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    • 1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上ENTRY TEST PAPER入学测试试卷 IELTS 雅思 学生姓名(Name): 学生年龄(Age): 测试老师(Consultant): 测试成绩(Grade): 测试日期(Date): 雅思考试(IELTS)是由英国文化协会(The British Council,即英国驻华大使馆/总领事馆文化教育处)、剑桥大学考试委员会(CESOL)和澳大利亚教育国际开发署(IDP Australia)共同举办的国际英语水平测试。全球超过7000所机构认可雅思成绩,覆盖国家有英国,美国,澳大利亚,加拿大,香港,新加坡,新西兰,德国,瑞士等。雅思考试分为两种类型:学术类(A类)和培训类(G类),对考生听、说、读、写四个方面的英语能力进行全面评测。考试说明此测试题目均选自剑桥雅思真题。在做题过程中如果感到有压力和难度,是正常现象,请放松心态,发挥正常水平。我们将根据你的测试成绩以及反馈提供最专业并个性化的学习方案。考试时间和分数分配Section Time ScoreListening 40mins 9Reading 60mins 9Writing 60mins 9

      2、Speaking 11-15mins 9Total 2hr55mins AverageListeningSECTION 1 Questions1-10Complete the notes below.Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.NOTES - Christmas Dinner Example AnswerName to book for .45. Date of dinner: 21 December Choices for venue: First choice 1. Tel. number: not known Second choice 2.hotal. Tel. number: 777192 Third choice 3. Tel. number: 4. Price per person: 12 Restaurant must have vegetarian food and a 5. Menu: First course - French Onion Soup OR Fruit

      3、Juice Main course - Roast Dinner OR 6. Dessert - Plum Pudding OR Apple Pie - Coffee Restaurant requires from us: 7. and letter of confirmation and we must 8. in advance. Must confirm in writing by: 9.Put notice in 10.SECTION 2 Questions11-20Questions 11-13Complete the table below.Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS OR A NUMBER for each answer.MEMBERSHIP OF SPORTS CENTRECost11 .per12.Where?13.When?2 to 6 pm, Monday to ThursdayBring: Union cardPhotoFeeQuestions 14-16Complete the table below.Write NO MO

      4、RE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.Always bring sports 14.when you come to 15.or use the Centres facilities.Opening hours9 am to 10 pm on 16.10 am to 6 pm on Saturdays50% morning discount9 am to 12 noon on weekdaysQuestions 17-20 Look at the map of the Sports Complex below. Label the buildings on the map of the Sports Complex. Choose your answers from the box below and write them against Questions 17-20.Arts StudioFootball PitchTennis CourtsDance StudioFitness RoomReception Squash CourtsSECTION

      5、3 Questions21-30Choose the correct letters A-C.21 At the start of the tutorial, the tutor emphasises the importance of A interviews. B staff selection. C question techniques.22 An example of a person who doesnt fit in is someone who A is over-qualified for the job. B lacks experience of the tasks set. C disagrees with the rest of the group.23 An important part of teamwork is having trust in your A colleagues ability. B employers directions. C company training.24 The tutor says that finding out p

      6、ersonal information is A a skill that needs practice. B avoided by many interviewers. C already a part of job interviews.Complete the notes below.Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer. Personality Questionnaires completed during 25 used in the past by the 26and the 27nowadays used by 28of large employers, questions about things like: working under pressure or keeping deadlines written by 29who say candidates tend to be truthful.Choose the correct letter A-C.30. What is the tutor trying

      7、to do in the tutorial? A describe one selection technique B criticise traditional approaches to interviews C illustrate how she uses personality questionnaires SECTION4 Questions31-40Questions 31-33Complete the table below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.NEW MEATCAN BE COMPARED TOPROBLEMkangaroo31.32.crocodilechickenfattyostrich33.Questions 34-36 Complete the cable below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer. OSTRICH PRODUCTUSEOstrich feathers tribal ceremonial dress 34 decorated hatsOstrich hide 35Ost


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