 法定资本最低限额49.forms of capital contributions made by shareholders 股东的出资方式50.affix fks v. 署名,将罪责加之于51.affix their signatures 签名52.initial capital contributions 首次出资额53.in kind 以实物(偿付);以同样的方法54.intellectual property right 知识产权55.land use right 土地使用权56.over-value/under-value 高估/低估57.breach of the contract 违反合约58.capital verification (确认,查证,核实)i

      6、nstitution 验资机构59.entrust ntrst; en- v. 委托,交托,信托60.non-monetary properties 非货币财产61.register of shareholders 股东名册62.claim to and exercise the shareholders rights 主张行使股东权利63.stand up to any third party 对抗第三方64.preemptive right 优先购买权,优先认股权65.illegally take away the contribution capital/withdraw contribution capital illegally 抽逃出资prise kmpraz v. 包含,由组成67.deliberate and approve 审议批准【讲解】deliberate dlb()rt v. 仔细考虑,商议 adj. 深思熟虑的,从容的,故意的68.change of company form变更公司形式e.g. Adopt resolutions on the merger,

      7、 split-up, change of company form, dissolution, liquidation of the company.【译】对公司合并、分立、变更公司形式、解散和清算等事项作出决议。【讲解】resolution rezlu()n n. 决议,解决,分辨率merger md n. (企业等的)合并,并购,吸收split-up splitp n. 分裂,分开,股本分割dissolution dslu()n n. (议会等的)解散,(契约等的)解除dissolve dzlv v. 解散,溶解,消失,分解liquidation lkwde()n n. 清算,偿还69.regular meeting 定期会议69-1 temporary meeting 临时会议70.discussion method 议事方式70-1 voting procedure 表决程序71.general meeting of the representatives of employees 职工代表大会72.terms of office 任期72-1 consecutive term

      8、 upon re-election连选可以连任73.dismiss dsms v. 解聘74.nomination nmne()n n. 提名75.bylaw baln. 规章,细则,条例76.persons-in-charge 负责管理人员77.bringing forward proposals 提出议案78.initiate actions 提起诉讼79.non-voting delegates列席代表80.adopt dpt v. 正是通过,采取,收养81.one-person limited liability companies一人有限责任公司82.a lump sum 一次总付的金额83.solely-funded by one natural person 自然人独资83-1 solely-funded by one juridical person 法人独资84.solely state-owned corporation 国有独资公司85.state-owned assets supervision and administration institution 国有资产监督管理机构86.share right 股权87.waive wev v. 放弃88.consecutive knsekjtv adj. 连续的89.dissolution dslu()n n. 解散90.inherit nhert v. 继承90-1 inheritor nhrt n. 继承人91.initiator net n. 发起人92.raise rez v. 募集93.floatation flten n. (通过在证券交易所出售新公司股票的方式)筹资创办新公司93-1 share floatation 募集设立93-2 promotion prmn n. 发起设立94.down payment (分期付款中的)头期款;预付定金95.prospectus prspekts n. 招股说明书96.unregistered share 无记名股票96-1 registered share 记名股票97.public offer 公开发行98.pecuniary pkjunr adj. 金钱的99.pecuniary payment 金钱支


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