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    • 1、山山东东省威省威海海市市 20232023 年中考英年中考英语语真真题题一一、阅阅读读理解理解阅读理解Penguin(企鹅)Swims 5,000 Miles Every YearJoao,71,lives on an island near Rio de Janeiro,Brazil.He has retired(退休),but still works as a part-time fisherman.One day,about five years ago,when he was fishing,he found a tiny,sick penguin on the beach near his home.The penguins feathers(羽毛)were covered in oil.The poor bird was dying.Joao felt sorry for the sick,little bird,and so he took him back to his home.He cleaned him and fed him fish,and he gave h

      2、im the name Din dim.The penguin soon became strong and healthy again.After a week or two,Joao went down to the coast and tried to put Din dim back into the water.The penguin didnt want to go.He stayed with Joao,getting bigger and biggerbeautiful new feathers grew on his back.Eight months passed.Joao was very happy because he was enjoying the company of his new friend.Then suddenly,one day in February,Din dim disappeared.Joao was sad to lose him,but hoped that the bird just wanted to return to hi

      3、s penguin family.Four more months passed,Joao was walking sadly home from the beach,when suddenly heheard a familiar(熟悉的)honking soundDin dim was back.Every year since then,Din dim spends eight months with Joao and then disappears for four months.Where does he go?It is thought that he swims 2,500 miles to the coast of Argentina or Chile to start a penguin family and then swims 2,500 miles to Joao.Thats 5,000 miles a year to be with the man who saved his life.1.What was the penguin like when Joao

      4、 first met him?A.He was tiny and sick.B.He was strong and healthy.C.He had clean and beautiful feathers.2.When the penguin became healthy after a week or two,what did he do?A.He still stayed with Joao.B.He returned to his penguin family.C.He walked sadly on the beach every day.3.How might Joao feel when he suddenly heard a familiar sound?A.Sorry and sad.BSurprised and sad.CSurprised and happy.4.Which is the right order according to the passage?a.The penguin was found.b.The penguin was hurt.c.The

      5、 penguin was back.d.The penguin disappeared.Ad c b aBb a d c5Why does the penguin swim to Brazil every year?Ca b d cA.To star this penguin family.B.To look for more delicious food.C.To visit the man who saved his life.【解析】【分析】文章大意:文章讲述了企鹅看望救命恩人要走 5000 英里的故事。【点评】考查阅读理解。做题时首先对原文材料迅速浏览,掌握全文的主旨大意。其次,细读题材,各个 击破。掌握全文的大意之后,细细阅读材料后的问题,弄清每题要求后,带着问题,再回到原文中去寻找、捕获有关信息。1.细节理解题。根据文章第一段句子Joao,71,lives on an island near Rio de Janeiro,Brazil.he found a tiny,sick penguin on the beach near his home.可知第一次见到企鹅时,企鹅生

      6、病又很小,故选 A。2.细节理解题。根据文章第二段句子After a week or two,Joao went down to the coast and tried to put Din dim back into the water.The penguin didnt want to go.He stayed with Joao,getting bigger and biggerbeautiful new feathers grew on his back.可知在企鹅好后他仍然想和若昂待在一起,故选 A。3.推理判断题。根据文章第三段句子Then suddenly,one day in February,Din dim disappeared.Joao was sad to lose him,but hoped that the bird just wanted to return to his penguin family.Four more months passed,Joao was walking sadly home from the beach,when sudden

      7、ly he heard a familiar(熟 悉 的)honking soundDin dim was back.可推断当知道丁丁回来的时候,若昂既开心又很惊讶,故选 C。4.细节理解题。根据文章内容One day,about five years ago,when he was fishing,he found a timy,sick penguin on the beach near his home.可知先是企鹅受伤了,然后企鹅被 Joao 发现;Then suddenly,one day inFebruar,Din dim disappeared.Four more months passed,loao was walking sadly home from the beach,whensuddenly he heard a familiar(熟悉的)honkingsoundDin dim was back.再后来企鹅不见了,最后企鹅回来 了。故选 B。5细节理解题。根据文章最后一段句子Thats 5,000 miles a year to be with the man

      8、who saved his life.和那 个救了他一命的人在一起一年要走 5000 英里。可知是为了探望那个救了他的人,故选 C。阅读理解In Chinese culture,twelve different animals are used to stand for the Chinese birth years.2023 is the ChineseYear of the Rabbit.At the beginning of 2023,rabbits have been used for artistic themes around the world.As a cultural image(文化意象),rabbits have been in different forms of art worldwide,including stamps,colorful lights and exhibitions.The worldwide popularity of the Chinese Rabbit might have something to do with Western c

      9、ulture.For people in Europe,rabbits mean new life and prosperity(繁荣)as they can give birth to many young ones.So the image of a rabbit is easily accepted by people in the West.Through the Chinese Year of the Rabbit,people from other counties can get a closer look into Chinese culture.On January 21,an exhibition was held in a museum in the US to celebrate the Year of the Rabbit 16 excellent Chinese artworks on rabbits were on show.It showed visitors that rabbits have been a popular artistic theme

      10、 in China since ancient times.The museum has also explained the meaning behind rabbits in China to visitors.People could also learn about the stories of the rabbit and the moon in China.Images of the 12 Chinese animals are fun to everyone.They can help with communication between different cultures.6.Why do Western people accept the Chinese Rabbit easily?A.Because its one of the 12 Chinese animalsB.Because it has connection with Western culture.C.Because it is used to stand for the Chinese Year o


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