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    • 1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上Crowne Plaza City Center Changsha New Staff Orientation Manual Part I长沙皇冠假日酒店新员工入职培训手册第一部分专心-专注-专业Hotel Orientation Manual 酒店入职培训手册Foreword to the Training Manager 培训经理前言The first weeks of a new staff members employment at your Hotel are the most critical in terms of setting the standards for the time they will work for you.新员工入职的第一个星期对于酒店来讲是决定员工工作标准的一个重要临界点。Correct and comprehensive orientation of each and every new member of staff is one of our key responsibilities as training pro

      2、fessionals. The presentation of a high quality programme will also present the Hotels Human Resource Department in a positive light from the start.作为专业培训员,准确和综合的新员工培训计划是你的主要工作职责。高质量的培训课程的演绎是展示酒店人力资源部形象的一个好的开始。The following manual is designed to provide you with a basis for your Hotels orientation programme and to ensure we maintain the same high standards for all orientation programmes throughout the Company. 以下手册是专门用作酒店入职培训,同时也保证高标准的其他酒店入职培训项目。Using this manual使用本手册While the basis of each modul

      3、e is included you will need to spend some time going through the manual and customising it to your own Hotel. Disks are provided to enable you to do this.本手册包含各个基础部门,所以需要花费时间全部熟悉,并根据各个酒店不同情况使用。The first section contains an overview along with a to do list which outlines what you will need to do to customise the modules before you run them.第一部分包含一份“需要做的”清单,需要在使用前根据情况因地制宜的使用。It may not be appropriate to run some modules for your Hotel. Please omit these modules according to your Hotels needs.如有不适应

      4、用的部分,可根据酒店需求忽略。Each area of this manual is important and will require constant checking and updating to maintain standards.本手册各个部分都很重要,为保重标准,需要持续的更新检查。Utilizing Alternative Tutors 使用不同的培训员Utilizing alternative tutors/trainers to deliver different modules will help maintain interest in the Orientation Programme for the delegates, you and the other trainers.使用不同的培训员来演绎不同的部分可以让课程更加有趣。Due to the nature of the Orientation Programme, it is often best to have the experts present the module relevant to

      5、their area. Orientation also provides a good opportunity for you to develop the training skills of other members of the team.根据入职培训的特性,通常应邀请专业人事进行专业部门的讲解, 入职培训同样可以给团队中其他成员演绎自己培训技能的机会For some modules, e.g. Grooming, Telephones you may wish to use an external consultant, providing they are aware of and sensitive to your Hotel culture this is a good way of increasing the variation of tutors used and easing your workload!某些部分,如,仪容仪表、电话礼仪,你可邀请一些外部顾问,这样你的培训员就会比较多样化,这样也可以适当减轻你的工作量。However there are a f

      6、ew requirements any potential tutor must meet:一些有潜力的培训员也可以参与到入职培训中来。Firstly they must hold a current Group Training, Train the Trainer Certificate or equivalent qualification首先必须为这些培训员举行相关的团队培训,培训培训员或其他相关培训。They must be available on a regular basis to fit in with your Orientation Schedule他们的工作时间必须能够和入职培训相适应。You must be confident that their training will be of the standard you require for this programme你必须对他们课程演绎的标准有信心。Suggested tutors for each module are listed in the module overview section of

      7、the modules.在以下相关部分中一些可以邀请的培训员都有相应介绍。Setting your Agenda 安排你的日程Employees will start on Orientation and it is completed within the first 30 days. Orientation will take the form of both on-job and off-job training sessions.新员工的入职培训要求在入职的30天内完成。入职培训包含脱岗和在岗培训两部分MANUAL 1手册1Off-Job orientation for ALL new starters consists of所有新入职员工的脱岗培训包含以下方面: A three-day modular programme outlined which must be completed within the first four weeks of employment. 在入职的第一个月必须完成三天的新员工入职培训。 A debrief of In-House Experie

      8、nce should take place within four weeks of its completion.在第一个月的培训完成后,需要进行相关培训报告MANUAL 2 手册2On-Job Orientation for ALL new starters consists of对于所有的新员工,在岗培训包括: Department Orientation to be completed on the first day of employment加入部门的第一天必须完成部门入职培训。 Initial Training plan to cover the first two weeks of employment入职的头两个星期必须准备和完成一份初始培训计划。 Management Orientation to be run for all Line Managers and above within the first week of employment.对于一线部门经理和以上级别人员需要在入职的第一个星期完成相关管理级入职培训。Optional Modules should

      9、 be run for specific employees as appropriate可选择的部分,可在需要的时候选用 New Starter Cross Exposure (optional)新员工交叉培训(备选) Orientation for Casual Workers should be run for all casual employees on the first day of employment.临时工在入职的第一天也需要参加入职培训 Dangerous Kitchen Machinery should be run for all employees who are in contact with kitchen machinery. This module should be run prior to use of the machinery.厨房员工需要进行厨房危险机器安全操作培训。Orientation Programme Timings 入职培训时间安排MANUAL 2手册2Off-Job orientation for ALL new starters consists of所有新入职员工的脱岗培训包含以下方面: A three-day modular programme outlined which must be completed within the first four weeks of employment. 在入职的第一个月必须完成三天的新员工入职培训。 A debrief of In-House Experience should t


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