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    • 1、2019届高三英语最后40天冲刺卷三1、 Dream of visiting Paris? Follow our travel plan to experience as much of the city as possible.Paris food tour Food tours are our favorite way to begin a trip in a new city because they teach you about the cuisine as well as give you a look at the city. Often the guide will recommend restaurants for you to try during your visit. Sometimes youll even learn about a food you didnt know existed.Eiffel Tower tour The Eiffel Tower is probably No. 1 on your must-see listfor Paris, w

      2、hether you have a week or only two days in Paris. Get there early in the morning to try to beat the crowds,and book your tickets ahead to save time. Paris sightseeing tour After youve had your fill of the splendid views of Paris from the top of the Eiffel Tower, explore other big sights. Check out Notre Dame Cathedral, one of the earliest and finest examples of French Gothic architecture. The Arc de Triomphe is another recognizable symbol of Paris, and of France, that you dont want to miss. You

      3、can climb to the top for another interesting view of the city from above.Marche dAligre tour Tired of sightseeing? Markets can be a wonderful way to see a more local side of town. The Marche dAligre is open every day except Monday. The main market is in a covered building. It can be a great stop to load up for a picnic as well.1.Which tour do you need to reserve to avoid waiting?A.Paris food tour.B.Eiffel Tower tour.C.Paris sightseeing tour.D.Marche dAligre tour.2.Where can you enjoy a view of P

      4、aris from above?A.From the Eiffel Tower and the Marche dAligre.B.From the Eiffel Tower and the Arc de friomphe.C.From the Eiffel Tower and Notre Dame Cathedral.D.From Notre Dame Cathedral and the Arc de Triomphe.3.What can you do on the Marche dAligre tour?A.Enjoy the markets.B.Load up the shop.C.Go for a picnic.D.Cover the building.2、 Video producer and musician Justin Scholar enjoyed his fantastic moment weeks ago when he spotted his latest work playing on a huge electronic screen at New Yorks

      5、 Times Square. “Its sort of the American dream to see your name up inlights, says the 25-year-old New Jersey native. “Id never really cared about my name being that big, but going to New York and seeing the big screens, you always wonder if your work is going to make it up there. The video that helps Scholar fulfill his “ American dream was shot and produced in China, where Scholar is living and working as a media company owner. Scholar took his first Chinese class in high school seven years ago

      6、 and made his first trip to Shanghai in 2015 through a study-abroad program when he was a student in New York University. The film and TV major changed his focus from technical art to traditional arts during his study in Shanghai, spending most of the time learning ink-and-wash painting, calligraphy and the guzheng,a traditional Chinese musical instrument. He also fell in love with the city, where he ate a lot of authentic xiaolongbao, or steamed meat buns, and felt safe walking on the streets a

      7、t 3 am. Shanghai impresses Scholar as an efficient, modern city calling for greater business prosperity with foreign participation, so he returned two years later, when his career at home was already booming after making commercials for big names such as Coca-Cola and Jaguar. Thanks to a combination of luck and talent, he achieved the goal soon with a Chinese friend as his business partner, and the company has already produced some 15 videos for pop icons, fashionistas, and art museums in merely

      8、 six months. The video that plays at Times Square, a tourism promotionalfilm for southwest Chinas Chongqing city, is the companys first project contracted(签合同) by a local government in China.1.What did Scholar study in Shanghai?A.TV media.B.Technical art.C.Traditional arts.D.The Chinese language.2.What is the author s purpose in writing Paragraph 3 and 4?A.To change to a new topic for writing.B.To make a conclusion of the first 2 paragraphs.C.To dive deeper into the previous topic.D.To add the b

      9、ackground information of the video.3.What do we know about Scholars video?A.It was shot at Times Square.B.It showed attractions of Chongqing.C.It was shot in the year 2015.D.it showed his college life in Shanghai.4.Whats the main idea of the text?A.China opens up new routes to international tourists.B.Shanghai attracts an increasing number of foreigners.C.American dream unexpectedly comes true with the great video.D.Young American brings Chinese tourist video to Times Square.3、 Energy sources which are pollution free and environmentally friendly are one of the key challenges ofworlds future society. A team of roboticists and biologists at IITIstituto Italiano di Tecnologia in Pontedera (Pisa, Italy), found that living plants can help with electricity. Fabian Meder, Barbara Mazzolai and iheir co-workers at IIT discovered that living plants are “ green ” powe


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