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    • 1、精品文档旅游专业英语测试题I (Chapter1-3)(本试卷测试内容为第一章至第二章第二小节)班级 _姓名 _成绩 _Partone:Translatethefollowingexpressions.(20points):Task one: Translate the following expressions into English:( 10 points )1. 检疫处2. 行程安排3 . 通关4. 行李牌5. 随身行李6. 出境游7. 住宿登记单8. 文化遗产9. 旅游旺季10. 旅游小册子Task two: Translate the following expressions into Chinese:( 10 points )1. domestic airport2. departure gate3. departure lounge4. FLT No (flight number)5. buddhist temple6. departure card。1欢迎下载精品文档7. boarding pass8. consigne baggage9. transfer pas

      2、sengers10. goods to declarePart two: Translatethe followingsentencesintoEnglish:(20 points):1. 你为本次旅行准备的预算是多少呢?2. 我谨代表我们旅行社想您表示歉意。3. 你觉得做导游需要具备的基本素质和能力有哪些呢?4.你对什么最感兴趣?是历史文化遗迹,还是城市观光或者自然风光呢?5. 我打电话是想修改我昨天的预订。6.你能给我介绍一下这条线路的报价中包括了哪些费用吗?7. 请问超重行李怎么收费?8. 开心点!事情总归是有办法解决的!9. 它们是直飞航班,没有任何中转站。10. 请问你到达和离店额时间分别是什么时候呢?Partthree:TranslatethefollowingparagraphintoChinese:(20 points)ZhanqiaoPier,builtin1891,isthesymbolofQingdao.Afterseveral。2欢迎下载精品文档restorations, from being a simple military harbor, it is no

      3、wopen to tourists. Thepieris440 meters long.There isan octagonalpagoda of distinctiveChinese style,“Huilan Pagoda ”at the end of the pier. From the top, tourists can fully view the magnificent sea. Along the shore is the beautiful Pier Park, which is a pleasantand quiet place for tourists to rest or enjoy the scenery of Little Qingdao Isleand its white tower.Zhanqiao Pier前海栈桥“Huilan Pagoda ” “回澜阁 ”译文:_-。Part four: Reading comprehension:( 20 points)Task one:Choose the best answer from A, B, C or

      4、D. (10 points )People travel for a lot of reasons. Some tourists go to see battlefields orreligious shrines. Others are looking for culture, or simply want to have theirpicturetaken in frontof famous places.But most European touristsare lookingfora sunny beach to lie on.Northern Europeans are willing to pay a lot of money and put up with a lot ofinconveniences for the sun because they have so little of it. Residents of citieslikeLondon,Copenhagen,and Amsterdam spend a lotof theirwinterin the dar

      5、k becausethe days are so short, and much of the rest of the year is in the rain. This isthe reason the Mediterranean has always attracted them. Every summer, more than25 millionpeopletraveltoMediterraneanresortsand beaches fortheirvacations.They all come for the same reason: sun !。3欢迎下载精品文档The huge crowds mean lotsof money forthe economies of Mediterraneancountries.Italys 30 , 000 hotels are booked solid every summer. And 13 million people campout on Frenchbeaches , parks ,and roadsides.Spain s

      6、longsandy coastlineattractsmore people than anywhere else. 37 million tourists visit yearly, or one touristfor every person living in Spain.Butthereare signsthatthe area is gettingmore tourismthan it can handle.TheMediterraneanisalreadyone of the most pollutedseas on earth.And withincreasedtourism , it s getting worse. The French cantfigure out what to do with all thegarbageleftby campers around St.Tropez. And inmany places , swimming isdangerousbecause of pollution.None of this, however ,is spoiling anyones fun. The Mediterranean gets morepopular every year with tourists. Obviously, they dontgo there for clean waterand solitude.They toleratetrafficjams and seem tolikecrowded beaches.They donteven mind thepollution.No matterhow dirtythewater is , thecoastlinestilllooksbeautiful.And as longas thesunshines , its stillbetterthansittingin thecoldrain in Berlin, London, or Oslo.1.The writer seems to imply that Europeans travel mostly for the reason thatA. they want to see historic remains


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