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    • 1、安徽省安庆市某中学2019-2020学年高二英语月考试题一、阅读理解(本大题共15小题,共30.0分)AI sometimes fee left out with my friends at the partyWhat can I do? -Susan Alice:Speak to your best friend before you arrive and ask her to make sure you dont get left out of the groupThat way,shell know to include you in all the funMake the effort to speak to some other people at the partyYou might even make a new friend or two Sometimes I think parties get boring and I want to go home! -Jenny Alice:Even a great party will drag if youre not en

      2、joying yourselfMaking the effort to dance and have a chat with your friends will beat the boredom!You dont have to stay to the very end of the party Our school is having a Christmas dance party but Im really shyShall I go or not? -Emma Alice:Part of you would like to go to the party,so give it a tryLet good friends know how you feel and make sure youll have people to dance with when the evening comesPractice some fun dances so youll feel comfortable on the dance floor Whenever I go to a party,my

      3、 dad comes to pick me up at 8pmI always have to leave earlier than the rest of my friends and I get really angry with my dad -Anny Alice:Talk with your dad and let him know how you feelIt feels hard to have different rules from your friends but dont worry too much-your friends are probably picked up soon after you anyway1. Alice advises Susan to _ A. stay with her friendsB. make fun of her friendsC. leave the party at onceD. ask her fried for help2. The underlined worddragis closest in meaning t

      4、o _ A. failB. be boringC. improveD. be pleasant3. What worries Anny? _ A. Nobody picks her up after the partyB. She always argues with her dadC. Her dad is strict with herD. She cant go to the party with her friends4. Where can you probably find the text? _ A. In a popular magazineB. In a travel guidebookC. In a famous novelD. In a noticeBThe word invent comes from a Latin word which means to find Garrett Morgan, an African-American, was one such inventor His first job was repairing machines in

      5、a factory By accident, he had invented the hair straightener He sold his products and then continued with his career as an inventor Every day,Garrett Morgan watched traffic become more dangerousCars,bicycles and walkers all competed to cross the streetPolice officers made simple stop / go signals at busy crossroads,but cars,bicycles and walkers still rushed into the crossroads at different speeds and many crashed into each other One day he saw a traffic accident between a car and a bicycle at a

      6、busy crossroads he realized ,the problem with the traffic light, was its poor design: the traffic signal lacked a transition(过渡)between stop and go Morgan invented a new traffic signal that added a caution (警告) light that made traffic move more smoothly and safely His traffic light stood on a T-shaped pole(杆)with arms that flashed a red light to stop traffic in all directions, allowing walkers to cross safely After walkers crossed, traffic could only go in one direction Soon, cities everywhere w

      7、anted his traffic lightIn 1923,a popular electric company paid Morgan 40,000 to make and sell his invention Traffic lights today work in the same basic way The traffic light is Morgans most famous invention In 1963, the United States government gave Garrett Morgan an award for his life-saving idea5. What can we learn about Garrett Morgan from Paragraph 1? _ A. He worked in a factory all his lifeB. He led a hard life in his early yearsC. He made money from hair straightenersD. He dreamed of being

      8、 an inventor when he was a child6. What made Morgan invent the traffic light? _ A. A traffic accidentB. A car drivers adviceC. Worry about his safetyD. Hard work of police officers7. According to the text, Garrett Morgans traffic light _ A. made cars move more slowlyB. needed no help from police officersC. was special because it had a caution lightD. was very different from the ones we use todayCLiving on mountainous La Gomera, one of Spains Canary Islands off West Africa, Juan Cabello takes pri

      9、de in not using a mobile phone or the Internet to communicateLike his father and grandfather,he uses Silbo Gomero,a language that is whistled (吹口哨),not spoken,and that can be heard more than two miles away I use it for everything:to talk to my wife,to tell my kids something,to find a friend if we get lost in a crowd,Cabello saysI also make a living from Silbo,performing daily exhibitions at a restaurant People throughout La Gomera are known to have used Silbo in the past as a way of communicating over long distances A strong whistle saved farmers from walking over the hills to give messages or news to neighborsThen came the phoneNowadays,its hard to know how many people still use SilboIn 1999,it was introduced as a compulsory subject (必修学科) in La Gome


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