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    • 1、西医综合-内科学-3(总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、Section I Use of English(总题数:1,分数:10.00)To produce the upheaval ( 激变)in the United States that changed and modernized the domain of higher education from the mid-1860s to the mid-1880s, three primary causes interacted. The (1) of a half-dozen leaders in education provided the personal force that was needed. (2) , an outcry (呐喊)for a fresher, more practical, and more advanced kind of instruction (3)among the alumni(校友)and friends of nearly all of the old colleges

      2、and grew into a movement that overrode (压倒)all (4) opposition. The aggressive Young Yale movement appeared, demanding partial alumni control, a more (5) spirit, and a broader course of study. The graduates of Harvard College simultaneously (6) to relieve the colleges poverty and demand new (7) . Education was pushing toward higher standards in the East by (8) off church leadership everywhere, and in the West by finding a wider range of studies and a new (9) of public duty.The old-style classical

      3、 education received its most crushing (10) in the citadel (城堡)of Harvard College, (11) Dr. Charles Eliot, a young captain of thirty-five, son of a former treasurer of Harvard, led the (12) forces. Five revolutionary advances were made during the first years of Dr. Eliots (13) They were the elevation and amplification of entrance requirements, the enlargement of the (14) and the development of the (15) system, the recognition of graduate study in the liberal arts, the raising of professional trai

      4、ning in law, medicine, and engineering to a postgraduate level, and the fostering (培养)of greater (16) in student life. Standard ofadmission were sharply advanced in 18721877. (17) the appointment of a clean (院长)to takecharge of student affairs, and a wise handling of (18) , the undergraduates were led to regard themselves more as young gentlemen and (19) as young animals. Onenew course of study after another was (20)science, music, the history of the fine arts, advanced Spanish, political econom

      5、y,physics and international law.(分数:10.00)(1).A uproar B threshold C emergency D emergence(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D. V解析:6位领袖的为改革提供了人的动力,根据personal force.可判定选emergence,意为出现”,其他选项不合文意。Auproar 骚动;喧嚷”,跟领袖无关;Bthreshold“门槛;开端”,跟领袖无关,如:on the threshold of an era of prosperity“处于繁荣时代的开端”;Cemergency “紧急事件,紧急状况”。.A However B Moreover C Thereafter D Indeed(分数:0.50 )A.B. VC.D.解析:这句与上句有并列关系,都是关于引发教育界激变的原因。应选BMoreover “此外,并且”,其他选项不合逻辑。AHowever “然而,表转折;CThereafter “此后,以后,表时间;DIndeed “的 确,确实”,用于强调附加的内容。.A aroused B aro

      6、se C roused D incurred(分数:0.50 )A.B. VC.D.解析:根据句子的语法要求,只能选择一个不及物动词,即 arose “出现,发生”,如: Incompatibility may arise. “不相容的情况可能发生。”其他选项均为及物动词。 Aaroused “引起;激起”,强调唤醒 或打开人的眼界去注意某种观点,如: The program is certain to arouse opposition. “那个方案一定 会引起反对。” Croused 激起;唤起,使觉醒”,强调号召或采取行动,女口: rouse sb. into action 激 励某人行动起来”。 Dincurred “招致;引起;遭受” .如: incur a protest “惹起抗议”。(4).A conservative B conventional C radical D profound(分数: 0.50 )A. VB.C.D.解析:反对意见应该与改革背道而驰,首先排除常用于修饰改革的 Cradical “激进的”;B和D也不合文意: Bconventional “惯

      7、例的, 常规的”; Dprofound “深厚的; 深奥的”。 所以选 conservat ive “保守的”。(5) .A flexible B liberal C literate D literaryA.B. VC.D.解析:耶鲁大学的运动要求更 的精神,只有liberal style of painting“不拘一格的绘画风格”的”; Cliterate “有读写能力的,受过教育的”;分数: 0.50 )(6) .A rallied B assembled C gathered D summonedliberal 能修饰精神, liberal “自由主义的”,如: a 其他选项不合文意。 Aflexible “灵活的;易曲 Dliterary “文学上的;精通文学的”。分数: 0.50 )A. VB.C.D. 解析:耶鲁大学出现了运动,同时哈佛学院的毕业生也团结起来, 某观点或政党而集会,如: University students rallied in protest. 项不合文意或语法要求。 Bassembled “集合”,主要指 assemble同义,但不那么正式;Dsu

      8、mmoned召唤, summon a parliament me eting “召开国会会议”。(7) .A resource B orientation C reserve D enterpriseA.rallied “团结;集合”,通常指为支持“大学生举行抗议集会。”其他选(使) 人们集合到一起; Cgathered “集合”,与召集; 传讯”, 及物动词, 有正式命令的含义,如:(分数: 0.50 )B.C.D. V解析: enterprise 作不可数名词时意为“进取心,事业心”,在句中符合语法和文意。Aresource 作不可数名词时意为“才智;谋略”; Borientation “适应”; Creserve “储备品;储量”。(8) .A putting B taking C growing D letting(分数: 0.50 )A.B.C. VD.解析:教育脱离教会的统治 (off church leadership) ,所以选 growing ,表示一个变化过程。其他选项不合文意。 putting off “拖延”; taking off “拿走;起飞”; letti

      9、ng off “开枪;宽恕”。(9) .A point B meaning C commitment D sense(分数: 0.50 )A.B.C.D. V解析:能够与 duty 搭配的选项只有 Dsense ,意为“观念;意识”,如: a keen sense of honor/inferiority “强烈的荣誉感 / 自卑感”, 其他选项不符合搭配。 Apoint “意义”; Bmeaning “意 思”; ccommitment “委托;承担义务”。(10) .A blow B crack C strike D stroke(分数: 0.50 )A. VB.C.D.解析:上段讲美国的教育改革,这段讲哈佛学院的具体做法。陈旧的、传统的教育在哈佛学院受到毁灭性 的。首先排除 Bcrack “裂缝;爆裂声”; Cstrike “打,击,敲”和 Dstroke “打击,敲”也不合文意。所以选 blow 打击”,receive a crushing blow受到毁灭性的打击”。(11) .A when B where C which D that(分数: 0.50)A.B. VC.D.解析:这是一个非限制性定语从句,由于从句中的主要成分俱全,因此排除连接代词Cwhich和Dthat ;A when指时间,也不能修饰中心词Harvard College ,所以选连接副词 where,指a


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