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2023-2024学年译林版八年级英语下册Unit5《Good manners》单元易错综合练习(含答案解析)

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    • 1、2023-2024学年八年级英语下册单元易错题综合练习Unit5Good manners(时间:100分钟,满分:100分)第一部分选择题一、单项选择(本大题共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)1There is a big stone my way my way home yesterday.Aat; byBin; byCon; inDin; on2 Im afraid the bag is _ for you to carry. Indeed, Im not _.Atoo heavy; enough strongBlight enough; too strongCtoo heavy; strong enoughDenough light; stronger3Hard work brings us _, but if we are lazy, we wont be _.Asuccess; successBsuccessful; successCsuccess; successfulDsuccessful; successful4Is it polite to speak and lau

      2、gh loudly _?No, I dont think so.Ain publicBat leastCon timeDin time5_, we should make sure we are all safe now.AAbove allBAfter allCAt allDIn all6They were _ busy _ with each other _ the time.Aso; talking; to forgetBtoo; talking; to rememberCtoo; to talk; to forgetDso; to talk; to remember7When did you get to know the information?_I _ yesterday.AUntil; toldBNot until; toldCUntil; was toldDNot until; was told8The purpose of new inventions is to make life easier, it more difficult.Anot makeBnot ma

      3、kingCnot to makeDdo not make9 We are going to have a party _ next week.AsometimeBsome timeCsometimesDsome times10Most British people will greet you _ a handshake.AbyBwithCofDfor11 What subjects should we _ when we talk with British people? Like age, money and so on.AstartBlearnCavoidDknow12MrGray keeps _ basketball in order to keep _.Apractise to play; healthyBto practise playing; healthyCpractising playing; fitDpractising playing; health13I think _ is rude not to say “sorry” when you bump into

      4、someone in the street.AheBthatCthisDit14“_” is used for saying that what you do is more important than what you say you will do.AEvery dog has its day.BPractice makes perfect.CMany hands make light work.DActions speak louder than words.15Lets go and listen to Mr Smiths speech on Western culture, shall we?_ Its getting to the end.AWhy not?BThats all right.CIm afraid not.DNever mind.二、完型填空(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、 B、C和D选项中选出最佳选项。As we know, there are differences between Western

      5、culture and Chinese cultureLets look at the _16_ about animals and plantsMost expressions in Chinese for the dog, _17_, “a homeless dog”, “a mad dog”, “a running dog” and “a dog catching a mouse”, have negative (消极的) meanings_18_ in Western countries, people think dogs are honest and _19_ friends of humansIn English, people use the dog to _20_ positive(积极的) actionsFor example, “you are a lucky dog” means you are a(n) _21_ personAnd “every dog has its day” means each person has good luck sometime

      6、sTo describe a persons serious illness, they say “sick as a dog”The word “dog tired” means very tiredChinese _22_ cats very muchBut in Western culture, people often use “cat” to describe a cruel(残酷的) womanThe rose is regarded as(被看作) a _23_ of love in both China and some Western countriesPeople think the rose _24_ love, peace, courage and friendshipAnd the rose is the national flower of England, America and many other countriesPeople in different countries use the words about plants and animals

      7、in positive or negative waysWe can _25_ many differences in cultures by comparing(比较) how some words are used.16AbooksBwordsClessonsDnames17Afor saleBfor exampleCfor everDfor free18ASoBAndCButDOr19AsadBgoodCbadDdangerous20AdiscoverBdisagreeCdescribeDdecide21AinterestingBunluckyCluckyDuseful22AhurtBhateCloveDbite23AexampleBchanceCmessageDsymbol24AmeansBfindsCknowsDneeds25Atalk aboutBlearn aboutCthink aboutDworry about三、阅读单选(本大题共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)ATable manners are different from country to countryI

      8、f you visit a friends home for a meal, its good to know about certain customsMorocco(摩洛哥)In many homes, people often sit on the floor to eat a mealOften, everyone eats from the same plateIt is in the center of the tableOnly eat the food in front of youDont reach across someone for foodIt is common to use your fingers to eat foodUse only your right hand to eatDont say “no” to foodIf the host(主人)offers you food or drink, take some and try a littleAlso remember: In many homes, it is common to take off your shoesThe United StatesIn most homes, people usually sit on chairs when they eat a mealPeople eat from their own plate or bowl, but sometimes people share desserts(甜点)If you want something(for example, the water), ask for itReaching across someone is rudeIts OK to eat things like sandwiches, fruit, pizza and some kinds of meat with your fingersIts OK to say “no” to food if you dont like itAls

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