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  • 常见问题
    • 1、How to prepare for a job interview(一)If you wish to pursue your professional career successfully, it is essential to find a satisfactory job.A job interview, in some cases, can be of critical importance for you to obtain a job you like.Since a job interview is so important, we should be well-prepared for it. Here are some tips foryou. First of all, take account of your qualifications, and background and decide whether they satisfy the requirements of the job. If they do, get familiar with them i

      2、n case you are asked about them during the interview. Secondly, remember your special abilities or hobbies, such as playing sports or music, and mention them if necessary, which may attracts the interviewers. My final advice is that you should take special care of your appearance. Though we should not judge a person by his appearance, the first impression is very important for one to have a job interview.Above all, job interview is becoming more popular nowadays. So to make full preparations for

      3、 the job interview plays a critical part in your success. If you want to find a job successfully, be sure to be self-condition, select proper words and pay attention to the ways of talking in an interview besides your full preparations.(二)It s that time of the year when you re fretting because the end of summer means that you need to enter the big bad world of jobs.With your results in hand, you set out to find your perfect job only to realise you screwed up during your interview! Sounds familia

      4、r? Even experienced workers face this problem. So, whether you rea newbie or a pro at the job hunting game, here are a few tips to make that solid first impression.PreparationWhile applying for a job, you need to show that you know about the organisation and what it does.A little homework goes a long way in showing that you genuinely care about the company youwish to join. The simplest way of doing this is to go to the company s website and read theUs section. If there are profiles of some senio

      5、r personnel, read upon them too. The moreyouknow about the organisation, the better your chances of cracking the interview.During your interview, you need to be in a Zen state of mind. You may be asked difficult and uncomfortable questions. If you can demonstrate an ability to stay calm when you are put under pressure it tells your potential employers that you can do the same when it comes to handling their projects.There is no getting around this. Sit in front of mirrorand practice your respons

      6、es to standardquestions you will asked during your interview. Questions like, Why do you want to join us? Where do you see yourself in five years? will be asked. Get your responses in order, get them checked with a superior if possible and speak with experience when asked.PolishKnowingthe dress code of your potential employer is important. You do not want to land at acorporate office wearing jeans and your Nirvana tee. On the other hand, an ad agency or any othercreative company will look upon f

      7、ormat attire as a sign of having a closed mind. Apart from this,ensure that you look proper. Cut your nails, shave properly, get your hair in order and hide yourtattoos as far as you can.ReworkGo over your resume once again. Many of us carry old versions of our re sumes and use it for each company. It is necessary to tweak your past experience for each particular company. This will alsohelp you tokeep your resume updated. Check if a covering letteris required.Write oneaccordinglyand check forerr

      8、ors. Fix them. If references are asked for,ensure thatthey are inorder.Be confident, ensure you ve taken all the documents you need and reach at least 15 minutes beforetime.Once youve made sure that you have checked and re- checked everything, you re readyacethattointerview. So, just go for it!(三)How to Prepare For a Job Interview?As more and more applicants have applied for one position by holding the identical resume, including their major and experience, employers have determined to evaluate

      9、the employee through job interview. Faced with the new challenge, achievement is founded on diligence and wasted upon recklessness.First of all, we need to have a full list of the process in our mind once although it just an imagined one. According to the list, we can figure out what we need to prepare and what the problems and situation we re likely to come across in the interview. If it behave properly. s the case, howThen, based on the clear classification of the materials we may need, we can wisely choose various means to collect information, respectively overall. Such as surfing the internet, going tothe library or the professional bookstore to find more about your major and the


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