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    • 1、Iron ore合同铁矿石交易合同trade contract 编号 Contract Number: 铁矿石交易合同Iron ore trade contract 合同编号: Contract Number: 日期: Date:卖方:Seller:电话(Tel):传真(Fax):买方:Buyer:电话(Tel):传真(Fax): 鉴于 买方同意购买且卖方同意销售下述商品,买方和卖 方根据下列条款签订本合同: For two sides willing to make a deal, buyer and seller sign this contract conforming to following items.第一章 定价模式 Chapter one: Pricing system 第一条 关于定价模式,双方同意以季节定价模式成交,即双 方确定 2011 年度采用季节定价模式。 Clause one: For pricing system, both sides agree to use seasonal pricing system (both sides confirm to

      2、use seasonal pricing system in 2011). 第二章 价格和成交量Chapter two: Price and mount 第二条:双方同意按 照同品种-同价格的惯例交易,不按照品位进行分类 定价 Clause two: Both sides agree to conform to Same breed-Same price, not Same p urity-Same price. 第 三条:关于铁矿石价格,双方同意在 2011 年第一季 度价格在 2010 年第四季度 147 美元/吨的基础上涨价 7%, 即价格为 157.29 美元/吨。 Clause three: For iron ore price, both sides agree to increase the price of the 1th quarter in 2011 by 7% on the base of $147/ton in the 4th quarter in 2010. The price is $1 57.29/ton. 第 四条:就第三条款达成的价格是离岸价,该价格应

      3、用 于澳大利亚伯斯港与中国天津港,青岛港,日照港任 一港口之间的航线。 Clause four: The price of clause 3 is FOB price, this price is suitable for shipping lines between Perth port and each one of Tian jin port, Qing dao port and Ri zhao port. 第五条:双方商定买方于 2011 年第一季度进口 5000 万吨品位在 62 到 63.5 之 间的铁矿石。 Clause five: Both sides negotiate that buyer import 50 million tons iron ore whose purity is between 62 and 63.5 during the 1 th quarter in 2011 。 第三章:海运费 Chapter three: Shipping cost 第六条 关于海运费,双方认同中国模式,取消金融机制;在 2010 年第四季度的海运费基础上不再涨价,价格

      4、维 持在 10 美元/吨。 Clause six: For shipping cost, both sides hold sino-modle, and cancel financial system;thereis increase on the base of the shipping cost of the 4th quarter in 2010, the pric e keep at $10/ton. 第七条:根 据第六条,在海运费补贴上,卖方不再予以卖方海运 费 补 贴 , 即 海 运 费 补 贴 比 零 。Clause seven:According to clause 6, on discount of shipping cost, the seller will not gi ve discount to the buyer, and the discount will be zero. 第八条:货物分批次发运,批次 由卖方决定,货物在一季度内发运至中国港口,港口 装卸费用由卖方承担。 Clause eight: The goods will be shipped in

      5、 batches. The seller decides how many batches. Goods must be shipped to ports of china during the 1th quarter. The seller assu mes the stevedore charges. 第九条:货物运输途中保险由买方承担,卖 方不承担货物途中造成损失的任何责任。 Clause nine: The insurance of goods in transportation is assumed by the buyer, the seller wont assume any responsibilities for the damage made in the第十transportation.第四章 价格补贴 Chapter four: Price discount条:关于价格涨幅补贴,卖方给予买方优于发达国家 多 1.5% 的优惠 Clause ten: For the price increase discount, the seller will give the

      6、 buyer a favorable d iscount that is 1.5% higher than that given to developed countries. 第五章 违约责任 Chapter five: Duty to break a contract 第十一条:合同双方如有违反以上 各条款的行为,则根据双方达成的违约处理合同条款 进行处理。 Clause eleven: If each one of two sides of contract broke each clause of above-menti oned clauses, deal with it conforming to Contract of penalty. 第十二 条:如果双方仍不能妥善处理争议,则提交中国海事 仲裁委员会仲裁,双方应无条件接受仲裁结果。Clause twelve: If both sides cant deal with dilemma properly, then submit it to ChinaMaritime Arbitration Committee (CMAC), both sides should accept the arbitration re sult with no conditions. 第六章 附录 Chapter six: Appendix 第十三条:双方达成的违约处 理合同服从于本合同,并具有法律效力。 Clause thirteen: The Contract of penalty belong to this contract, and it also has legal authority. 买方: 卖方: Buyer : Seller: 授权代表签字 授权代表签字: Authorized delegate signature Authorized delegate signature 日 期 : 日期 Date Date


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