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    • 1、高考题型组合规范练18选择性必修第四册UNIT4阅读题组练速度(35mins).阅读理解ABecomeaVolunteerandMakeaDifferenceThe First Tee,as an outstanding youth development organization,is always searching for good people that want to volunteer at one of our many Pittsburgh area locations.WereLookingforYou!Developed with input from leading experts in the field of positive youth development,our program focuses on making participants stronger and more confident through decision-making and exploring options,inspiring the golfers of tomorrow

      2、to look to the future,set goals,and unlock their potential.We also need more volunteers to make The First Tee possible.Opportunities include:AssistantCoach:assist in our weekly golf clinics.All that we request is that you make a 7-week commitment (one day per week),for 2 hours each week.Each clinic is led by one of our trained staff members who creates a written lesson plan for our volunteers to follow.DatabaseManager:input data entry of participants,volunteers,and community relation records and

      3、 update chapter information for Home Office and community relations.The database manager is expected to update the data a minimum of every other week.EquipmentManager:organize and sort donated equipment,get rid of unfit equipment,and arrange equipment for distribution to participants at least once a week.Greeter:register participants,hand information to parents,greet visitors,answer phone and provide general program information.ProcessofBecomingaVolunteerBegin by filling out the application belo

      4、w.Once Alison Boyle (our Director of Volunteer and Participant Services) receives your completed application,she will contact you for an in-person interview.CLICK HERE to fill out a Volunteer Application.1.What does The First Tee Coach Program center on?A.Empowering participants.B.Training professional coaches.C.Attracting more visitors.D.Looking for golf stars.2.If you are good at using computers,which one may you choose to be?A.Greeter.B.Assistant coach.C.Database manager.D.Equipment manager.3

      5、.What must one do to become a volunteer at The First Tee?A.Be a good golfer.B.Have an interview.C.Consult Alison Boyle.D.Promise to work 7 weeks.BThat morning,I dropped our eldest at kindergarten and returned home to let our two younger children play while I worked on my medical report.It was wonderful,but it hit me that my career in hospital wasnt making a difference in anyones life.I needed something that would stretch my limits and push me to grow.My career enabled me to work from home.I coul

      6、d work from home,and become a foster(领养) mother,providing safety for a child who needed it desperately.On Monday morning,I picked up the phone and dialed the number I had searched for the nearest Department of Childrens Services.The man on the other end was receptive to my questions and explained the next step of training,involving eight weeks of classes designed to prepare and educate foster parents.We continued through all the classes,the home visits,background checks,and seemingly endless ste

      7、ps.Five long months after we were approved,the phone rang.In the middle of the night,I woke my husband and rushed to East Tennessee Childrens Hospital.Our placement was waiting for us in the emergency room,sick and lack of nutrition.It didnt take long for us to realize the full depth of her suffering.Six months later,her half-brother came to us by our request.We now had five children under our care.On August 12,2016,our family of seven walked into a small courtroom.The childrens lawyer and socia

      8、l worker were there.With just a few words,our adoption was finalized.These two amazing children werent going home,because they were already home.We are their forever family,and they are our forever children.We may not be able to change the entire world,but we have changed the world entirely for our new children.4.How did the author feel about her hospital work?A.Lacking in motivation.B.Unusually demanding.C.Filled with challenges.D.Packed with chances.5.What led the author to decide to adopt chi

      9、ldren?A.She felt sympathetic for abused children she knew.B.She wanted to make a difference in other people.C.She felt confident about her ability to raise children.D.She experienced training to raise children properly.6.What does the underlined word “placement” in Paragraph 3 refer to?A.The child to be adopted.B.The need to get trained.C.The approval of adoption.D.The official at the hospital.7.Why did the author appear at the courtroom?A.To put the adopted kids elsewhere.B.To receive another adopted child.C.To make the adoption officially legal.D.To begin the kids adoption in her home.CGeorge Nakashima always insisted that he was a simple woodworker,not an artist.Even though major museums exhibited his works and the director of the American Craft Museum called him a national treasure,Mr Nakashima rejected the label of artist.For almost fi


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