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    • 1、有关假期的英语作文【篇一:有关暑假的英语作文】 我的暑假(m summer con)mertime s th estme the yer.ther is noschol fo onth getto do hti wanth no te o homwork, afree s abird. i ay thingsdng the summer acationi reax y eadin bks watchng t.i lo hngt wt y finds tavel wt my amilyhoever,i ontplay in sumr.i taavantage of th fe me lrn oreor examle,lt sumer i lerned to im.hi sumimht udomute or egh.ume vctionies y ast, i porn o d a yoa. 暑假打工(a parttmejb) tis ummer caton i gt a art-imeoin a ac ba. at heining, i coln do lt alendistake. i

      2、 was verlwspir,fathe mothe ecuraged ot.s i bga to ryy bs.gually, i couldd avr ood jb. el vryxcited whe rceived y pa orhe first tm. iladyep my mind t fi anhrpat-timejon this itran beleei cnbette e ime快乐暑假英语作文 ser tio i enjysumactinve h. becusesmme vaction s th onget vacationf teea. we havmor a ffty days to r.thoghi ey hot, we aneiher gswim rsty th a-coditiond room .n te enig, ilike tog hoigwh y fiends. w eat many thngsinsumme, su as ie ces, watrmes, graps,o.i sue,ialwaysgo on ip with y arnts.is a

      3、 d ancefr u t vsome c interest acs 有关暑假生活的英语作文 i ofen o to see my grandmagrapa dungmy summecatin.tey areboh seventyyrs oldlive in thecoty happil umme vie of th ounysid is verybutiful i cn domainterithings there i amsed togttigu early in th rnin, btg te frh ar,istenng to he bidssingng, jyin the geentrees, r flowrs te rver le fishingwihmy friends. whn niht omes, i s unr the tree withmygrndm,listeing o r ting emany nnystos aditl heromenew thns appein in the iy. when i haveo go bck,i am ayrutt togo.

      4、 eal fehappy lvingnh cotry.简介暑假的英语作文 thsears sumer vcatio am enyable.i sptffee dashlpinm gnsong fam worki te coutysid,were samuntainsfieldsored wgreenpans sometmes i nwimi in the rive to h wetof the vlage,twer i wichwauitle. i ket a diayeer y. esides oing fm ork, i hep he cile th neighbohowt thr lessos l f showeirest in nglisheycoud ead rite welthe lardl drnd mpe englsh. vedy in the morng set ab two hour elpingthmimpo theirsting poken egist al made grat pores.eir aent all touht ighly f m. i no r

      5、elie thowedg s vryneeed the otyside. 1.暑期生活-duringsummer vacaio 新学期开始了,同窗们都返回学校重新会面。她们正在谈论自己的暑假生活。我更快乐,迫不及待地想告诉她们我是怎么过的。终于轮到我,了,我告诉她们我暑假期间在一家餐馆当服务员。她们起初并不相信。“是真的。”我说,“刚开始时可惨了,但几天我就做得较好了。暑假我挣了00元钱呢。”她们都目瞪口呆地看着我。a new ter bega. snts all rernedtocoo met aain.tey er takng about what thha den he hids. as apier. oudtit to telmy toy. no t myu.i tldthem i ota jb i aresturat ird as aatrss.thy dint belive atfirt yes,it ru.id, i realyada har ime tt beinning.ut evral ays ater, i oul do oodj. earne ix hunred

      6、ya thishoid. thyal loe at me iththir mouts opn. .快乐的暑假生活-py mmeoliamy smrvacatin hsyar s verynjyle. wento the countrysde to spedmy mm oliays. iti vrybeuifulte.te r reenpats, clear vrs, lovely amalkdeopl i speto weks helpig my randathedo somefarm orthere.rt ow ha haped in mydiary evey y. bsdsh, elped hhdenin t eighbuhod with thelesson. ihlpd te read egishmove their spkn engish thr arnt thanked e fo this.今年的暑假生活非常快乐。我去农村过暑假。那儿非常美丽,有绿色的植物,清澈的小河,可爱的动物和蔼良的人们。在那里的两周中我帮爷爷干了些农活。每天我在日记中记下所发生的事情。 除了这些,我还协

      7、助邻居家的孩子做功课。我帮她们读英语,使她们的口语有所提高。她们的父母为此很感谢我。乡村游记-a trip to econry i wen tte outysde to pend yroldys thisyer ike green lants, clea rivs ovely amimals thre. brehe te res onh muntan smtieient simmng i th rv. kp a diary eery ay 我不仅喜欢那里的景色,并且喜欢那里的人。我帮她们干农活,协助邻家的孩子复习功课。孩子们对英语很感爱好,她们在读、写方面较好,但听、说不好。我协助她们提高听、说能力,她们的父母高度赞扬了我。我意识到农村的确需要知识。 anunforetable igdurig sumer vctin t a sny atoa,whnigot pn teornng,i cided to see mygrandarnts.so tok e usgo tere at on,tey wereappy ee me,nd i ws ver hppy,too. inte afternoo,my atrked me to elp hi ter t lant,and was hapy to e thefers lng i he win


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