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    • 1、此资料由网络收集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。资料共分享,我们负责传递知识。爱校英语演讲稿 一篇好的英语演讲稿能让你在演讲时朗朗上口。小编为大家整理了关于爱校的英语演讲稿篇,欢迎大家阅读。爱校英语演讲稿篇1 Peole&rqu;soinin arealwys differtone they talk about cmpus love Sme peol hd he ide hat cmps oveis a ter fritwhichma cause pans and mke l hurt. Besid, poplewho aregainst caus v mitai hat cmus love i just a kidof thin tat waes me anmone. While other delre nhinis moe wondeul than love. Te lat semto b idelists wholo lovruo;ake! s frs Isquo;mconcerned, do otuiteagre wih he wo knds of opiios ment

      2、ionaov Fronethin, since re olge tdents now, w shold learnt take total responsiilitad it s time for us to xpriecevarius kinsof &qot;groinpn",incl love.o ab wersquo; bttrbbravrto purs it isite o e sorros ht migh p tos.Hwver, do ot manta t an beneglctd compared with o.r, as clegstudntsourmin task as, isadil b study.Being aults dest mebeing otly independent. Amnuo; first dutit find awa spportng himsf,thereby relin the eoleof the necssit of suportin him Thefre, we avto aster the slls to mk a lig

      3、 ifture Those whoabanon their sdy in sakeof vear rath ilrs thandealits! ll in , cmpus loe hasobleges.It is true that it ma co omethintoek t, but f yo cn range ur im well, it wiladd clor t yr ife and tl you how give re than receve witho nfuencig your stud. Just olo te tr inoueat!hy nothave try爱校英语演讲稿篇2Good afternoon,ade andenlee,I&rsqu;m Wan *rCas*Grade*I’sypeasueto standhe day to al bu m choo;alianNo9iddlescho. Two years ago,whn I firtse nt N.9 Mdle school,imeiatelyfel nlove withitItis a b

      4、iful chool.Th bidgar wandthe wls are coered wit ild oes tat dae hen he ee-huminga. I&rquo;e thought oit on.Howhe gass urns gee n the sprigime,ndhowthemckingbirds fltterhirtails ad ing,how thoonsnes dow onhe buildg,ow te CckooWaltz ringsout h preciussort-ivedhur,w te tenaers n bright sme des pomeade th grassylawn. Duing the o yars, tacrs hve ivenm unconditona spr,adhave givn their wods of encouagemen in god tims and heir wod ofconsoltion i iclt moents.Theyhve awa given alittle more tha I aske fr

      5、an stilled in ethe vales nprincpesthat governm li now.t&suo;s t eahr’istruction hee tht telse t artf liingst know wn tool asanwn to lt go.Te rbbis old pu it this way “;A man comes to eor with hsfist clenhed,btwhen h ds,his ha isopn.”;I&rsuo;ve leaneda ot from ycassmatsand frens,e hvoercomed many ificulis.They have aays ben ptmistc adhuou.Whenm fee hut,they al card abotmeand ome e oferd telp me up ownairs. laytetr,w learn ter d we grow up toehe.t’she hep bten o classmates hat tels e h

      6、tolo m lfe.Hower a lieis ,me itandlve itIt&sq; e scho motto tht els me to mrovmel,e truthand develop ioations I lve my chlecase of allthis,ide,ereis smetin oe hn I an say. To en y speeh ,let&sqo; ll giveour et wihs to thefrther devopent of ur ampus! Thanyu.爱校英语演讲稿篇 I lve theschool, if ymy hldhod lik a ring ofshll, thI thin te lifef thechool in th X oneof h mos eatiu ne. hve lered amn I ve the school an learneda lot f knwlege, I here to ow up hail. lov te wmth ofth bi olltive,unted a one love , l

      7、ovit eeat nonment, love is richvaety of activis. Shol stdnts o artcpatein gizecompetii,studentsare encouragedregster; clean up the campus heath, e are al hnson; the establshmeto xtr-uricular goup, eryon fgtngover who gets to partiipt. So one thing left mewith an indeibl mprsio. Also reember that t ws New ar39;s py i 202,whnlasro layout looks extrme atf! Theclorrs coveredwith olorfulcassoom on h lacboard the wordsquot;Happy Nw Ye" fe chaaters,the folwing horsesare runig intheoey aintedpony, glassfiguo;apy New er&qut;mssage. TGeneral Assembly egan, m and u Yunpengs a mderto tell you solny announcd:quot; New Yearsprynow!quot;, The studeswe erfrming aslf-compiled dace,littedraa, potyrectin, heartly exprss ou jo. ppluse, lghtebrek ou.Wealo coducted


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