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    • 1、资产负债表 Balance Sheet项目 ITEM货币资金Cash短期投资Short term investments应收票据Notes receivable应收股利Dividend receivable应收利息 Interest receivable应收帐款Accounts receivable其他应收款 Other receivables预付帐款 Accounts prepaid期货保证金 Future guarantee应收补贴款 Allowance receivable应收出 口退税 Export drawback receivable存货 Inventories其中:原材料 Including:Raw materials产成品(库存商品)Finished goods待摊费用Prepaid and deferred expenses待处理流动资产净损失Unsettled G/L on current assets年内至U期的长期债权投资Long-term debenture investment falling due in a yaear其他流动资产Other curren

      2、t assets流动资产合计Total current assets长期投资:Long-term investment :其中:长期股权投资Including long term equity investment长期债权投资Long term securities investment* 合并价差 Incorporating price difference长期投资合计Totallong-terminvestment固定资产原价Fixedassets-cost减:累计折旧Less:Accumulated Dpreciation固定资产净值Fixedassets-netvalue减:固定资产减值准备Less:Impairment of fixed assets固定资产净额Net value of fixed assets固定资产清理Disposal of fixed assets工程物资Project material在建工程Construction in Progress待处理固定资产净损失Unsettled G/L on fixed assets固定资产合计Total tangib

      3、le assets无形资产Intangible assets其中:土地使用权Including and use rights递延资产(长期待摊费用)Deferred assets其中:固定资产修理Including:Fixed assets repair固定资产改良支出Improvement expenditure of fixed assets其他长期资产Other long term assets其中:特准储备物资Among it:Specially approved reserving materials无形及其他资产合计Total intangible assets and other assets递延税款借项Deferred assets debits资产总计 Total Assets资产负债表(续表)Balance Sheet项目 ITEM短期借款Short-term loans应付票款Notes payable应付帐款 Accounts payab1e预收帐款Advances from customers应付工资Accrued payro1l应付福利费 Welfare p

      4、ayable应付利润(股利)Profits payab1e应交税金Taxes payable其他应交款 Other payable to government其他应付款 Other creditors预提费用 Provision for expenses预计负债Accrued liabilities一年内到期的长期负债Long term liabilities due within one year其他流动负债 Other current liabilities流动负债合计 Total current liabilities长期借款 Long-term loans payable应付债券Bonds payable长期应付款 long-term accounts payable专项应付款 Special accounts payable其他长期负债Other long-termliabilities其中:特准储备资金Including:Special reserve fund长期负债合计Total long termliabilities递延税款贷项Deferred taxationcr

      5、edit负债合计 Total liabilities*少数股东权益Minority interests实收资本(股本)Subscribed Capital国家资本National capital集体资本Collective capital法人资本Legal persons capital其中:国有法人资本Including:State-owned legal persons capital集体法人资本 Collective legal persons capital个人资本Personal capital夕卜商资本Foreign businessmenscapital资本公积Capital surplus盈余公积surplus reserve其中:法定盈余公积Including:statutory surplus reserve公益金 public welfare fund1 卜充流动资本Supplermentary current capital*未确认的投资损失(以-“号填列)Unaffirmed investment loss未分配利润Retained earnings夕卜币报表

      6、折算差额 Converted difference in Foreign Currency Statements所有者权益合计Total shareholders equity负债及所有者权益总计Total Liabilities & Equity利润表 INCOME STATEMENT项目ITEMS产品销售收入 Sales of products其中:出口产品销售收入 Including : Export sales减:销售折扣与折让 Less : Sales discount and allowances产品销售净额 Net sales of products减:产品销售税金 Less: Sales tax产品销售成本Cost of sales其中:出口产品销售成本 Including : Cost of export sales产品销售毛利Gross profit on sales减:销售费用Less : Selling expenses管理费用General and administrative expenses财务费用Financial expenses其中:利息支出 (减利

      7、息收入)Including : Interest expenses (minusinterest ihcome)7匚兑损失(减7匚兑收益)Exchange losses(minus exchange gains)产品销售利润 Profit on sales力口:其他业务利润 Add : profit from other operations营业利润Operating profit力口:投资收益Add : Income on investment力口:营业外收入Add : Non-operatingincome减:营业外支出Less: Non-operatingexpenses力口:以前年度损益调整Add : adjustment of loss and gain for previous years利润总额Total profit减: 所得税 Less : Income tax净利润 Net profit现金流量表 Cash Flows StatementPrepared by: Period: Unit:ItemsI.Cash Flows from Operating Activi

      8、ties:01)Cash received from sales of goods or rendering of services02)Rental receivedValue added tax on sales received and refunds of value03)added tax paid04)Refund of other taxes and levy other than value added tax07)Other cash received relating to operating activities08)Sub-total of cash inflows09)Cash paid for goods and services10)Cash paid for operating leases11)Cash paid to and on behalf of employees12)Value added tax on purchases paid13)Income tax paid14)Taxes paid other than value added t

      9、ax and income tax17)Other cash paid relating to operating activities18)Sub-total of cash outflows 19)Net cash flows from operating activities2 .Cash Flows from Investing Activities:20)Cash received from return of investments21)Cash received from distribution of dividends or profits22)Cash received from bond interest incomeNet cash received from disposal of fixed assets,intangible23)assets and other long-term assets26)Other cash received relating to investing activities27)Sub-total of cash inflowsCash paid to acquire fixed assets,intangible assets 28)and other long-term assets29)Cash paid to acquire equity invest


    监控施工 信息化课堂中的合作学习结业作业七年级语文 发车时刻表 长途客运 入党志愿书填写模板精品 庆祝建党101周年多体裁诗歌朗诵素材汇编10篇唯一微庆祝 智能家居系统本科论文 心得感悟 雁楠中学 20230513224122 2022 公安主题党日 部编版四年级第三单元综合性学习课件 机关事务中心2022年全面依法治区工作总结及来年工作安排 入党积极分子自我推荐 世界水日ppt 关于构建更高水平的全民健身公共服务体系的意见 空气单元分析 哈里德课件 2022年乡村振兴驻村工作计划 空气教材分析 五年级下册科学教材分析 退役军人事务局季度工作总结 集装箱房合同 2021年财务报表 2022年继续教育公需课 2022年公需课 2022年日历每月一张 名词性从句在写作中的应用 局域网技术与局域网组建 施工网格 薪资体系 运维实施方案 硫酸安全技术 柔韧训练 既有居住建筑节能改造技术规程 建筑工地疫情防控 大型工程技术风险 磷酸二氢钾 2022年小学三年级语文下册教学总结例文 少儿美术-小花 2022年环保倡议书模板六篇 2022年监理辞职报告精选 2022年畅想未来记叙文精品 企业信息化建设与管理课程实验指导书范本 草房子读后感-第1篇 小数乘整数教学PPT课件人教版五年级数学上册 2022年教师个人工作计划范本-工作计划 国学小名士经典诵读电视大赛观后感诵读经典传承美德 医疗质量管理制度 2
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