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    • 1、2022年高考英语大一轮复习Unit1Culturalrelics课时规范训练新人教版必修.完形填空(xx山西四校第二次联考)She was only about five feet tall and probably never weighed more than 110 pounds. However,Miss Bessie was a(n)_1_ presence in the classroom.From 1938 to 1942,when I attended Saint Bernards High School,she taught me a lot _2_ I realized.There was never a(n)_3_ problem in Miss Bessies classes. We didnt dare to trouble a woman who knew about the Battle of Hastings and could also play the piano and _4_ Shakespeare and Milton.Miss Bessie

      2、 knew that my family couldnt afford to buy a newspaper. She knew we didnt _5_ own a radio. Still,she _6_ me to look out for my _7_ and find some ways to _8_ whats going on in the world._9_ I became a delivery boy who delivered newspapers. I _10_ made a dollar a week,but I got to read a newspaper every day.Miss Bessie noticed things that had nothing to do with schoolwork but were vital to a youngsters _11_. Once a few classmates made fun of my _12_ overcoat. As I was leaving school, Miss Bessie _

      3、13_ me on the back of that old overcoat and said,“Carl, never worry about what you dont have. Just make the most of what you do havea(n) _14_.”Among the things that I didnt have was _15_ in the little wooden house. But because of her _16_,I spent many hours beside a kerosene lamp (煤油灯)reading Shakespeares works. Miss Bessie introduced me _17_ a wonderful world of poems and stories.She led me to _18_ that I could write poems as well as Shakespeare.So I read _19_ Miss Bessie told me to, and tried

      4、to remember the things she insisted that I store. Years later, her encouragement finally led to that lovely day when Miss Bessie dropped me a note _20_ “Im so proud to read your articles in The Times”【语篇导读】本文讲述了“我”上高中时,深受Bessie老师的启迪和鼓励,最终实现梦想,成为一名作家的故事。1A.amusingBtoweringCinteresting Dexciting解析:选B。然而,Bessie在教室里很高大。amusing“好笑的”;towering“高大的”;interesting“有趣的”;exciting“令人激动的,激动人心的”。根据空格前的“However”的转折可知,此处与前文中的“only about five feet tall”形成对比。故选B项。2A.more than Bless thanCbetter than Dworse than解析:选A

      5、。在1938年到1942年期间,“我”在Saint Bernard高中就读,她教会了“我”许多“我”意识不到的东西。more than“比多”,符合语境。故选A项。3A.academy BhomeworkCrace Ddiscipline解析:选D。academy“研究院”;homework“作业”;race“赛跑,种族”;discipline“纪律”。根据下文中的“We didnt dare to trouble a woman who knew about the Battle of Hastings and could also play the piano and _4_ Shakespeare and Milton.”可推知,Bessie很博学,学生们都很佩服她,她的课上从来就没有纪律的问题。故选D项。4A.make use of Bmake fun ofCmake sense of Dmake light of解析:选C。“我”们不敢找这样一位女士的麻烦,她了解黑斯廷斯战役,而且还能够弹钢琴,理解莎士比亚和弥尔顿。make use of“利用”;make fun of“取笑

      6、”;make sense of“理解”;make light of“对等闲视之,轻视”。故选C项。5A.even BstillCever Dyet解析:选A。Bessie知道“我”们家甚至连台收音机都没有。even“甚至”;still“仍然”;ever“曾经”;yet“还,然而”。根据上文中的“Miss Bessie knew that my family couldnt afford to buy a newspaper.”可知,作者家里当时很拮据,收音机对作者家来讲是奢侈品,因此此处表示递进的概念。故选A项。6A.allowed BforcedCturned Dencouraged解析:选D。她仍然鼓励“我”寻找自己的未来,找一些办法了解世界上正在发生的事情。下文中的“Years later,her encouragement finally led to that lovely day when Miss Bessie dropped me a note _20_”也是提示,老师鼓励“我”去做那些事情。故选D项。7A.happiness BfutureCfamily Dmista

      7、ke解析:选B。与下文中的“whats going on in the world”相呼应,老师鼓励“我”通过一些途径去探索自己的未来,不要被自己的家庭条件所限制。故选B项。8A.catch up with Be up withCkeep up with Dput up with解析:选C。catch up with“赶上”;e up with“想出”;keep up with“熟悉,了解”;put up with“容忍”。根据下文中的“read a newspaper”可知,通过报纸人们可以了解到世界上正在发生的事情,与时俱进,从而不落伍。故选C项。9A.So BAndCBecause DAs解析:选A。于是“我”成了一个送报纸的报童。根据语境可知,上下句表示逻辑上的因果关系,本句是结果。故选A项。 10A.always BmerelyCsometimes Dalmost解析:选B。根据空格后的“but I got to read a newspaper every day”的转折可知,当时“我”去送报的报酬很低。故选B项。merely意为“仅仅”。 11A.appearance B

      8、healthCdevelopment Dperformance解析:选C。Bessie注意到一些与课堂作业没有关系,却对年轻人的发展至关重要的事情。appearance“外貌”;health“健康”;development“发展”;performance“表现”。结合下文中的例证可知,Bessie更重视学生的内在发展。故选C项。12A.colourful BmodernCinformal Dused解析:选D。曾经有几个同学嘲笑“我”的旧外套。根据下文中的“that old overcoat”可知,此处选D项,used“旧的”。13A.patted BhitCstruck Dpulled解析:选A。当“我”要离开学校时,Bessie拍拍“我”背上的那件旧外套说:“Carl,永远不要担心你没有的东西。充分利用你所拥有的东西你的头脑。”pat“轻拍”;hit“撞击”;strike“碰撞,击打”;pull“拉,拽”。根据语境可知,老师在安慰作者。故选A项。14A.house BovercoatCradio Dbrain解析:选D。与穿着形成对比,而且是“我”所拥有的,也是老师所看重的应该是人的头脑。故选D项。15A.money BelectricityCwater Dgas解析:选B。“我”家那个小木屋里还没有电。根据下文中的“a kerosene lamp(煤油灯)”可知,此处应选B项。16A.inspiration BangerCcuriosity Dsponsorship解析:选A。但是由于她的鼓舞,“我”就在煤油灯下花几个小时读莎士比亚的作品。inspiration“鼓舞”;anger“生气”;curiosity“好奇心”;sponsorship“资助”。根据下文中的“her encouragement”可知,此处选A项。17A.to BinCof Dabout解析:选A。Bessie让“我”了解了诗歌和小说的世界。此处是固定词组搭配:introduce sb. to sth.“使某人初次了解,使尝试”。故选A项。18A.imagine BbelieveCdream Dinsist解析:选B。她让“我”相信“我”可以写得和莎士比亚一样好。故选B项。19A.whenever BwhereverCw


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