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Analysis of Affective Factors in SLA

  • 卖家[上传人]:桔****
  • 文档编号:490190163
  • 上传时间:2023-10-24
  • 文档格式:DOC
  • 文档大小:133.50KB
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    • 1、浅析情感因素对二语习得的影响Analysis of Affective Factors in SLAContentsAbstract.1Key words.1I. Introduction.2II. Literature Review.21. The significance of affective factors in SLA.22. Some views on affective factors.33. The relationship between affective factors and SLA.3III. Reasons for Study .41. Current statement.4 2. The five factors of affective factors.53. The influence of affective factors in SLA.8IV. Research Methods.81. Subjects.82. Instruments.83. Results and analysis.94. Some strategies.10V. Concl

      2、usion.12Appendix.14References.16Analysis of Affective Factors in SLAAnalysis of Affective Factors in SLAAbstract: Affectivity is one of the most important factors that influence the process of SLA. A learners affective disorder has a great negative influence on both the process and the result of the SLA. Therefore, it is very important to prevent affective disorder in SLA. And it is also necessary to help the learners to develop and maintain the positive affective to fullest extent. This paper m

      3、ainly analyzes that the process of second language acquisition is greatly influenced by motivation, attitude, anxiety, empathy and personality. Accordingly, to bring into full play positive learning emotions in the second language acquisition, this paper proposes some relevant strategies, that is, to understand foreign language learning well and have a correct attitude, to develop an inspiring motive and interest, to create a good atmosphere in classroom and develop harmonious relationship and t

      4、o develop a strong will and an optimistic open mind.Key words: affective factors; SLA; influences; language learners 摘 要:情感是影响二语习得的最主要因素之一, 学习者的情感障碍对二语习得的过程和结果都有很大的消极影响。因此,在二语习得过程中,预防和消除情感障碍,开发情感动力,充分发挥情感的积极作用,保持最佳的情感状态是十分重要的。文章主要分析了对第二语言习得产生重要影响的5种情感因素:动机、态度、焦虑、移情和个性,并针对在二语习得中如何充分调动积极情感提出了一些相关的对策:正确认识外语学习,端正外语学习态度;激励外语学习动机,培养外语学习兴趣;营造良好的课堂氛围,培养融洽的人际关系;培养坚强的意志品格和乐观豁达的胸怀。关键词:情感因素;二语习得;影响;学习者I. IntroductionThe process of learning is not only influenced by psychological and physical conditions, but

      5、 also influenced by some emotional conditions, especially the affective factors. Affectivity is one of the important factors in the learning process, which helps to determine the level of proficiency achieved by different learners. With the development of second language acquisition (SLA) research, people have gradually come to realize the importance of rediscovering the essence of SLA and the influence of the correlated factors in order to learn more efficiently. In the late 1960s, humanism beg

      6、an to emerge in teaching. The focus of western SL teaching began to be transferred from teaching to learning. In late 1970s to 1980s, more and more linguists and researchers focused their attention to the development of affectivity in the process of language learning. And then Silent Way, Suggestopedia and community language learning began to emerge into the language teaching, especially the affective factors in the language learning. According to Noam Chomsky, Universal Grammar in each persons

      7、brain enables them to acquire language from birth. But language learners do not take in every thing they hear and read. Their motives, needs, attitudes and emotional states filter what they hear and therefore affect the rate and quality of language learning (Duly, 1982:45).Affective factors are believed to be substantially related to language acquisition. Students with strong affectivity are able to learn the second language and take part in learning activities initiatively and they can achieve

      8、greater success. Duly and Burt (1977) called unfavorable attitudes “Socio-Affective Filter”. Their affective filter hypothesis embodying Krashens view that various affective factors, including motivation, self-confidence and anxiety, play a key role in SLA. II. Literature Review1. The significance of affective factors in SLAPersonality factors within a person that contribute in some ways of the second language learning. Ernest Hilgard was well known for his study of human learning and cognition. He said “purely cognitive theories of learning will be rejected unless a role is assigned to affectivity” (Ernest Hilgard, 1963:267). Alexander Guiora was a researcher in the study of affective factors in second language learning who proposed the language affectivity influence the result of SLA. Guiora suggested that the language affectivity may account for the difficulties that th

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