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    • 1、课时素养评价十五Unit 5Using Language. 单句语法填空1. Everything we see is made up of mixture (mix)of these four elements. 2. You should see her breath in the frosty (frost)air. 3. The best education should not be available only to the wealthy(wealth). 4. We have to go through time and across distance(distance)! 5. In misty (mist)weather, the pilots have to fly by instruments. 6. His salary is approximately (approximate)85 dollars a week. 7. Writing letters is the most traditional (tradition)and formal way to

      2、communicate with others. 8. I was terrified ( terrify)to do anything else after making the mistake with Hello-Goodbye. 9. It is important to him that he is interested in it and is pleased (please)with it. 10. The most impressive (impress)thing in my life is todays basketball match. . 选词填空leave an impression on, in the distance, as far as, at dawn, dream of, mix up, with pleasure, be terrified of, pleased with, close to 1. Their honesty and hospitality leave an impression on her life. 2. A ship c

      3、ould be seen in the distance. 3. Ive read as far as the third chapter. 4. Every day, they start off to work in the fields at dawn. 5. When I was young I dreamed of becoming a surgeon or a great explorer. 6. With pleasure, I shall be happy to drive you to the airport. 7. Their papers were mixed up in a mess on the desk. 8. The child is terrified of the caged tiger as well. 9. They were all very pleased with the news. 10. There is a big swimming pool close to my house. . 阅读理解AExperience family fun

      4、 in AtlantaFoolios story time clubDate: 1/21/20202/25/2020Location: Dads Garage TheatreJoin Quackers, Lil Tomo, Larry Lederhosen and even Foolio himself for an unforgettable afternoon of fun. We make up a new story every week and your little ones get to help by providing key parts of the story and even adding their own jokes! Party with the penguins(企鹅)Date: 1/21/2020Time: 11: 00AM2: 00PMLocation: Georgia AquariumEach year, Georgia Aquarium celebrates Penguin Awareness Day with our party with th

      5、e penguins. Join us in the Arctic Ballroom on January 21 from 11: 00AM to 2: 00PM to learn a little bit more about our amazing African penguins. We will have photo stations, penguins-keeper Q & A sessions and penguins nest-building activities. The best part is that you will have the opportunity to see a real penguin in person! Frog feedingDate: 1/21/202012/30/2020Location: Atlanta Botanical GardenOn Saturday mornings, a public frog feeding allows visitors the opportunity to see one of the most i

      6、nteresting activities of frogstheir feeding behavior. Most frogs have long sticky tongues that shoot out from their mouths at food. Others, like the Splendid Leaf Frog, are dramatic feeders and hardly use their tongues at all, but rather grab(抢夺) the food with their large hands and stuff(塞入) it right in their mouths. I see a story: the art of Eric CarleDate: Through 2/12/2020Location: High Museum of ArtEric Carle is best known as the creator of beloved childrens books including The Very Hungry C

      7、aterpillar and The Grouchy Ladybug. This show will feature Carles most popular booksincluding many original works that have rarely been seen. 1. What are children expected to do at Foolios story time club? A. Tell jokes to each other. B. Tell stories to their parents. C. Create a new story independently. D. Make up important parts of a story. 【解析】选D。细节理解题。根据第一个广告的We make up a new story. . . and your little ones get to help by providing key parts of the story可知, 小孩子可以和那些工作人员一起编故事。2. What can visi

      8、tors do in Party with the penguins? A. Feed penguins. B. Swim with penguins. C. See penguins closely. D. Play games with penguins. 【解析】选C。细节理解题。根据第二个广告的The best part is that you will have the opportunity to see a real penguin in person可知, 游客有机会亲自近距离看到企鹅。3. Where would you most probably go if you love reading? A. Dads Garage Theatre. B. Georgia Aquarium. C. Atlanta Botanical Garden. D. High Museum of Art. 【解析】选D。细节理解题。根据最后一个广告This show will feature Carles most popular books可知, 在High Museum of Art

      9、游客可以读到Carle的作品。BAmericans with small families own a small car or a large one. If both parents are working, they usually have two cars. When the family is large, one of the cars is sold and they will buy a van (住房汽车). A small car can hold four persons and a large car can hold six persons but it is very crowded. A van hold seven persons easily, so a family with three children could ask their grandparents to go on a holiday travel. They could all travel together. Mr Hagen and his wife had a third child last year. This made them sell their second car and buy a van. In the van, the sixth and seventh seat are used to put other things, for a family of five must carry many suitcases when they travel. When they arrive at their grandparents home, the suitcases are removed from the tw


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